Prince of Peace Ginseng Vermelho Geléia Real, 30 Unidades – 30g
O Prince of Peace Ginseng Vermelho Geléia Real é um suplemento alimentar de alta qualidade, que combina as propriedades energizantes do ginseng vermelho com os nutrientes poderosos da geleia real. Com 30 cápsulas de 30g, este produto é ideal para quem busca um impulso na energia e um suporte robusto ao sistema imunológico.
O ginseng vermelho, amplamente utilizado na medicina tradicional chinesa, é conhecido por suas propriedades adaptogênicas, ajudando o corpo a lidar com o estresse e promovendo um equilíbrio saudável. Ele é reconhecido por aumentar a energia, melhorar a função cognitiva e fortalecer o sistema imunológico, tornando-se um aliado essencial para o dia a dia.
A geleia real, um superalimento produzido pelas abelhas, é rica em vitaminas, minerais, aminoácidos e antioxidantes. Seus efeitos positivos na saúde incluem o aumento da energia, melhora da função cerebral e promoção da saúde da pele. A combinação do ginseng vermelho com a geleia real neste produto resulta em uma fórmula poderosa que potencializa os benefícios de cada ingrediente, proporcionando uma experiência única e eficaz.
- Aumento da Energia: Combate a fadiga e proporciona um impulso energético duradouro.
- Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: Ajuda a proteger o corpo contra doenças e infecções.
- Melhora da Função Cognitiva: Aumenta a clareza mental e a concentração, ideal para dias produtivos.
- Rico em Antioxidantes: Combate os radicais livres, promovendo a saúde celular e a longevidade.
- Praticidade no Consumo: Fácil de incorporar na rotina diária, com apenas uma cápsula por dia.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de uma cápsula do Prince of Peace Ginseng Vermelho Geléia Real por dia, preferencialmente com o estômago vazio. Para melhores resultados, é aconselhável tomar a cápsula pela manhã, acompanhada de um copo de água ou suco. Essa prática maximiza a absorção dos nutrientes e potencializa os benefícios do produto ao longo do dia.
Etah Sksam –
I have used this for years and when wanting a small boost when your mind says yes, and your body says no just grab a little bottle and away you go. Easy to use with a small straw for easy sucking and has a slightly sweet taste. Prince of Peace has high quality products, and the price is fair for this 30-day supply. Enjoy being mentally alert and active again. Thanks Hojo
Kacie –
I’ve been using this product for a little over a year now. At first I was buying it at Sprouts (supermarket), but it was easily x2 – x3 more expensive. You can’t beat the price here on Amazon! Ginseng has been used for thousands of years and the benefits for energy, brain function, and immunity are well documented in scientific studies. Not to mention, the honey gives this product a great taste as well. I’ve tried ginseng tea and the raw taste can be hard to stomach– but this is just like taking a honey shot at the beginning of the day. The only reason I give it 4 stars is because I’ve ordered this before and the glass vials have been broken during shipping.
AmazonFan –
O.K., I have to tell you, I have taken ginseng before. I used to buy the 4000 ginseng, which had the best taste for its strength of all the ones I’d tried. I can’t find the 4k one, now, so I bought the 6k version. It’s a little strong, but I can choke it down. Then, I saw this royal jelly/ginseng blend. I had heard royal jelly had incredible health properties, so I thought I’d try it. Maybe it’s the extra ginseng in it, but I have been on this stuff for 3 days, and I have so much more energy than I usually do, it’s amazing!!! This is the only thing I’ve done different, so I have to give it all the credit. Wow. Try it and you’ll be wowed, too!!
Janie P. –
My grandmother sold the mineral rights to her property and I was always thinking about the ginseng my father spoke of on the property as well as the mineral spring water. Today both are super important to my health. I highly recommend this but ask your doctor if you are taking medications to make sure it doesn’t interfere by decreasing your dosage etc. I am not a doctor but a holistic coach.
K. Reese –
Good product. Great for modulating the immune system
S. James –
No issues with the package, as I feared after reading the reviews. Good stuff!
haiku chi –
This is a quick wake-up in the morning, but without being overbearing. It’ll hit you faster than the coffee does, but that’s not all it’s got. Royal Jelly has “chrysin” in it, perhaps the best natural aromatase inhibtor we can take.
So what’s “aromatase”?
It turns testosterone into estrogen, and we all have it. But don’t back off, whether you’re a macho man or woman or just not-so macho, aromatase is a necessary part of our body and our brain’s healthy function. Without it, you won’t last long, and you won’t have fun doing it.
So why “inhibit” it? For the athletic who want to grow naturally, it may be a good add-on, but for some of us, the added estrogen loves to live in fat, and Fat = Estrogen = more Fat = more Estrogen, and soon both models, male and female, have estrogen dominance.
For older women, inhibitors may not be ideal, but if you have estrogen-responsive cancer, it’s a necessity. For older paunchy men (not pointing any fingers) it’ll help reduce that, and for those men who must take something to inhibit DHT, it will reduce the amount of extra testosterone that gets “aromatized” into estrogen. Just don’t overdo it, and find something (ginger, garlic, ginseng, avoiding T-promoting foods?) that will slightly shunt the extra T away downstream.
Balance is everything. As always, tell your doctor what you want and what you want to take–before you find out it’s wrong for you.
Annabel Gomez –
I love these ginseng shots. The flavor is yum. The honey in the shot makes the ginseng sweet. I had no problem with the taste. I am in my 50’s and need some lift for my days. I’ve tried other ginsengs but this one with its taste is by far the best flavor. Ginseng is awesome for getting your day started besides your coffee. Plus the Royal jelly is a beneficial plus besides making the ginseng sweet. Worth the price. This one is a winner.