Braço Forte: Arm - 500g - Ganhe Força e Definição Muscular *R$277.38 Em até 6x de R$46.23 sem jurosEm até 6x de R$46.23 sem jurosMais formas de pagamento 1x de R$277.38 sem juros2x de R$138.69 sem juros3x de R$92.46 sem juros4x de R$69.35 sem juros5x de R$55.48 sem juros6x de R$46.23 sem juros
Produto Importado dos EUA

Primeiro Creme de Mel Manuka First Honey® para Pele Seca – Hidratante Natural 50g

*R$162.50 Em até 6x de R$27.08 sem jurosEm até 6x de R$27.08 sem jurosMais formas de pagamento 1x de R$162.50 sem juros2x de R$81.25 sem juros3x de R$54.17 sem juros4x de R$40.63 sem juros5x de R$32.50 sem juros6x de R$27.08 sem juros

O First Honey® Manuka Honey Cream for Dry é um creme hidratante formulado com mel de Manuka, ideal para peles secas. Suas principais características incluem propriedades hidratantes intensas, ação reparadora e suavizante, além de ajudar a acalmar a pele irritada. Os benefícios incluem uma pele mais macia, hidratada e revitalizada.

(10 avaliações de clientes)
Primeiro Creme de Mel Manuka First Honey® para Pele Seca - Hidratante Natural 50g *R$162.50 Em até 6x de R$27.08 sem jurosEm até 6x de R$27.08 sem jurosMais formas de pagamento 1x de R$162.50 sem juros2x de R$81.25 sem juros3x de R$54.17 sem juros4x de R$40.63 sem juros5x de R$32.50 sem juros6x de R$27.08 sem juros

First Honey® Creme de Mel Manuka para Pele Seca

O First Honey® Creme de Mel Manuka para Pele Seca é um emoliente natural com pH baixo que promove uma pele saudável e acalma várias irritações e condições da pele. Feito com mel de Manuka, este creme de reparação de pele não contém enchimentos, parabenos, petrolatos, ftalatos ou antibióticos. Você se sentirá bem ao usar este tratamento de pele na pele de seus filhos.

O segredo da árvore de Manuka está no nosso mel. Nossas abelhas coletam néctar das flores de Manuka em nossa fazenda na Nova Zelândia e o transformam em mel de Manuka, que contém um composto chamado Methylglyoxal (MGO). Esse composto é conhecido por suas propriedades antibacterianas e antioxidantes, tornando o mel de Manuka um ingrediente poderoso para cuidar da pele.

Nossas fazendas são monoflorais, o que significa que não há polinização cruzada com outras plantas, resultando em um mel de Manuka muito puro para uso tópico. A pureza do nosso mel garante que você esteja recebendo todos os benefícios naturais e terapêuticos que ele oferece.

Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:

  • Emoliente Natural – O mel de Manuka é um emoliente natural que hidrata profundamente a pele seca, deixando-a macia e suave.
  • Livre de Substâncias Nocivas – Nosso creme de reparação de pele não contém enchimentos, parabenos, petrolatos, ftalatos ou antibióticos, garantindo que você esteja cuidando da pele de forma segura e saudável.
  • Propriedades Antibacterianas – O composto Methylglyoxal (MGO) presente no mel de Manuka possui propriedades antibacterianas, ajudando a prevenir infecções e promovendo a cicatrização da pele.
  • Origem Familiar na Nova Zelândia – Nossas fazendas são familiares e localizadas na Nova Zelândia, onde as abelhas coletam o néctar das flores de Manuka para produzir nosso mel de alta qualidade.
  • Recomendado pela Vitaminer Shop – A Vitaminer Shop é uma loja especializada em produtos naturais e recomenda o First Honey® Creme de Mel Manuka para Pele Seca devido aos seus benefícios comprovados para a saúde da pele.

– Sugestão de Uso:

Para obter melhores resultados, aplique uma camada fina do creme de mel Manuka na pele limpa e seca. Massageie suavemente até que seja completamente absorvido. Use diariamente, de manhã e à noite, ou conforme necessário. Evite o contato com os olhos. Em caso de irritação, suspenda o uso e consulte um médico.

10 avaliações para Primeiro Creme de Mel Manuka First Honey® para Pele Seca – Hidratante Natural 50g

  1. Jeffrey A Dominique

    This stuff is absolutely incredible! I have issues with dry and itchy skin, specifically on my back. One application of First Honey and it is the best my skin has felt in decades! Amazing and I highly recommend!

  2. Amazon Customer

    You’ll love this! It is amazing!

  3. Robbie

    Rating this product is a bit of a puzzle for me. I purchased it for a family member dealing with eczema on their T-Zone. However, applying it was an exercise in frustration. The absorption process was painstakingly slow, requiring several minutes of vigorous rubbing before any noticeable effect. It felt like no matter how much she rubbed, the cream just wouldn’t sink in; it was almost as if more kept appearing as she worked it into her skin. By day’s end, she complained of a tight, dry sensation in the treated area. Even after overnight use, dryness persisted, casting doubt on the product’s efficacy.

    Despite its higher price tag, I was hopeful about its “natural” credentials, particularly with Manuka honey as an ingredient. Yet, it failed to deliver. In comparison, another cream I had purchased, primarily for the eye area, yielded superior results. It absorbed swiftly, was not as thick as this product, and boasted a more appealing scent. Most importantly, it didn’t require excessive tugging at the skin during application; the experience was smooth and silky.

    I won’t buy this product again. It simply didn’t deliver the desired results, and the application process left much to be desired.

  4. Sharayah K Riley

    Helps my redness and dry face. Not expensive. Little goes a long way. Smells great. Honey really works. Does peel a little.

  5. Mary Rose

    Tube of first honey looks fine . Haven’t had it long. Delivered an hour ago .

  6. Irin

    I keep getting awful eczema rashes on the inside of my elbows, to the point where they look like scaly hives. They are rough and very very itchy. I tried using this after many other things weren’t working and this is helping! It’s not an overnight fix, but after about two to three days it improved tremendously! (Yes, two to three days is agony when you are itching, but during those days it didn’t get any worse.)

    The scent is ok. It’s not super thick but after you rub it in, it does get a little sticky after it dries. I recommend maybe put a little cotton gauze loosely over it after you apply it.

  7. Matt Vesce

    It works so well. I buy it every month. It helps my skin and any blemishes that occur. It blends into my skin super well and nourishes it. I will continue to purchase this ever month.

  8. Kyla B

    Smells like those one Christmas candies. Not bad. Only thing I didn’t like is that it didn’t soak in my skin, it sort of left a coating on top of my legs until I showered next. I wondered if I’m applying it wrongly?

  9. Michelle’s Minions

    I’ve had a pretty bad eczema flare up and nothing was helping. I was feeling defeated and itchy. This came across my Facebook feed and I decided to give it a try. I’m SO glad I did! After the first use the itching was relieved, within 2 days the dryness and flaky/scaled skin felt smoother and the redness had faded. A few days later and my skin was smooth. I’m so grateful for the relief, and I’m thankful that I found this product for future use. I’ll be saving myself days or possibly weeks of frustration and discomfort. I’m going to try it on other dry spots. It’s a little bit sticky if you use too much, but you don’t need more than a thin layer for it to work. It smells a little like honey, but it’s not too strong. I’ll be keeping this on hand at all times, for sure!

  10. Andy Gibbs

    Good quality manuka honey based soothing cream for itchy skin

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