O Phyto-Iron da Premier Research Labs é um suplemento de ferro à base de plantas projetado especificamente para homens. Ele fornece uma fonte natural de ferro altamente absorvível, ajudando a combater a deficiência de ferro e promovendo a saúde geral. Seus principais benefícios incluem aumento da energia, suporte ao sistema imunológico e melhora da saúde cardiovascular.
PREMIER SUPORTE DE FERRO: O Phyto-Iron é um suplemento de ferro à base de plantas, elaborado com folhas de curry orgânicas e não transgênicas, oferecendo uma fonte suave e eficaz de ferro para apoiar a formação saudável de glóbulos vermelhos.
DELICADO PARA A DIGESTÃO: Projetado para fácil absorção, este suplemento de ferro derivado de folhas de curry suporta os níveis de ferro do seu corpo sem o desconforto digestivo comum associado ao ferro sintético.
NUTRIÇÃO À BASE DE PLANTAS: Nossas cápsulas de ferro oferecem uma alternativa natural aos suplementos tradicionais de ferro heme, utilizando as propriedades ricas em nutrientes das folhas de curry para um suporte ideal de ferro.
ABSORÇÃO APRIMORADA: Este suplemento de ferro à base de plantas contém óleo MCT adicionado para melhorar a absorção de ferro e nutrientes essenciais, oferecendo suporte holístico à saúde sanguínea.
USO RECOMENDADO: Para suporte diário de ferro para homens e mulheres, tome quatro cápsulas de Premier Phyto-Iron diariamente com alimentos, ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- 1. Suporte de ferro de alta qualidade: O Phyto-Iron é formulado com ingredientes de alta qualidade para fornecer um suporte eficaz de ferro.
- 2. Fácil absorção: As cápsulas de ferro à base de plantas são projetadas para serem facilmente absorvidas pelo corpo, evitando desconfortos digestivos.
- 3. Alternativa natural: Ao optar pelo Phyto-Iron, você está escolhendo uma alternativa natural aos suplementos de ferro tradicionais, aproveitando os benefícios das folhas de curry orgânicas.
- 4. Melhora da saúde sanguínea: Além de fornecer ferro, este suplemento também contém nutrientes essenciais para promover uma saúde sanguínea holística.
- 5. Recomendado por profissionais de saúde: O Phyto-Iron é recomendado por profissionais de saúde devido à sua eficácia e qualidade.
- 1. Aumento da energia: Combate a fadiga e melhora a disposição diária.
- 2. Suporte ao sistema imunológico: Fortalece as defesas naturais do corpo.
- 3. Melhora da saúde cardiovascular: Contribui para a saúde do coração e circulação sanguínea.
- 4. Fácil digestão: Minimiza desconfortos comuns associados a suplementos de ferro.
- 5. Fonte natural: Utiliza ingredientes orgânicos e não transgênicos, promovendo uma escolha saudável.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se a ingestão de quatro cápsulas de Premier Phyto-Iron diariamente, preferencialmente com alimentos, ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. É importante não exceder a dose recomendada e manter o produto fora do alcance de crianças. Consulte um médico antes de usar se estiver grávida, amamentando ou tiver alguma condição médica.
Mama to Four –
I needed to increase my iron levels according to my lowest lab report and my doctor’s advice, so I’ve been taking these. The recommended suggestion is four pills, which is a lot to me. I think I’d rather take one or two larger supplements than have to pop four of these at a time. They are small and coated, so they are easy to swallow. I haven’t noticed any kind of aftertaste, either. I especially like that it’s plant-based. I look for plant-based supplements since I try to avoid eating meat (probably why I need the supplement). I like all the detailed information on the package–seems like it’s a genuinely good product that’s undergone extensive testing.
fab –
The Premier Phyto-Iron Capsules support iron help
This 60-day supply includes 120 easy-to-swallow capsules.
It may be too early to notice a difference, but based on my experience so far, I believe it’s going in the right direction.
So far, I am really enjoying the product and haven’t experienced any adverse reactions.
I have observed some positive changes, but I’d like to wait before giving a conclusive answer.
starhermit –
The serving size of these capsules for 100% RDV of iron is 4 capsules, so this bottle is a 1-month supply. I’ve been taking just one a day because I don’t always have low iron, but I am vegetarian so I like to supplement with a lower dose just to be safe. I really like that this iron is plant-derived rather than mineral-derived. These feel gentle and easy to take.
RandomOutlier –
No discomfort and these make me feel much better these are great and I’d recommend them. They don’t make me feel sick like some do.
Nicklas –
Product Appears Appropriate for Use-Additional Provider Verification Needed for my personal use.
Medical Authorities now caution further consultation with medical providers before people with chronic and/or serious medical conditions ingest supplements, due to the possible negative contraindications with other medications and supplements.
I, as a private person, cannot speak as to the safety and efficacy of ANY supplement as I am not a medical provider.
Supplements are not regulated by any official body of the United States of America Heatlh Services.
Kevin –
Pretty expensive for one month of iron. Unless you have some specific reason you can’t take regular iron, it’s pointless to buy. I’m not sure if it works yet, or not. I guess I’ll find out when/if I start feeling bad from anemia.
My doc has ordered me to take iron supplements because after some bloodwork it turns out my iron stores are quite low. Like other capsules I’ve used, these have a fairly low iron amount and you’ll want to take 2-4 of them per day – ideally 4, if you can tolerate it.
I have been taking these for almost a month now and I do seem to be tolerating these better than any other iron I’ve taken, which suggest that it really is highly absorbable. In general iron supplements are difficult for the body to absorb and food is a better way to get your iron, but I happen to strongly dislike basically all the iron-rich foods. I also find uncoated iron tablets hard to take, so these capsules are better even if I have to take more of them.
The only potential downside with this particular supplement is that there is no Vitamin C included like there is in many other iron supplements. Taking Vitamin C at the same time as iron makes it easier for your body to absorb it, so if possible you’ll want to eat an orange or something before taking these. I still prefer these to other brands though and will be buying them again.
Kevin –
We have to take additional iron to improve the depletion caused by blood donations. These did raise our iron amounts to an acceptable level. They’re good quality and contain 18mg of iron per four capsule serving, and the bottle contains 30 servings. The organic curry extract and MCT oil are great additions and are in good dosages. These are plant based, easily absorbed, and cause no stomach discomfort. The capsules are medium-sized and easy to swallow with no bad taste or odor. Although the bottle has a number on the bottom, it’s not the expiration date, and it appears to not be listed. However, there is a sell by date on the attached sticker of 04/ 2024. These are good value for the quality and amount.