Descrição do Produto:
O Brasil é lar de uma das mais fascinantes e exóticas variedades de própolis: a Própolis Vermelha. O Brazil Red Bee High Concentrate Propolis (120 Cápsulas) é um suplemento premium que se destaca pela sua pureza e concentração. Este produto é elaborado a partir da resina coletada pelas abelhas de uma flora rica e diversificada, resultando em um extrato que contém até 400% mais ingredientes ativos em comparação com outras variedades de própolis. Essa alta concentração torna a Própolis Vermelha do Brasil uma escolha superior para aqueles que buscam maximizar os benefícios dos compostos bioativos presentes na própolis.
A Própolis Vermelha é reconhecida por suas propriedades antioxidantes, anti-inflamatórias e antimicrobianas, tornando-se um aliado poderoso para a saúde do sistema imunológico. Cada cápsula é formulada para garantir a absorção eficiente dos nutrientes, proporcionando uma experiência de uso prática e eficaz. Com a Própolis Vermelha, você não apenas investe em um produto de qualidade, mas também em um estilo de vida mais saudável e equilibrado.
– Aumento da Imunidade: Fortalece o sistema imunológico, ajudando a prevenir doenças e infecções.
– Propriedades Antioxidantes: Combate os radicais livres, promovendo a saúde celular e retardando o envelhecimento.
– Ação Antiinflamatória: Reduz inflamações no organismo, aliviando desconfortos e promovendo o bem-estar.
– Suporte Respiratório: Auxilia na saúde das vias respiratórias, sendo benéfico em períodos de alergias e resfriados.
– Melhora da Saúde Bucal: Contribui para a saúde da boca e gengivas, ajudando a prevenir infecções orais.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 2 cápsulas ao dia, preferencialmente antes das refeições, com um copo de água. Para melhores resultados, é aconselhável manter uma rotina regular de uso, permitindo que os compostos ativos da Própolis Vermelha atuem de forma contínua no organismo. É importante consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente para pessoas com condições de saúde preexistentes ou que estejam grávidas ou amamentando.
Isabel –
I was diagnosed with Stage 4 metastatic breast cancer to the lungs since 2018. I have refused chemotherapy for now due to personal reasons. I’ve been hospitalized twice related to severe side effects from one of my oral cancer medications and I was so weak. Simply taking a shower felt like all my energy was zapped. A nurse friend recommended that I start taking this bee propolis religiously. I’ve been taking this product for almost 4 months and now have so much energy I am able to do chores with ease including gardening and raking in my front lawn. No need to use the cane and walker anymore. The oncologist ordered various diagnostic tests 2 weeks ago to check if it metastasized to other areas and all indicated negative results. It could possibly be because of this product plus lots of prayers. Who knows? All I know is I plan on being a regular user of Brazil Red Bee Propolis long term.
soly sa –
احببت انه يحسن الهضم ويريح المعده
sw –
the description is inaccurate about it being 100% brazilian red propolis, it’s actually mixed with regular propolis
also I had an immediate allergic reaction to it, while I’m able to take most bee products without problems. maybe it has higher concentrations of something. who knows. I just can’t tolerate it. had to take benadryl. be careful starting it.
John Johnson –
My daughters mother-in-law was the first person I purchased the product for. I have written concerning her living past the time predicted by her doctor by several months. She just returned from a vacation with her husband and assisted me in caring for my daughter and her son, both have had severe pain. She is taking the Red Bee Honey for lung cancer which had been dormant for several years that became active again almost 2 years ago. When it re-activated she decided against taking Chemo or radiation treatment as she was up in age and was prepared for death. At one time I failed to get the honey for her for a few months and she did not tell me she was out. She is back on it (awhile before the vacation) and she looks very good and feels good. Her husband told their son that he believed she was cured and I am of the same opinion. I have just started two more ladies on Red Bee Honey, they also have lung cancer. However, we all pray daily that the cancer will be cured. I am now convinced that prayer and Red Bee Honey does cure cancer. I still believe 100% in this product and have added 2 more users.
One of the persons using this product has lung cancer that is slow acting and she should live at least 20 years. She is 89 so they said there was no use to go through treatments. However, fluid would build up in her lungs so they inserted a tube. They were draining around 200 cc’s once a day. I gave her a bottle of the product to start and she has purchased 2 since. About 2 1/2 weeks ago they drained 200 cc’s They waited about 4 days and drained her lugs again and did not get enough in the bottle to register. Her son has drained her lungs twice since then and got the same results, only a tiny bit of fluid. Since they are not treating the problem with any medication I can only conclude that the red bee honey is working for her. The Doctor was going to remove the tube when the virus struck. There is no more drainage. The lady that was supposed to die within 9 months three years ago is still living and the last I heard the cancer has stopped growing. She still smokes.
Tomboysuze –
I take a lot of supplements from time to time and I’m always skeptical – and if there are no results, I’m honest about it. SO…..I started taking this for a dental issue – which is has helped! However, the most stunning improvement I’ve had is that is is relieving the pain in both hands due to a severe neuropathy. The neuropathy was so bad that is caused something called “thenar wasting”. That is when the fatty part of your hand starts to wither. My hands are always, always painful and arthritic. Not a good thing for a musician. However, when I started taking this, I noticed my hands were much, much better. They didn’t hurt all the time, or tingle. Nerve pain is one of the worst. When I began taking it, the pain became much less – if I forgot to take it – it came back. Now after nine months of taking it, it appears to be healing my hands. Even when I forget to take it, which is not often, my hands don’t hurt!
ALSO – I have two facet joints in my low back that were damaged in a car accident. They always hurt – period. DMSO and Penetrex (which are great and you can buy on Amazon) help a lot, but since I’ve been taking Brazilian Red Bee Pollen, my back doesn’t hurt. It just doesn’t. I’m very active, ride my horse every day and work out…this keeps my aches and pains to a bare minimum.
Lastly, two months ago I was diagnosed with a small breast tumor. I believe that taking this MAY HAVE stopped this tumor from reaching my lymph nodes. It was an aggressive tumor, but remained small and there was ZERO lymph node involvement found in the pathology after surgery. I’ll keep taking it and remaining active and eating a plant based diet and also doing the standard therapy for cancer….I’m betting this will help. I’ll update as things progress.
Amazon Customer –
I am using this for immune health. Great product.
Tchotchkes –
For 9 straight months I had daily continuous cold sore outbreaks. I tried the popular prescription. It worked for a very short time, but became completely ineffective with very unpleasant side effects. I was so frustrated and depressed. I really thought I was doomed with this very distressing problem for life. I purchased this product about a month ago and took it daily. It’s been 7 days without any cold sores. This is the longest break I’ve had since this all began and I am so grateful! It took a few weeks to work, but you will not regret it.
Update: Almost 6 moths with NO OUTBREAKS!!! And after exposure to multiple rounds of colds, strep and other contagious bugs (I work with preschoolers), I was the only adult who was not affected. This is amazing!
h_u –
Isso é o que eu precisava para a minha saúde e funcionou dentro de 1 mês de uso. Estou muito feliz por tê-lo comprado e vou comprar novamente. Obrigado.
Jim B –
It’s working well