Descrição do Produto: Probióticos para Mulheres
Os Probióticos para Mulheres são uma fórmula poderosa e inovadora, projetada especificamente para atender às necessidades únicas do corpo feminino. Com uma combinação impressionante de 34 cepas de probióticos, totalizando 100 bilhões de CFUs por porção, esta fórmula, desenvolvida por médicos, é um suporte essencial para a saúde digestiva e imunológica. A diversidade das cepas garante que o organismo receba uma ampla gama de benefícios, promovendo um equilíbrio saudável da microbiota intestinal.
Além disso, a mistura de fibras prebióticas, composta por frutas e vegetais orgânicos, fornece a nutrição necessária para as cepas probióticas, incentivando o crescimento de bactérias benéficas no intestino. Essa sinergia entre probióticos e prebióticos é fundamental para otimizar a saúde intestinal e garantir que o corpo funcione em seu melhor estado.
A inclusão de um complexo de enzimas digestivas, com nove tipos diferentes, auxilia na quebra e absorção de nutrientes dos alimentos, promovendo uma digestão ideal. Isso é especialmente importante para mulheres que buscam não apenas manter uma dieta equilibrada, mas também maximizar a absorção dos nutrientes essenciais.
Os Probióticos para Mulheres também oferecem alívio ocasional de desconfortos digestivos, como constipação, diarreia, gases e inchaço, ao promover um microbioma intestinal equilibrado. Essa característica torna o produto uma escolha ideal para quem enfrenta desafios digestivos em seu dia a dia.
Por fim, embora sejam formulados com foco nas necessidades femininas, esses probióticos são adequados para todos os adultos que desejam aumentar a ingestão de probióticos e manter a saúde digestiva e do sistema imunológico de dentro para fora.
– Apoio Digestivo Completo: Melhora a digestão e a absorção de nutrientes, reduzindo desconfortos como gases e inchaço.
– Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: Contribui para a saúde do sistema imunológico, ajudando a proteger o corpo contra infecções.
– Equilíbrio da Microbiota Intestinal: Promove um ambiente intestinal saudável, essencial para o bem-estar geral.
– Fibras Prebióticas Naturais: Aumenta a eficácia dos probióticos, garantindo que as bactérias benéficas prosperem.
– Fórmula Segura e Eficaz: Desenvolvida por médicos, é uma opção confiável para quem busca melhorar a saúde digestiva.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se tomar uma cápsula dos Probióticos para Mulheres diariamente, preferencialmente com um copo de água, antes de uma refeição. Isso maximiza a eficácia da fórmula, permitindo que os probióticos e as enzimas digestivas atuem de forma otimizada no organismo. É importante manter uma rotina consistente para garantir a manutenção da saúde intestinal e do sistema imunológico.
Picky Viki –
This supplement has a long list of probiotics and also includes prebiotics and digestive enzymes as well as claiming to have an acid-resistant capsule for targeted delivery to the intestine. It’s a pretty impressive combo and I can’t figure out why the ingredients list/nutrition label isn’t given anywhere in the description page as it’s a huge positive selling point. I’ve attached a picture of the label so you can see for yourself.
Born to Shop –
1) Bottle is a 2 month supply (60 capsules, 1 capsule per day serving size).
2) 34 strains and 100 CFUs – good variety of strains, and they’re pre- and pro-biotics.
2) Would have liked for the product page on Amazon to have more views of the ingredients/strains so that I could get a better idea of the strains contained within the capsules before purchasing. Every single picture of the product bottle on the Amazon page is from the same angle… so you don’t get any detailed information until you receive the product.
3) Product page says it’s manufactured in USA, but bottle says it’s simply packaged in the USA… so feeling a little sketchy about manufacturing origin.
S. A. M. –
Aiding in digestion, bacterial balance in your stomach, and keeping you regular are some of the ways these probiotics are described. I’m not a big eater, and I don’t get a lot of exercise because of spinal stenosis, so my digestion has more trouble because I’m more sedentary, and don’t eat a balanced diet. Some days all I eat are pistachios and nutritional suppliments, other days just meat, as I’m on a high protien, low carbohydrate diet. I find that probiotics help keep my digestive system running better.
These are easy to take, no taste or smell. Itake them when I first get up, mainly because I had a lot more suppliments already in my “take with food” container. There really wasn’t a certain time to take them specified. They seem to be working ok.
Snoozer –
Been taking this after needing a probriotic for my stomach. This has done nothing to improve my gut health. Very disappoibting and overly priced.
Custy –
I’m usually more careful before ordering food or supplements, but in this case, I didn’t do due diligence before I clicked to buy, and I’m unsure that I want to take these capsules. In this case: The product page on Amazon says “Country of Origin: USA.” A graphic on the page says “Proudly USA Made.” But, nothing on the bottle says where the product is made, just that it’s “distributed by Nutribliss Inc. Miami Beach FL”.
The bottle did not come in a box, and neither the label nor the bottle indicates where it’s manufactured, so I looked up the company. They have three domains, all with very simplistic websites, with product pages all leading to Amazon. The websites do not indicate where either of their products are made.
Maybe there’s nothing nefarious, but come on, just be honest. At this point, I’m not sure I can trust the product. I certainly don’t trust the distributor. So, I’m not currently planning to ingest these capsules.
S. A. M. –
These seem to contain a good blend of probitics and prebiotics at a reasonable price. They are easy for me to swallow with no odd taste or smell. I feel a little better while taking them, but don’t notice a huge difference.
Picky Viki –
I have been taking these Nutribliss Probiotics for a few days now and the main thing I noticed straight away was that I did not feel bloated after even a large/heavy meal. The capsules are fairly standard size compared to a vitamin or supplement. I like that you only have to take one daily, often supplement brands have you take 2 (or more) pills more than once a day. This is much more convenient. The effects of the pill are on par with other probiotics I have used in the past.
Star –
Presented in a white plastic bottle with safety screw off cap, this product is a pale yellow powder in clear capsules. It has no smell or flavor and is easy to swallow. According to the label, 1 capsule per day provides 100 billion CFU of prebiotics and probiotics, digestive enzymes, 34 diverse strains. I have noted no adverse side effects, and my gut function is satisfactory.