Protein Chips – Sal e Vinagre, 7 Pacotes
As Protein Chips são a opção perfeita para quem busca um lanche saboroso e saudável. Com embalagens de 1,20 oz., esses chips são fáceis de armazenar, ideais para levar a qualquer lugar e perfeitos para dietas controladas por macros. Seja você um atleta de alto desempenho, uma pessoa com estilo de vida ativo, um entusiasta do exercício físico ou alguém que está em busca de uma alimentação balanceada, esses chips são ideais para você. Além disso, tanto adultos quanto crianças vão adorar o sabor e a crocância!
Os Protein Chips são crocantes e satisfazem suas vontades de comer um lanche. Com excelente sabor e textura, eles não trazem a culpa típica de outros snacks. Possuem um final limpo e delicioso, sem nenhum sabor estranho após o consumo. O melhor de tudo é que eles têm o mesmo sabor de batatas fritas comuns.
Esses chips são alimentos de alto desempenho e funcionais. Com alto teor de proteínas (15g), baixo teor de carboidratos (3g líquidos) e alto teor de fibras (5g), eles são perfeitos para quem busca uma alimentação equilibrada e nutritiva.
Além disso, os Protein Chips são livres de açúcar e glúten. Com apenas 130 calorias por pacote, eles são uma opção saudável para qualquer momento do dia. E o melhor de tudo: são 100% fabricados nos Estados Unidos, garantindo qualidade e segurança.
Experimente também outros produtos da Wholesome Provisions, como o Protein Cereal, o Keto Sweetener, a Miracle Flour e os Muscle Tortilla Chips!
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- 1. Lanche saudável e saboroso
- 2. Ideal para dietas controladas por macros
- 3. Alto teor de proteínas (15g)
- 4. Baixo teor de carboidratos (3g líquidos)
- 5. Livre de açúcar e glúten
Os Protein Chips oferecem uma série de benefícios que podem transformar sua rotina alimentar. Primeiro, eles são uma alternativa saudável aos snacks tradicionais, permitindo que você satisfaça sua vontade de comer sem comprometer sua dieta. Segundo, com 15g de proteína por porção, eles ajudam na recuperação muscular e na saciedade, tornando-os ideais para quem pratica atividades físicas. Terceiro, o baixo teor de carboidratos líquidos (3g) os torna perfeitos para dietas cetogênicas, ajudando a manter a cetose. Quarto, a ausência de glúten e açúcar torna esses chips uma escolha segura para pessoas com restrições alimentares. Por último, a praticidade das embalagens facilita o consumo em qualquer lugar, seja no trabalho, na academia ou em casa.
Os Protein Chips são perfeitos para serem consumidos como um lanche rápido e nutritivo. Eles podem ser saboreados a qualquer momento do dia, seja como um lanche pré-treino, um acompanhamento para suas refeições principais ou até mesmo como um petisco entre as refeições. Para maximizar os benefícios, combine-os com uma fonte de gordura saudável, como guacamole ou hummus, para um lanche ainda mais equilibrado. Aproveite o sabor e a crocância desses chips deliciosos e mantenha-se em forma!
Naias –
First chip I tried I was not impressed by. I’m not sure if it was the taste or the texture anymore, but I really didn’t think I was going to like these at all. But I finished the bag, and by the end of the first bag I was in love. The biggest problem was that I ended up eating too many the first night.
The potato starch in these isn’t keto really, but the net carbs are low enough that I’ll have these when I’m craving chips from time to time anyway. I’ve been dying for salt & vinegar chips!
tracy crooks –
Wasn’t sure what to expect from these chips. Turned out to be a very good chip! Very good flavor along with texture. Will be buying more!!
The Bad Person –
I tried the barbecue-delicious. Just note the pic. Both bags are smaller and with more calories than shown in item description. Other nutritional values are different also.
6/10/24-tasted the Sea Salt Vinegar- got through 1 1/2 chips and could not eat anymore. They are like drinking a bottle of vinegar. Horrible, overwhelming.
Wendi A –
I bought these for my husband who is cutting out snacks and had been craving something salty and crispy. I found these and he tired them last week . He was really impressed that they were low carb. We got the salt and vinegar and the bbq, he said they were good tasting. He did say they satisfied the craving for a healthier snack . Although nothing really compares to a real potato chip . Bit they are a good fit for anyone looking to cut back on carbs. The only drawback is the price . You hardly get any chips in the tinest bag ever . It’s like about the size of the bags you put in a kindergartens lunch . For about $9
I probably wouldn’t order again unless I found it somewhere else at a cheaper price . Conclusion, good on taste , bad on price
ahtzmom –
I opened a pack holding my breath that they might be smashed, as so many wrote in reviews. They weren’t! I also wasn’t sure about the vinegar flavor, but they are really good. Just a little hint of vinegar. I’ve been looking for awhile for a chip that I could eat with salsa, that is low carb. These are perfect! They are thick enough to hold the salsa. They have a nice crunchy texture and the flavor is mild enough for the salsa to take center stage. They take the place of tortilla chips nicely. These are really great and I will be buying them regularly.
Makenzie Sparks –
The salt and vinegar chips are SO good! Love them as a snack! But the barbecue ones are kind of gross to me, not like typical barbecue chips you’d eat from lays or something. The flavor is just dull and not good. Sadly, I can’t just purchase the sat and vinegar ones on their own because they’re all sold out so I had to purchase from a different brand because I don’t want to spend that much money for only 3 bags of chips that I like. So I sort of recommend these?
fullpl8 –
I had such high hopes for these “chip” imposters, but they were immediately squashed with my first bite. The crunch is great, but the aftertaste is horrible! I don’t even know how to explain it, other than to say it’s an unnatural, non-food like jolt to the palate. You need to eat them with another food that has a really strong flavor to mask the taste. I could only eat a few, before giving up. I still have three bags left, and they weren’t cheap, so I will try them again (with something that has big, bold flavors), now that I know what I’m in for.
Don R Schol –
I like this protein product for its taste and nutritional qualities. Sadly, I can’t get Amazon to mail it in a box. Instead, it arrives in an envelope, and all of the chips are crushed into tiny pieces.