Descrição do Produto: PROGENA – Allergena Zone 2 (2 FL Ounce)
O PROGENA – Allergena Zone 2 é um suplemento inovador desenvolvido para proporcionar alívio eficaz dos sintomas alérgicos, especialmente aqueles causados por polens de árvores, ervas daninhas e gramíneas. Com uma fórmula adaptada regionalmente, este produto reconhece que as árvores do Sudoeste diferem das do Leste dos Estados Unidos, e, portanto, categoriza as plantas nativas em nove zonas distintas. Essa abordagem permite que o corpo se acostume com os polens específicos que causam desconforto, promovendo uma resposta imunológica mais equilibrada.
A composição do Allergena é cuidadosamente elaborada com ingredientes herbais que auxiliam na eliminação de partículas estranhas que se acumulam no organismo. O uso regular deste produto é essencial para apoiar as defesas naturais do corpo, ajudando a reduzir sintomas como coriza, espirros, congestão, pressão sinusal e olhos lacrimejantes e coceira. Com até 43 extratos de árvores, ervas daninhas e gramíneas, o Allergena oferece uma solução abrangente para quem sofre com alergias sazonais.
A dosagem recomendada para adultos é de 10 a 15 gotas sob a língua, três vezes ao dia. Para crianças de 2 a 12 anos, a dosagem é de 6 a 10 gotas, também sob a língua, três vezes ao dia, antes ou após as refeições. É importante permitir que as gotas sejam absorvidas oralmente antes de engolir. Em casos de reações alérgicas intensas, recomenda-se a ingestão de 5 a 8 gotas por hora, além das três doses diárias. O produto é livre de organismos geneticamente modificados (OGMs) e glúten, tornando-o uma escolha segura e saudável.
– Alívio Eficaz: Reduz sintomas alérgicos como coriza, espirros e congestão nasal.
– Fórmula Adaptada: Desenvolvido para atender às necessidades específicas de diferentes regiões, proporcionando um alívio mais direcionado.
– Ingredientes Naturais: Contém extratos herbais que promovem a drenagem e a remoção de irritantes do organismo.
– Suporte Imunológico: Inclui Echinacea, que fortalece as defesas naturais do corpo contra alérgenos.
– Uso Prático: Fácil administração com gotas sob a língua, ideal para adultos e crianças.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o PROGENA – Allergena Zone 2, recomenda-se que adultos tomem de 10 a 15 gotas sob a língua, três vezes ao dia. Para crianças entre 2 e 12 anos, a dosagem deve ser de 6 a 10 gotas, também sob a língua, três vezes ao dia, preferencialmente antes ou após as refeições. É crucial permitir que as gotas sejam absorvidas completamente na boca antes de engolir, garantindo uma melhor eficácia do produto. Em situações de reações alérgicas intensas, aumente a frequência para 5 a 8 gotas por hora, além das doses regulares.
leslie C. –
So I bought these about 4 months ago, at first I must’ve given too much to my 10 lb dog (6 drops 3xs a day) and he was worse. So I stopped for about 2 months, out of desperation for my poor pooch I tried again this time 2 drops 3xs a day and after about a week there was noticeable improvement. His ears and eyes are no longer red all the time and he only sneezes once in a while. He still itches like mad once or twice a day but I would say there’s a 70% improvement. I no longer need to give him benadryl every day- which is a huge thing. So yes, definitely worth a try.
K A –
We discovered these wonderful allergy drops with our move to Central Texas. If you use these as recommended, allergies will be managed well especially during Texas Cedar season. We highly recommend this product so much that when we took our 30 day vacation last year, we purchased the different zone drops for each area. It’s no fun having allergies while trying to enjoy the beautiful outdoors. I bought the smaller bottles for those areas and I am glad I did.
And my niece experienced a sudden allergy attack while trimming bushes in Alabama. I had bought some of these drops for that area for my mom. She was present when my niece had the allergy attack. She gave her the drops and the allergy attack subsided very quickly. We highly recommend this product! And twice a year, Allergena will put these on sale. July and November.
Katzilla –
This stuff is incredible. Doesn’t taste great, but it really helps.
Ann Ramage –
I have used this product for 20 years when I lived in Texas (Zone 5) and it got me off all asthma medication that was due to environmental allergies. After paying $630 a month on all kinds of medication for my asthmas and breathing and only getting worse and more meds prescribed, I discovered this in a Health and Wellness store in TX and have adapted it and over time I am off all prescribed medication and I do not have asthma! I do have seasonal allergies and now that I am in TN I am on Zone 2. Yes, it does not work over night, it does have to build up in your system and then you can back off on the dosage and you will only need it during flare ups and you can decrease your intake. No it does not taste like candy, it taste totally not like candy, but it is not to taste good, it is to get the allergies under control and that it does.
Lee –
I am writing this because it might help someone who, like me, has had to deal with allergies for years. My wife introduced me to the “sublingual” allergy drop idea about eight years ago because the allergy pills made me drowsy or lacking energy. I also didn’t like waiting for the shots and going to the doctor’s office every two weeks. I went to an allergist who handled sublingual and got a prescription for drops which cost me about $50/month because the treatment wasn’t covered by insurance. The treatment worked, however! After about 5+ years of this, I started looking for alternatives because of the cost and because I had to drive several hours to the doctor for renewal checkups. These Allergena drops work very well — even if you get off of them for several months and get back on a little prior to allergy season. This Spring (very bad year for allergies), I only took a Cetirizine once or twice — despite taking one almost every day last Spring when I quit using the drops (I don’t know why???). Try this. There is very little too lose. The results are evident after a week.
Wayne –
I have been on allergy meds for years and taken 2 rounds of allergy shots over my lifetime. I was again starting to accumulate multiple medications/ nasal sprays and looking for an alternative. For me this Zone 2 tincture works, but it takes time and I had to be consistent. I tried twice a day and continued my meds through the first bottle (mostly because three times a day is hard for me to remember). I saw a little difference and was in encouraged. Bottle two -made myself do 3 per day and started dropping off meds slowly. A couple weeks later and Currently taking nothing else for allergies but zone 2, except occasional Pataday eye drops, in the middle of Tennessee spring time. This has held for 2-3 weeks. I am not symptom free, but it is very manageable. Not magic, but glad to get a break from the antihistamines and steroid sprays.
Retired Inspired –
No prescription or otc has worked as well as this!!!
Ryan –
Works great! Recommended.