A garrafa shaker PROMiXX Pro é a solução definitiva para quem busca a perfeição em shakes de proteína e suplementos. Com um design elegante na cor cinza grafite, esta garrafa não é apenas um acessório, mas uma verdadeira revolução na forma como você se hidrata e nutre seu corpo. Equipado com a tecnologia patenteada X-Blade, o mixer de desempenho cria um vórtice poderoso que garante shakes super suaves, sem grumos e com um sabor inigualável. A ordem de preparo é simples: primeiro, adicione água; em seguida, acrescente a proteína. O resultado? Uma mistura homogênea que transforma sua rotina de nutrição.
A garrafa é feita de materiais duráveis e livres de BPA e DEHP, garantindo que você possa usá-la sem preocupações. Além disso, sua limpeza é extremamente fácil: basta adicionar água morna e detergente, ligar o dispositivo e deixar que a PROMiXX faça o trabalho por você. Isso significa mais tempo para se concentrar no que realmente importa: seus treinos e sua saúde.
Outro destaque é o NUTRiPOD integrado, que permite armazenar suplementos de forma segura enquanto você está em movimento. Com capacidade para 4,5 oz (130 mg), o NUTRiPOD possui uma tampa de fluxo que permite que você use a garrafa como um recipiente de água, mantendo seus suplementos secos e prontos para uso. A bateria recarregável de longa duração garante que você não fique na mão durante os treinos, e o processo de recarga é simples: basta remover a base, conectar o cabo USB fornecido e aguardar o indicador ficar verde.
A PROMiXX Pro não é apenas um produto; é um presente perfeito para quem valoriza a saúde e o bem-estar. Com mais de dez anos de evolução e paixão por trás de seu design, esta garrafa é recomendada e testada por atletas em todo o mundo. Além disso, conta com uma garantia de um ano e um serviço ao cliente de primeira linha.
– Mistura Perfeita: A tecnologia X-Blade elimina grumos, proporcionando shakes com textura suave e sabor superior.
– Fácil Limpeza: O sistema de autolimpeza economiza tempo e esforço, permitindo que você mantenha sua garrafa sempre higienizada.
– Armazenamento Seguro: O NUTRiPOD integrado garante que seus suplementos estejam sempre à mão e protegidos da umidade.
– Bateria Duradoura: A bateria recarregável oferece autonomia para múltiplos treinos, evitando interrupções na sua rotina.
– Design Atraente: Com um visual moderno e funcional, a PROMiXX Pro é um acessório que combina estilo e praticidade.
Para obter o máximo da sua PROMiXX Pro, comece adicionando a quantidade desejada de água na garrafa. Em seguida, acrescente a proteína ou suplemento de sua escolha. Feche bem a tampa e pressione o botão de ligar. O mixer começará a funcionar, criando um vórtice que mistura os ingredientes de forma eficiente. Após alguns segundos, você terá um shake perfeitamente homogêneo. Para limpeza, adicione água morna e detergente, ligue novamente e deixe a garrafa se auto-limpar. É simples, rápido e eficaz!
ginette –
Pour cadeau de Noël à mon fils en espérant qu’elle va fonctionner bien et longtemps.
J’ai mis 5 étoiles ses un beau verre à suivre si elle fonctionne bien on va voir après Noël
Thisblackguy –
As the title say I’ve had 7 of these mixers in 3 years most of them replacements. The warranty is only a year so after that I just buy another. They’re great when they work, but the design limits it’s usage. Each unit has a short finite amount of use. The problem is the mixer connection on the bottom of the bottle. It’s not a perfect seal and over time it seeps. It doesn’t seep much, but enough to decrease how will the “blade” free spins. You may not notice it to the touch, but you can hear it when the motor turns on (it’s slightly slower). Eventually the vortex effect is lessened, and beyond that it becomes just a slow spinner. Once the vortex effect is gone it becomes virtually ineffective at mixing. The high speed vortex is what makes it effective. With this extra strain from the bottle, the motor starts to wear prematurely and you’ll find it no longer can go days without charges and instead you must charge every other day, and eventually after every use.
The good news is that you can prolong it’s use if the vortex is just starting to slow. (Incipient failure) At that point, you can put a few drops of a silicone lube on the underside of the bottle’s mixer connection. Only 1-3 drops is needed. You’ll notice it roars back to life. You can get a full vortex effect again, and you suddenly can get multiple mixes from a single charge again. But ultimately it’s short lived.
It’s a nice bottle. I use mine several times a day from everything from protein shakes to powdered tea. But due to the design consider it a 6-month investment. Keep your reciept handy and be prepared to file a warranty claim. Nice thing is they’re quick to send a new unit.
Unfortunately it’s just not designed to be used long term. Figure at 3/day and 6 month of usage it probably averages 550 uses before it encounters problems. If you use it once a day, then it may last a year for you. More often than that, and you’ll be in a similar situation as me. But it is a good (albeit limited) product, so I’ll continue buying them.
pwhoel –
I wasn’t sure about spending $30 on a shaker but I use mine between 4-6 times a day. That is a lot of shaking and cleaning of components. This cup is easy to clean and is basically just like a regular cup with lid when it comes to cleaning it. The holder for your protein or pre/post is nice and makes life easy if your on the go. the cup is pretty cool looking as well and feel durable. you can tell its going to hold up and not fall apart on you. I like it as well because it mixes things a lot better and thus you don’t get any of the build up at the bottom from everything not completely mixing. Also ensures protein is mixed very good and makes it smoother.
I read a few reviews about the mixer being plastic and if it would hold up of not. First, yes it is plastic but there is nothing wrong with that. Shouldn’t be a issue unless your jamming a cleaning tool inside of it when you wash it. Then it might break at some point.
Now for one of the biggest questions I saw- Can you mix ice in it? The answer to that is yes but I wouldn’t try it with thicker ice. I have a ice machine that makes ice like the sonic ice. After I mix the drink I add a scoop or 2 of that ice and then lightly push the button and it mixes it at about 50% power. Works great and i have no worries about it breaking the mixer. That type of ice breaks up easy versus the solid made ice that probably could damage the mixer.
Overall its a great mixer and worth the money. You will get some comments about being lazy and if you don’t use a shaker multiple times a day then it probably is lazy but who cares if you like it.
I am very happy with my purchase It works well The manufacturing materials are very good The protein powder dissolves quickly and is better.
Nicolas G. Ramirez –
Simplemente excelente!
He usado esta marca desde hace 10 años, y puedo constatar qué sus productos son excelentes. Compre este modelo nuevo para renovar el último que compré hace 5 años. ¡No deja de funcionar!
Terry turner –
I have had my Promixx Pro Shaker Bottle (blue) for a couple of years now and I love it. I use it occasionally when going to the gym but not every time. I do not use it daily, but mine still has a lot of power and no problem mixing powder with water for me. It is so easy to clean, a little dab if dish soap with water and turn on mixer, rinse and dry.
The only reason I left off 1 star is I have had an issue (after 6 months) with the charging port or charging cable (not sure which) where after plugging in the cable (micro usb), the red charging light does not come on. I have to bend the plug/wire down slightly and the light comes on and charges until green. I lay a heavy object on the plug/wire to keep the light on and in charge mode. I recharge mine after each use.
S –
Très bien, je recommande.
Moteur puissant.
Jim Z. –
Before buying this one, I tried a cheaper version from another company. If you are looking for something like this then this is the way to go. Plenty of power, the charge lasts a long time, and there are extra clever features you don’t see on the cheaper mixers.
Katherine –
I bought one of these because I drink a couple of protein and meal replacement shakes per day. Obviously, you can just use a shaker bottle, but I found that one of my favorite protein powders was still clumpy unless I used my countertop blender. So, I decided to try this electric shaker bottle in the hopes that it would be good for drinking on the go.
It works perfectly as designed! Blends the powders uniformly, so I don’t get any clumps. The motor is very tiny so is barely noticeable if you’re carrying it around, too. It charges via USB-C, so I can just use the MacBook laptop charger I already keep at my desk.
My only “complaint” if you could call it one is that the little container it comes with to carry your powder is not very practical. I would have preferred it if they’d made a separate container that stacks onto the bottom of the motor unit.
Blümchen –
Benutze den Mixer für meine Proteinshakes und sie werden dadurch super schaumig und fluffig.
Kleine Probleme am Anfang hat der Hersteller schnell und kulant geklärt.
Absolut dicht und ich kann auch nach 3 Monaten Benutzung nicht nachvollziehen was es für negative Rezessionen gibt.
Klare Empfehlung !