Prevention – Strong com Betina Gozo: Treinamento de Força para Mulheres em Menos de 20 Minutos
Descubra a revolução do treinamento de força com “Prevention – Strong com Betina Gozo”. Este vídeo de treinamento em casa foi projetado especialmente para mulheres que buscam fortalecer seus músculos de forma eficaz e rápida, em menos de 20 minutos por sessão. Com a orientação da renomada treinadora Betina Gozo, você terá acesso a uma série de exercícios que não apenas tonificam, mas também melhoram a resistência e a saúde geral.
O programa é ideal para mulheres de todas as idades e níveis de condicionamento físico, permitindo que você se exercite no conforto da sua casa, sem a necessidade de equipamentos sofisticados. Cada sessão é cuidadosamente elaborada para maximizar resultados em um curto espaço de tempo, tornando-se uma solução prática para a rotina agitada do dia a dia. Através de uma combinação de exercícios de força e resistência, você poderá observar melhorias significativas na sua força muscular, postura e bem-estar geral.
Além disso, o vídeo inclui dicas valiosas sobre como manter a motivação e integrar o treinamento de força na sua rotina semanal. Com Betina Gozo como sua treinadora, você terá não apenas um guia, mas uma fonte de inspiração para alcançar seus objetivos de fitness.
- Treinamento eficiente: Fortaleça seus músculos em menos de 20 minutos por dia.
- Flexibilidade: Realize os exercícios em casa, sem necessidade de equipamentos caros.
- Resultados visíveis: Melhore sua força, resistência e bem-estar geral rapidamente.
- Orientação profissional: Treinamento conduzido por Betina Gozo, uma especialista reconhecida na área.
- Motivação contínua: Dicas e estratégias para manter a disciplina e o foco nos objetivos de fitness.
Para obter os melhores resultados com “Prevention – Strong com Betina Gozo”, recomenda-se realizar as sessões de treinamento três a quatro vezes por semana. Antes de iniciar, encontre um espaço confortável e livre de distrações. Siga as instruções de Betina cuidadosamente, prestando atenção à forma correta de cada exercício para evitar lesões. Comece com um aquecimento leve e, em seguida, execute os exercícios conforme demonstrado no vídeo. Após a sessão, reserve alguns minutos para alongar os músculos trabalhados, promovendo a recuperação e a flexibilidade. Mantenha-se hidratada e, se possível, registre seu progresso para acompanhar suas conquistas ao longo do tempo.
M –
This work out video is very easy to follow and focuses on a certain area of the body each video. The workout goes by very quickly, which I love. I’m a beginner when it comes to working out and I felt the video was the right amount of difficulty for a beginner. I was sore after each workout. Overall happy with my purchase!
ArtCat –
There are not nearly enough verbal directions and very little attention is given to form. Right from the start she was saying, “Here’s where you engage the core” but not explaining what that feels like when you’re doing it correctly. If you’re a beginner – or have grown weak if it’s been a while – there’s a good chance that without detailed instruction you’ll engage body parts more familiar/accessible than core. We do this when we lack awareness or strength to engage correctly. That’s when your back or hips will kick in to try to support you, but this is not proper use of muscles and will only reinforce bad habits and possibly cause you to pull/overuse a part.
Additionally there are no options to do something in a more basic way. Example in a balance position with one foot behind, she has the heel of that foot off the floor, thereby creating more of a challenge to balance [and a chance to work the core PROVIDED you know how to do that correctly]. However I think she should give the option to rest your heel on the floor and make the distance between your feel smaller in order to feel more stable and build strength to lift your heel at a later time.
At least it doesn’t claim to be for beginners in the description, but I think it should indicate that you should have some experience with alignment and core engagement before you do this.
She starts off saying something like, ‘This is going to be hard but you’ll get yourself through it.’ I have some experience with core work/Pilates (which is how I recognize that her instructions are not detailed enough to make sure you’re working safely and efficiently. I’m in need of more specifics so I am sure to align properly, so this is the wrong DVD for me. Just be careful; when we’re eager it is so easy to unknowingly misuse muscles which can cause more trouble later. I am sending this back.
ggrunwald –
This is a video perhaps best suited to a young audience- however I will do bits at my level. She is easy to follow.
SL Mac –
Have tried out half of the 20 minute workout modules so far. I like that she starts off with the moves slowly, and then adds weights, or speeds things up so you can follow along and not feel like a klutz. She is encouraging without sounding like a phoney. DVD audio is very loud, so be prepared to turn down the TV quickly once it starts to play.
Janet Bowers –
I have only used the video for one week but so far I am very pleased. I was looking for a strength training video to supplement my aerobic videos. I can modify the exercises to match my ability level which is great. Some of the exercises are the same as my physical therapist as prescribed. Being over 60 this video will help keep me strong.
beth lynn hinman –
Good core strengthening and full body work out in a do-able 20 minutes. Betina Gozo is engaging and encouraging. You don’t feel like a drill sergeant is barking at you or making you feel bad if you can’t keep up. I do better and feel better every time I do a 20 minute segment of this DVD.
Coleen B. –
Huge disappointment-the only way you’ll get strong doing this is to do it 50 times a day-so amateur and hardly any reps-looked like someone made it up quickly in living room -sent it back
Casey –
I wanted to wait a couple of weeks before reviewing this workout dvd by Betina Gozo in order to give it time. I have to say I am really impressed with this workout. It’s a series of 5 workouts – 2 upper body, 2 lower body, and 1 total body. They are all under 20 minutes and the time really goes by quickly. What I like about these workouts is that they are effective without being too intense. I’m using my body weight and my heart rate is elevated the entire time. I’m sore the next day, but it’s a good sore. I also like Betina’s energy. It’s motivating and not in an annoying way at all. After two weeks of all 5 workouts each week I can feel a difference in my abs, butt, and legs. I know with continued use of the workouts I will start to see a difference too. Obviously, eating healthy is extremely important as well. If you’re looking for a quick, low impact strength and cardio workout this is definitely a good choice.
Jennifer –
I was looking for something new to add to my current workout rotation. I really enjoy this workout video. Each segment is less than 20 minutes long–easy to fit into a busy day–but still leaves me tired and sweaty. The exercises are simple and effective. Only two of the segments use weights (which are optional and she demonstrates non-weight examples of the exercises), everything else relies on body weight. Betina is vibrant and energizing without coming off like a drill sergeant or ultra peppy cheerleader. I’ve had videos with both of those types. She is conversationally engaging throughout the workout while encouraging you to push forward. My only “complaint” about the video is that the workouts do not have a stretch/cool down at the end. The segments are usually 15-17 minutes long, so a quick stretch is possible and still remain under the 20 minute guidance touted in the subtitle.