Descrição do Produto: Nutricost Chicken Bone Broth Protein (Sabor Frango, 20 Porções)
O Nutricost Chicken Bone Broth Protein é uma proteína de alta qualidade, derivada do caldo de osso de frango, que oferece uma maneira prática e saborosa de enriquecer sua dieta. Com 20 porções por embalagem, este produto é ideal para quem busca uma fonte de proteína saudável e nutritiva. Cada porção contém uma combinação rica de colágeno, aminoácidos e nutrientes essenciais que promovem a saúde das articulações, pele e sistema digestivo. O sabor de frango é agradável e versátil, permitindo que você o adicione a sopas, molhos, smoothies ou até mesmo como um caldo reconfortante. Sem adição de açúcares, glúten ou conservantes artificiais, o Nutricost Chicken Bone Broth Protein é uma escolha limpa e saudável para quem se preocupa com a qualidade dos alimentos que consome.
1. Rico em Colágeno: Contribui para a saúde das articulações e melhora a elasticidade da pele.
2. Apoio Digestivo: Os aminoácidos presentes ajudam na saúde intestinal e na digestão.
3. Sabor Versátil: Pode ser utilizado em diversas receitas, aumentando a palatabilidade dos pratos.
4. Sem Aditivos Nocivos: Livre de glúten, açúcares e conservantes, ideal para dietas restritivas.
5. Praticidade: Fácil de preparar, perfeito para quem tem uma rotina agitada e busca uma alimentação saudável.
Para preparar uma porção de Nutricost Chicken Bone Broth Protein, adicione uma colher medida (aproximadamente 30g) do pó em 240ml de água quente ou caldo. Misture bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Você pode também incorporar o produto em receitas de sopas, molhos ou smoothies para um impulso nutricional. Recomenda-se consumir uma a duas porções por dia, conforme suas necessidades nutricionais e objetivos de saúde. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a qualidade do produto.
Bargain Shopper –
I started using this when I was very I’ll and couldn’t tolerate much. It helped get me through thanks to the high protein content. I now keep it on hand to have an easy to use, shelf stable prepper product.
Sloggy –
Comes well sealed. Powder is fine and has no real unpleasant aroma. As for taste is is left wanting. Was hoping it would be on the order of bone broth liquids or powders have tried but just wasn’t the case. It is very salty bitter taste and find my self diluting much more than what is called for. Instead of it being a nice flavor that masks others you find yourself wanting to mask this chicken bitter flavor. It is palatable if diluted enough and used in right recipes but it is not the powder to mix and drink.
MB –
Taste is flavorful and will not disappoint.
Bubbles-Desmo –
I’ve typically used and tried whey proteins as my supplement of choice, so using a bone broth based protein is something very new to me. I use chicken broth all the time for my soups and for cooking but never a flavor in this type of form factor.
This is of high quality, giving you over 20 grams of protein per serving and it’s very economical an inexpensive compared to other soures of clean protein. I have been mixing this mainly with room temperature water OR with cold water from the fridge water dispender. It mixes fairly well with a blender bottle or with a milk frother, otherwise it can clump a little bit so be careful and weary of that.
Rach –
I enjoy the flavor of this bone broth powder. To me, it has a rich chicken flavor similar to other powdered bone broths that I have bought in the grocery store.
Just like the other powders that I have tried, it will clump a bit when mixed with hot water. To get a clump free broth, I mix it with room temp water by shaking it in a jar. Then I pour it into a cup and heat. I add a bit of butter for a tasty, light meal.
Finally, I think this product saves me a little more money compared to other powders. The nutricost powder has a higher price per serving but also offers nearly 50% larger servings (based on weight). So, this product saves me a few cents per serving over the packets that I have bought.
Valued Customer –
This is a nice broth powder that can be used in a lot of applications in the kitchen. Alone it has decent enough flavor, not something I’d drink for fun but not horrible. Tastes basically like midrange ramen broth. Ingredients are reasonably not weird, although certainly not some kind of high end hippie stuff. I like this to supplement soups, stews, and sauces, where it works great. Price is quite reasonable for what you get.
Truth in buying –
Tasty, easy to mix and convenient. Use as sipping broth and protein boost to other things.
AllieB –
I bought this product with all good faith as I had used it before and the ingredients were quite simple. Now this product contains many different things that I don’t want and I don’t need and that are detrimental to my health. And there’s not a dang thing I can do about it Other than tell you do not buy this product if you were on the keygen diet because it is not keto approved. And always, always, always read the ingredient label even if it all is on your subscribe and save.