ProMix Nutrition Raw Greens Superfood Blend – Alfalfa Germinada, Grama de Trigo e Ashwagandha
Descubra o poder da natureza com o ProMix Nutrition Raw Greens Superfood Blend, uma mistura cuidadosamente elaborada que combina a riqueza de vegetais germinados, como a alfalfa e a grama de trigo, com os benefícios adaptogênicos da ashwagandha. Este superalimento é uma verdadeira explosão de nutrientes, projetado para aqueles que buscam otimizar sua saúde e desempenho. Cada ingrediente é selecionado a dedo, garantindo que você receba o máximo de benefícios em cada porção.
- Hand Picked Greens: Feito com vegetais germinados cultivados organicamente na América do Norte, selecionados por sua densidade nutricional, biodisponibilidade e digestibilidade. Isso significa que você está consumindo uma mistura que não só é rica em nutrientes, mas também fácil de absorver pelo seu corpo.
- No Artificial Anything: A ProMix é uma empresa de nutrição baseada em ciência, que produz produtos de acordo com os padrões especificados por atletas profissionais em relação ao desempenho, qualidade dos ingredientes e segurança. Nossos suplementos e lanches são extremamente limpos, destinados a pessoas que desejam se sentir e performar da melhor maneira possível.
1. Aumento da Energia: A combinação de vegetais germinados e ashwagandha proporciona um impulso natural de energia, ajudando a combater a fadiga e a manter a vitalidade ao longo do dia.
2. Suporte ao Sistema Imunológico: Os nutrientes presentes na mistura fortalecem o sistema imunológico, tornando-o mais resistente a doenças e infecções.
3. Melhora na Digestão: A alta digestibilidade dos ingredientes promove uma saúde digestiva ideal, facilitando a absorção de nutrientes essenciais.
4. Equilíbrio Hormonal: A ashwagandha é conhecida por suas propriedades adaptogênicas, ajudando a equilibrar os hormônios e a reduzir o estresse.
5. Facilidade de Uso: A mistura pode ser facilmente incorporada em smoothies, sucos ou até mesmo em receitas, tornando a adoção de hábitos saudáveis prática e saborosa.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do ProMix Nutrition Raw Greens Superfood Blend, recomenda-se adicionar uma colher de sopa (aproximadamente 10g) da mistura em seu smoothie, suco ou iogurte. Para uma absorção ideal, consuma pela manhã ou antes de atividades físicas. A mistura é versátil e pode ser incorporada em diversas receitas, como panquecas ou barras de proteína caseiras. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar sua qualidade e frescor.
Katie –
This Raw Greens Superfood Blend powder from Promix Nutrition arrived as shown in the listing here. The bag is very simple on the front, however the rear of the bag has plenty of information which is something I like to see. The ingredients list is laid out well, and there is a mention that 94% of the ingredients in this Greens drink mix powder are sourced from North America. That explained to me a bit more why this is presented as a premium product.
The serving suggestion is 1 scoop (6.54g) mixed with 12-20fl oz of water. I decided to mix with 12fl oz of water the first time I tried this drink mix powder to I filled a shaker-cup with 12fl oz of water, placed it on a scale, and scooped in 6.5g of the greens powder. In a shaker cup, this stuff mixed just fine. The taste was slightly sweet, and slightly, “Greeny”. The drink mix powder mixes smooth, not very gritty. There is a scoop enclosed in the jar, however I prefer to weigh powders since it’s more accurate. Each serving is 20 calories. The powder itself is very fine and scoops easy. The foil bag reseals easy. The only thing missing on the rear of the bag is a storage recommendation, but I’ll just treat it as I do my other Greens powders once I open the container and store it in the refrigerator.
Chris P –
I’ve tried all the competitors and this is by far the cleanest and best tasting product! Definitely worth the money.
Richard R –
This greens mix is PACKED with good, plant sourced ingredients. I have sampled several brands of green drinks and this flavor is okay, Bloom seems to have the best flavor IMO, but this is definitely not horrible like some of them. It is a little grainy, but I feel like that is expected when so many quality ingredients are packed into a single scoop.
I have been battling a virus since starting this product so unfortunately I am not sure if this is having an impact on my physical health, but I do feel some mental clarity and better focus.
Someone –
Super easy to add loads of good stuff to your drinks!
Sam –
Ingredients Galore: First off, it’s like a plant party in there. Loaded with organic goodness, and that’s a plus in my book. Yeah, it’s a bit grainy, but when you’re cramming that many quality ingredients into one scoop, it’s kind of expected.
The Flavor Verdict: Look, Bloom might be the flavor champion, but this one isn’t on the nasty list. Decent taste, and considering the wealth of green stuff inside, I can cut it some slack. It’s not a culinary masterpiece, but it’s no horror story either.
Feeling the Vibes: Now, I’ve been wrestling with a virus while sipping on this, so I can’t be the judge of its full physical impact. But mentally? Clearer focus is a win in my book. Not bad for a daily drink.
Morning Boost Dilemma: The Dude pointed out some valid concerns. Caffeine content in the dark? A bit frustrating. And the organic claims? It’s a bit of a head-scratcher, especially at the price point. For almost seventy-one bucks, transparency is key.
Chicory Root Saga: Greystoke had a chicory root episode, and fair enough. It’s an acquired taste, and too much can lead you sprinting to “The Facilities.” But hey, half a scoop worked for them, so crisis averted.
Amazon Customer –
I’ve tried a ton of greens supplements but just can’t get in the routine whether the after taste or the actual taste. The promix greens is the only one that I’ve actually looked forward to having in the morning. Also helps I know what all the ingredients are. Highly recommend.
Richard R –
I am happy I found this little gem. I am not a big fan of most super green food supplements for the mere fact when you add them to liquids, they make the drink feel like it is loaded with sand. This, however, has less of a gritty feel and mixes easily. So far, I am enjoying the mix.
Chris P –
I’ve been taking Promix Raw Greens for a week now and love the new addition to my morning routine. The product feels very clean. It’s not overly sweet like some greens products. You can tell it is made with very high quality ingredients.