Descrição do Produto:
Descubra o poder dos probióticos com a nossa fórmula de alta potência, projetada para homens e mulheres que buscam um suporte digestivo e imunológico eficaz. Cada cápsula, tomada uma vez ao dia, contém impressionantes 25 bilhões de CFUs, ideal para aqueles que enfrentam um estilo de vida estressante ou agitado. A nossa mistura exclusiva Lab4 de organismos probióticos é composta por cepas que estão naturalmente presentes no intestino humano e que foram objeto de mais de 30 estudos clínicos, demonstrando benefícios significativos para o microbioma intestinal e uma variedade de condições de saúde.
Este probiótico potente não apenas promove uma digestão saudável, mas também ajuda a reduzir os sintomas da Síndrome do Intestino Irritável (IBS), como constipação, diarreia, gases e inchaço. Pesquisas adicionais indicam que ele pode ser benéfico quando utilizado em conjunto com antibióticos, além de melhorar a qualidade de vida, o desempenho atlético e auxiliar na perda de peso. Com uma fórmula robusta e uma biblioteca única de pesquisas de suporte, o Pro-Ven Adult Probiotic se destaca por seus benefícios significativos para o sistema imunológico, tornando-se um complemento essencial para a sua rotina diária de bem-estar.
Produzido pela Pro-Ven, um líder global em pesquisa e produção de probióticos, garantimos qualidade excepcional, eficácia e segurança. Nossas fórmulas respaldadas cientificamente oferecem resultados eficazes. Explore nossa ampla gama de produtos para atender todas as suas necessidades de probióticos e saúde.
– Suporte Digestivo Eficaz: Reduz sintomas de IBS, promovendo uma digestão saudável.
– Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: Aumenta a resistência do corpo contra infecções e doenças.
– Melhora da Qualidade de Vida: Contribui para a redução da ansiedade e melhora do bem-estar geral.
– Apoio ao Desempenho Atlético: Ajuda na recuperação e desempenho físico, ideal para atletas.
– Auxílio na Perda de Peso: Contribui para o controle do peso, facilitando a manutenção de um estilo de vida saudável.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula por dia, preferencialmente com um copo de água durante uma refeição. Isso maximiza a absorção dos probióticos e enzimas digestivas, garantindo que os organismos benéficos cheguem ao intestino de forma eficaz. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, e siga as orientações do seu profissional de saúde para integrar este suplemento à sua rotina diária.
Sharon S. –
I’m new to taking probiotics. I recently changed my diet to eat more healthily and quit drinking alcohol. That has caused some issues that I hope these pills along with some other healthy food choices will clear up over time.
Reviewing the outcome related to these pills is too subjective for me to make. I can’t find anything to remove a star. I have not had an adverse reaction in my digestion. The pills in a blister pack are a plus in convenience and freshness in my opinion and I’m taking a sleeve with me on a two-week international trip next week. The pills are small compared to my omega-3 supliments. I don’t have any indigestion or “taste” these pills after taking them.
So, is 25 billion CFU of four probiotic strains the best option? I don’t know. It’s more than other products I’ve seen but less diverse than some others.
Sofiel –
I’m starting to notice for less discomfort and unpredictability. Will be buying more. Like with all things, you have to allow some time for it to work. I’ve been consistent taking these, and I feel better. Due to a gastric surgery, I’ll always have a wonky system. Good to know there are helpful things to assist.
Hunting Creek –
I’m on several different medicines that I take and occasionally cause me stomach distress. I have tried various brands of probiotics with varying levels of success. I also tried gummy probiotics but while they taste good and are a boon to those who don’t like swallowing pills, it took weeks of them to notice a difference. This probiotic from Pro-Ven worked the fastest of any pill or gummy I’ve taken in the past. Of course, everyone is different and their success will be varied due to their unique circumstances. I’m very pleased with the quick results from this set and the $14 price for a 30 day is very fair. I also like the fact that each pill is encased in blister pack. I think helps keep the product fresh and working its best.
TeketaJ –
Shelf stable probiotic. I like that I can travel with these instead of the ones that have to be refrigerated. This is a one-month supply of one daily capsule. Powerful probiotics. Keeps my gut happy and healthy.
Sa –
I bought 8 packs (30pills) of these on 28th Nov 2022. I got them delivered on 6th Dec and found the expiry date is May 2023 for all. How could I finish them by the expiry date? If the expiry date has been specified on the product description, I would not have ordered that many in a go. Disappointing shopping experience. I’d like to have a refund.
Comdet –
Pro Ven probiotics come packaged in small white box with a 30 day supply. The Capsules are clear with white powder inside. The pills are little bigger than your average pill but not too hard to swallow. What I like is that the pills don’t have a weird taste so it motivates me to take them regularly. I have Ibs so it is important that I have a probiotic that works for my gut. I have been taking this probiotic for a few days now and I can say my stomach is not as achy. Also I am a tad bit more regular with my bowels so it is doing something good. I will definitely have to get more after a month. Pro Ven probiotics have been working so far and so it’s a thumbs up in my book.
Sa –
This is a good, but not outstanding probiotic. The potency per capsule is very good, with each providing 25 billion CFUs. With other probiotics is often takes 2 capsules to achieve that level, so it’s a plus to be able to achieve it with just one cap. It also contains a prebiotic (100mg of FOS) which is also a plus.
However, the strain diversity is just so-so, with only 4 strains in the formulation. They are tried and true strains (2 Lactobacillus strains and 2 Bifidobacterium strains) but I find that probiotics with a more expansive number of strains (7 or more) tend to provide better results. But, so far this has been performing well for my needs (regularity and decreased stomach issues).
The capsules are easy to swallow. They come in a blister pack which is not my favorite packaging method, but it’s not a major issue. The pack I received in July 2022 has an expiration date of May 2023. It is manufactured in the UK. The cost for a 30 day supply is a bit above average but not outstanding compared with other similar formulations.
Not ideal, but a solid 4 star probiotic.
Cookie –
I wanted to incorporate healthy gut flora into my diet cuz I often have tummy issues. This seemed like an easy low-cost way to do so. ProVen Probiotics came in a 30-day blister pack like regular pills instead of the bottle I’m used to seeing supplements in. I think that better helps preserve the freshness and potency which is a plus in my book. It has 4 strains of probiotics but I have read that 7 is the holy number for strains so this is on the lower end. Noted. Instructions say to take 1 daily with food. Easy enough. The pills are normal-sized, I have seen much larger and much smaller, but they go down easily with water.
As of writing this, I have not experienced any negative reactions but I haven’t felt a large change in my stomach issues to warrant this being the holy grail. I think for the price this is a pretty decent deal and I assume by the 30 days I should either have something more noticeable (whether good or bad) to report. All in all, I don’t think you can go too wrong with probiotics.