Descrição do Produto: Ready to Drink Blue Raspberry 12×16.9oz
O Ready to Drink Blue Raspberry é a bebida perfeita para quem busca refrescância e sabor em qualquer momento do dia. Apresentado em uma embalagem prática de 12 garrafas de 16,9 oz, este produto combina a deliciosa essência da framboesa azul com uma fórmula equilibrada, ideal para hidratação e energia. Com um perfil de sabor vibrante e irresistível, é a escolha ideal para atividades ao ar livre, treinos intensos ou simplesmente para se refrescar em dias quentes. A bebida é isenta de conservantes artificiais e adoçantes, garantindo uma experiência saudável e saborosa. Além disso, sua embalagem é leve e fácil de transportar, tornando-a uma excelente opção para levar na bolsa, mochila ou cooler.
1. Hidratação Eficiente: A fórmula é projetada para repor líquidos de forma rápida e eficaz, ideal para quem pratica esportes ou atividades físicas.
2. Sabor Irresistível: O sabor de framboesa azul é único e agradável, tornando a hidratação uma experiência prazerosa.
3. Praticidade: Com 12 garrafas de 16,9 oz, é fácil de levar para qualquer lugar, seja no trabalho, na academia ou em passeios.
4. Sem Conservantes Artificiais: A bebida é livre de aditivos químicos, proporcionando uma opção mais saudável para o dia a dia.
5. Versatilidade de Uso: Pode ser consumida a qualquer hora, seja como um refresco, acompanhamento de refeições ou durante atividades físicas.
Para melhor aproveitamento do Ready to Drink Blue Raspberry, recomenda-se consumi-lo gelado. Agite a garrafa antes de abrir para garantir que o sabor esteja bem distribuído. Ideal para ser ingerido durante ou após atividades físicas, a bebida pode ser utilizada como uma alternativa saborosa à água, ajudando na recuperação e na reposição de eletrólitos. Armazene em local fresco e seco, e consuma dentro do prazo de validade indicado na embalagem para garantir a melhor experiência de sabor e qualidade.
Bubbles-Desmo –
Very nice flavor and it is sweetened with stevia so it is perfect for avoiding sugar while also avoiding bad artificial sweeteners. Big fan of this product for sure!
Alex C. King –
I’ve tried a few of these flavors of the CWENCH hydration drinks and while I think they all are good drinks. This one is my least favorite. It all comes down to the taste. The Blue Raspberry is kind of meh tasting. I mean I get the notion that it is Blue Raspberry flavored just a bit but what I get the most is a really strong artificial aftertaste. That taste ends up ruining it. Will I drink them all? yeah. I don’t like to waste things. Will I buy this flavor ever again? No.
Outside of my flavor issue this holds all the same likes as the other flavors do. I really like the box drink option. It’s lighter than glass, better than plastic, and stacks well in my fridge. It’s also comfortable in the hand. The price is reasonable for a premade drink that you can just grab and drink. Hydration wise is solid with no weirdness and I feel hydrated having drank it vs some others I’ve tried in the past.
So overall I like them, they are handy to have on hand, but I’d suggest the other flavors.
PJ reviews –
This flavor tastes almost exactly like a blue raspberry sucker, but I wasn’t expecting it to be so sweet. I was glad that it didn’t have a strong salty flavor like most hydrating drinks that I have tried before, but I wasn’t a big fan of the flavor. The bottle that it comes in is really cool, and it makes it easy to grab and go.
Ashlyn Andreasen –
I’ve used devices like these before as trigger locks. it’s easy peace of mind in addition to when you have a safe etc. It’s super easy to use and works well with the firearms I have, it works with all of them, and it comes with a rubber piece to prevent scratching.
I find the setting of the code to be super easy with a paper clip.
Note that this isn’t 100% foolproof, but it’s definetly quick prevention from allowing someone to use something you don’t want them to.
August Moon –
I am not a fan of blue raspberry flavor, but my son is, so I ordered these for him. He says that the taste is kind of overwhelming at first, but then it grows on you and tastes good. He spends a lot of time outdoors in the heat, and he says that these keep him hydrated. The ingredients are on par with other electrolyte drinks, and the calories are very low, which is a plus. I also appreciate that it’s packaged in cardboard rather than plastic! I took off one star only because the flavor is apparently questionable at first, so it may not be everybody’s cup of tea, but overall, this appears to be a good product.
August Moon –
I work outside so in the summertime it’s very important to stay hydrated. I usually bring several water bottles with me to work but I wanted to try something with electrolytes so when I saw this product I decided to give it a try. I normally don’t like sports drinks because they are always so sweet and sugary and never leave me feeling hydrated but this sports drink is like nothing I’ve ever tried before. First off it tastes great. There’s no sugar in it which I love and even though it’s blue raspberry flavor the drink itself is crystal clear and looks just like water which is nice because it doesn’t have any weird dye in it. I’ve never tried a sports drink that leaves me feeling so hydrated like this. I got a 12 pack of them and went through them in a week because I like them so much. They are reasonably priced and because they work so well and taste great I’ll definitely be ordering more of these soon! I’d definitely recommend them to anyone looking to try a healthier sports drink that keeps you well hydrated!
AnnaBanana –
For a low calorie sports drink (10 per bottle), these taste great.
There’s none of the thin flavor or watered down nature you might expect based on other low calorie options you may have tried.
Excellent option for rehydration for anyone who doesn’t want to undo a workout with a bunch of sugar.
A. Alonso –
These taste very sweet but the flavor grows on you as you drink. This is very convenient and the price reflects that. The bottle is waxy cardboard and fits in hand nicely. It does not have an excessive amount of sodium which is nice. Low calorie is also a plus!