Descrição do Produto: Terrasoul Superfoods Organic Sprouted Brown Rice Protein Powder, 1.5 Pounds
O Terrasoul Superfoods Organic Sprouted Brown Rice Protein Powder é uma fonte excepcional de proteína vegetal, ideal para aqueles que buscam uma alternativa saudável e nutritiva. Este pó de proteína é feito a partir de arroz integral germinado, um processo que não apenas aumenta a biodisponibilidade dos nutrientes, mas também melhora a digestibilidade. Com 1,5 libras de produto, cada porção oferece uma quantidade significativa de proteína, tornando-se uma escolha perfeita para veganos, vegetarianos e qualquer pessoa que deseje aumentar a ingestão de proteínas de forma natural.
O arroz integral germinado é rico em aminoácidos essenciais, o que o torna uma excelente opção para a construção muscular e recuperação pós-treino. Além disso, é livre de glúten e contém uma quantidade reduzida de carboidratos em comparação com outras fontes de proteína, o que o torna ideal para dietas de baixo carboidrato. O Terrasoul Superfoods garante que seu produto é orgânico, sem aditivos artificiais, conservantes ou ingredientes transgênicos, proporcionando uma opção limpa e saudável para o seu dia a dia.
Este pó de proteína pode ser facilmente incorporado em smoothies, shakes, bolos, panquecas e até mesmo em receitas salgadas, oferecendo versatilidade na cozinha. Com um sabor neutro, ele se mistura bem com outros ingredientes, permitindo que você crie refeições e lanches nutritivos sem comprometer o sabor.
1. Fonte Completa de Proteína: Contém todos os aminoácidos essenciais, ideal para a recuperação muscular.
2. Digestibilidade Aprimorada: O processo de germinação melhora a absorção de nutrientes e facilita a digestão.
3. Opção Vegana e Sem Glúten: Perfeito para dietas restritivas, atendendo às necessidades de veganos e celíacos.
4. Baixo em Carboidratos: Uma excelente escolha para quem segue dietas de baixo carboidrato ou cetogênicas.
5. Versatilidade Culinária: Pode ser adicionado a diversas receitas, desde smoothies até pratos salgados, sem alterar o sabor.
Para aproveitar ao máximo o Terrasoul Superfoods Organic Sprouted Brown Rice Protein Powder, recomenda-se adicionar 1 a 2 colheres de sopa (aproximadamente 15 a 30 gramas) do pó em seu smoothie ou shake favorito. Para receitas de panquecas ou bolos, substitua uma parte da farinha pela proteína em pó, garantindo um aumento na quantidade de proteína sem comprometer a textura. É importante misturar bem para garantir uma distribuição uniforme do produto. Para melhores resultados, combine com frutas, vegetais e outras fontes de proteína, como leite vegetal ou iogurte, para criar uma refeição equilibrada e nutritiva.
DeeDee G. –
I’ve been using brown rice protein powders for about 9 years. I think this Terrasoul has been the best. I have a super sense of smell and taste and am really unhappy with powders with a strong smell or taste and have sent some back because of it. Some brands are Inconsistent – good one time then not the next! This brand has been very consistent. There is no unpleasant smell and I can’t taste it in my smoothies. The price is very good and the packaging is wonderful! I do NOT like dealing with big, bulky plastic bottle/jars. Terrasoul’s packaging is easy to use and keeps the product fresh. I highly recommend this brand!
Lisa B –
I ordered this product to try it. The reviews suggested it was good quality. However, it was to be delivered on the 17th of Jan along with another item (which I have received). The product is still not here. I am quite disappointed with the shipping.
When I opened the package, I was enveloped in a cloud of powder as the bag inside had burst or was poorly sealed.
But what little I saved, it seems like a nice product. Wish it had come on time and intact.
Cecil –
This is what I add to my daily protein smoothie, 3/4 cup is about 100 grams of protein, and the taste is not too offensive and I am adding muscle. Mixes well with oat milk and blueberries and is fat free, no animal stuff, no cholesterol. Much better tasting to me than pea protein and it is organic.
Amanda Bush –
The taste is wonderfully delicate. Rice, but faintly earthy, with very slight hints of fresh green. It doesn’t have that chalky, dusty taste common to pea protein powder. Nor does it have that sour note common to soy protein isolates.
Excellent for soups, sauces, mains, baking, desserts, and especially hot coffee/tea. Makes a lovely coffee/tea creamer. (Fewer calories, more protein, richer texture than collagen creamer) I also like it in crustless quiche and homemade seitan chikn.
This was my first time buying a terrasoul product. Never heard of them. The quality is surprisingly superior to the well-known vegan brand of sprouted protein powder.
The terrasoul brand is finely milled. It’s airy. That’s significantly important to achieving a clump-free homogeneous mixture using only a spoon. Smooth, non-gritty mouth feel. No sediment layer sunk to the bottom of the cup (I’m looking directly at you, Hemp powder!)
Some people love using blenders, mixers, jackhammers, and shakers. They want a powder that demands effort. Some of us need a quiet cup of coffee that isn’t greedy for attention first thing in the morning. I’m not trying to roleplay a lumberyard sim in my own kitchen predawn.
When a company takes care with the milling process, the powder incorporates easily- no muss, no fuss, no heavy machinery. I appreciate the heck outta that.
The package is tough and ships fully sealed. No leakage issues. Sometimes those big plastic protein powder barrels get cracked in transit and explode all over. This package is a washable/reusable zip bag that is durable enough to be reincarnated as an excellent freezer bag.
ElleGeeEff –
It might not be for everyone, and it tastes a lot different from most protein powders out there, but as someone who struggles with a lot of stomach and digestion issues, this is a great product. It’s very bland, but in a good way. It doesn’t taste bad, or good. It’s just very plain. I find it to be calming and easy to digest. I mix it with almond milk and a couple frozen strawberries and love it.
ron roberts –
I like that the taste isn’t too strong, at least compared to their Pea powder. My only complaint is the press and seal closure doesn’t mate together without a lot of work. The two halves are too small small to line up and fit into each other. The powder is so fine that some will be in the track and prevent a good fit. This can’t be prevented because the closure comes sealed from the factory. Their pea powder has a larger seal that closes easily. This item has been unavailable for awhile now and I had to go with another brand when I ran out. I hope they start making it again, and with a better closure.
Richard Wolfson, PhD –
The rice protein powder tastes just like rice protein powder, which is a little chalky. So, you have to be OK with that. It assimilates well, blends well. It is an excellent protein powder. And I find it very calming. It is a great product at a great price. But if you want some added flavor, you have to put it in yourself.
AB –
I’ve tried all types of protein powder and i this one was my least favorite. It’s so powdery that it’s like dust, and the dust flies all over when scooping it. It has a bitter aftertaste. Can’t return it. Thumbs down all around.