Descrição do Produto: Prevagen Regular Strength 10mg, 30 Cápsulas com Apoaequorin
Prevagen Regular Strength é um suplemento inovador que se destaca no mercado por sua fórmula única e eficaz, projetada para apoiar a saúde cognitiva. Com 10mg de Apoaequorin por cápsula, este produto é amplamente recomendado por farmacêuticos, conforme a pesquisa da Pharmacy Times sobre recomendações de OTC, realizada entre 2019 e 2024. As cápsulas são fáceis de engolir, tornando a experiência de consumo mais agradável e prática. Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de apenas uma cápsula por dia, preferencialmente pela manhã, podendo ser consumida com ou sem alimentos.
O Apoaequorin, ingrediente exclusivo do Prevagen, passou por rigorosos testes de segurança, incluindo avaliações de alergenicidade e toxicidade. Especialistas independentes confirmam que o Prevagen é seguro para o uso diário. Além disso, o produto vem acompanhado de um organizador de pílulas de 7 dias, que facilita a rotina de quem precisa tomar suplementos regularmente. Este organizador é livre de BPA e possui letras e braille para facilitar a identificação dos dias da semana.
A autenticidade do Prevagen é garantida pelo programa Transparency da Amazon, que verifica cada unidade do produto. Para garantir que você está adquirindo um produto genuíno, basta baixar o aplicativo Transparency na App Store ou Google Play, onde um sinal verde indicará a verificação de autenticidade.
– Recomendado por Farmacêuticos: Prevagen é o #1 em recomendações de farmacêuticos, garantindo confiança e credibilidade.
– Fácil de Engolir: As cápsulas são projetadas para serem fáceis de engolir, facilitando a adesão ao suplemento.
– Segurança Comprovada: O Apoaequorin passou por testes rigorosos, assegurando que o produto é seguro para o consumo.
– Organização Prática: O organizador de pílulas de 7 dias ajuda a manter a rotina de suplementação em dia, evitando esquecimentos.
– Autenticidade Garantida: O programa Transparency da Amazon assegura que você está comprando um produto autêntico e de qualidade.
Para utilizar o Prevagen Regular Strength, recomenda-se tomar uma cápsula por dia, preferencialmente pela manhã. O uso pode ser feito com ou sem alimentos, conforme a sua conveniência. É importante seguir a dosagem recomendada e não exceder a ingestão diária. Para melhor organização, utilize o organizador de pílulas incluído, que ajuda a manter o controle do seu consumo semanal.
Beth Rudner –
This is a great product quick shipping speed, but I’ve ordered it three times and have not received a pill case yet with it.
poppyg –
I liked paromptness of shipping. On time and product as ordered. Thanks
DavidsGirl –
I’m in my late 40’s and I’ve noticed that, progressively over the last few years, those little “senior moments” were getting more frequent. Do you have those times when you’re trying to tell someone about something familiar to you but you just can’t come up with the name of it?? It’s embarrassing and causes us to start really thinking about our age and how we look to those around us. I had seen the Prevagen commercials on TV and was intrigued. The frequency that I was having these little memory issues finally pushed me into trying it. I have been taking this supplement for about 5 months now and I have really noticed a difference in a couple of areas.
1) My ability to recall things quickly has improved noticeably. I noticed some definite improvement after the first month of taking Prevagen. However, after the second and third months I was aware that these lapses in memory are much fewer and farther between.
2) I sleep better. I wasn’t having any huge sleeplessness issues, but I have noticed that I wake up feeling like I got a really great night’s sleep and I require less sleep. I don’t feel that need to nap in the afternoon that had begun to plague me daily.
Cost was a real issue for me! This stuff is expensive (but oh so worth it!) I did some serious price shopping and here’s what I found. Amazon sometimes has a great price on these and sometimes they don’t. At the time I decided to continue using these, I found that CVS has a special web order discount for auto-shipment. They give me a 25% discount for allowing them to auto-ship my bottle of Prevagen every 30 days. This got the price WAY down and has made it possible for me to keep taking it. You have to order it online. You can’t get the discount in store. I don’t know how long they’ll keep offering that, (and it isn’t exclusive to Prevagen! You can order all kinds of things from CVS on auto-ship and get the discount.). As of the date I’m writing this they’re still giving it to me. I signed up in April 2015. I recommend you check with and see if they are still offering this option.
I have found no down side to taking Prevagen. I haven’t experienced any side effects. It has done for me exactly what it advertised. I would recommend this to a friend.
Please tell me if you found this review helpful. Please ask me if you have any questions. Thanks!
Bjoerk –
I am a 59 year old accountant and always had the ability to remember numbers. Phone, social security, passwords, account numbers, etc. I have a relatively high IQ and somewhat photographic memory. I started having trouble remembering passwords, phone numbers, etc., maybe too many beers, so I thought I would give Prevagen a shot. Here is a rough diary:
Week one.
Vivid dreams: I started having vivid dreams of events over 30 years before in amazing detail. For example, I relived a specific moment in my life that I thought I had forgotten. In fact 3 days later I still remember the details of the dream, the color of the sky, the clothes that the people were wearing in incredible detail, such as color, texture, the smell in the air and even my feelings at the time. I even recall the temperature outside during the event. I can still remember the sound of the voices of the people in the dream.
I had a dream about being in New York City, although I was only there once when I was younger. I was jogging past St Marks, through the Village down to Wall Street to the Staton Island Ferry; I was seeing all the shops and stores along the way. It was all in beautiful detail.
Increased sexual feelings: I started remembering sexual encounters in explicit detail. This also has increased my libido overall. This was a really unexpected side effect.
Skills: I quickly learned to touch-type whereas before I always looked at the keyboard while typing. I started reading again and taking up my old hobbies. I started to remember what I learned in my college classes and the girl that I dated.
It brought back some problems that I had when I was younger. I had difficulty falling asleep since my mind remained too active to effectively fall asleep quickly. This problem has recurred.
My hearing slightly improved or maybe I can just interpret sounds better. My conversations are much deeper yet more succinct. I don’t fish for the right words to say and my vocabulary is more dynamic. I am decidedly more decisive. I realized that I was stuck in a rut in my living standard and now making a wholesale change in my future and I am starting to plan all over again.
I can remember phone numbers dialed a week before. I took a memory test and ended up in the top 1%, I don’t think I could have done that a year ago. I even go shopping without making a written list.
Maybe it is a placebo, but as long as it works, it’s ok.
Claudia Dixon –
Product used to help improve memory. So far detecting a slight change. Only using since July 2024.
Michael J. Lillig –
This is not necessarily anyone else’s experience , but my own. I had a severe reaction, burning, itching hives to be exact. It took several shots of prednisone, oral packs, benadryl shots and oral pack, and some other stuff I don’t remember. A report came out late Decemeber about Prevegan and the claims. I encourage research. Sadly my research was before that report came out.
RockinRobin1931 –
Regular strength Prevagin helps me, but I noticed that I still find myself grasping for words. When I looked at returning the last three bottles purchased, the return window had closed three days before. I guess I’ll have to take two a day so that they’ll be as effective as the Extra Strength Prevagin.
Jan –
Arrived on time and delivered as requested.