Descrição do Produto: Premier Research Labs Medi-Body Pack – Pó de Argila Bentonita
O Premier Research Labs Medi-Body Pack é uma máscara de argila calmante que combina a pureza da argila bentonita com uma mistura de botânicos enriquecedores, proporcionando um efeito revitalizante que deixa a pele e os cabelos macios e nutridos. Este produto é ideal para homens que buscam uma solução eficaz para cuidar da pele, promovendo uma limpeza profunda e uma experiência de spa em casa.
A argila bentonita de alta qualidade atua como um esfoliante e limpador natural, ajudando a desobstruir os poros, remover o excesso de óleo e eliminar células mortas da pele. O resultado é uma pele mais clara e radiante, livre de impurezas. Além disso, a máscara é enriquecida com uma mistura botânica marinha, que inclui algas vermelhas mineralizadas e kelp orgânico, promovendo a regeneração celular da pele e contribuindo para uma aparência saudável e vibrante.
Para utilizar o Premier Research Labs Medi-Body Pack, basta misturar 2 colheres de sopa do pó de argila com água ou o Medi-Mineral Serum até obter uma pasta espessa. Misture bem e aplique no rosto ou na área desejada, deixando agir por 15 minutos antes de enxaguar. Este produto é para uso externo apenas, garantindo uma experiência segura e eficaz.
Na Premier Research Labs, temos orgulho de criar suplementos de alta qualidade, utilizando ingredientes naturais que são sustentavelmente e meticulosamente selecionados de todo o mundo, garantindo que cada produto ofereça o máximo em eficácia e pureza.
– Limpeza Profunda: Remove impurezas e excesso de oleosidade, promovendo uma pele mais limpa e saudável.
– Esfoliação Natural: Ajuda a eliminar células mortas, resultando em uma pele mais suave e radiante.
– Regeneração Celular: Os ingredientes marinhos promovem a renovação da pele, melhorando sua textura e aparência.
– Nutrição Intensiva: A combinação de argila e botânicos proporciona uma hidratação profunda, deixando a pele e os cabelos nutridos.
– Fácil Aplicação: A preparação e aplicação da máscara são simples, permitindo que você desfrute de um tratamento de spa em casa.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Premier Research Labs Medi-Body Pack, siga estas instruções técnicas: Em uma tigela limpa, misture 2 colheres de sopa do pó de argila bentonita com água filtrada ou o Medi-Mineral Serum até formar uma pasta homogênea e espessa. Aplique a mistura uniformemente sobre a pele limpa, evitando a área dos olhos. Deixe agir por 15 minutos para permitir que os ingredientes ativos penetrem na pele. Após o tempo de espera, enxágue com água morna, removendo completamente a máscara. Utilize uma ou duas vezes por semana para manter a pele saudável e revitalizada.
reviewer –
I was under the impression that Bentonite clay could only be used as a facial mask but I was dead wrong with the arrival of this product! Here’s what to expect and look forward to with regular use:
– Application and use is quite simple; mix with Apple Cider vinegar to add an extra kick to your detoxifying skin regime.
– This powerful mineral is multi-functional and can be used on multiple areas of your body to smooth out.
– Pricing is a bit higher than what I would like to pay, especially, when you consider the leading distributor of bentonite clay is 1/2 the price of this one.
Whether you’re new to Bentonite or a novice, this is some high-grade stuff right here! Regardless of the price, you get what you pay for here.. plain and simple.
I.L. –
I liked this product overall. It is gentle on the skin & has as nice mild scent. It did a good job in cleaning body and feels refreshing overall. It seems to have a very good quality ingredients. My skin is normal but my husband’s skin is oily, this seems to be working good on both the skin type. I would recommend this to anyone.
My only complaint is that box literally had less than 50% of the actual product inside the sealed box when I opened. Refer to my attached picture.
Michael Clarke –
Mix it, Smear it on, wrap it up and remove after 20 minutes. Wipe yourself off with a baby wipe and you’re done. The gurus say it’s good to do in areas where you’ve had some trauma to unblock your chi. I don’t know if that’s true but it didn’t seem to hurt to try.
Charlie –
Works well
Charlie –
I love this mask. I have used bentonite clay before, but I like this so much better. The ingredients are : organic alfalfa leaf, bentonite clay, organic clove, organic fennel, organic kelp, whole mineralized red algae, and whole Irish moss.
I just mixed with water to make a paste. You can use this on your face, body, or feet. I used it on my face and upper chest and neck. It has a green tint to it from the alfalfa and kelp, and it does smell mostly like mild clove scent, and when rinsing you smell a little “sea like” scent.
Yes, you do look like you have green mud on. The directions say to leave on for about 15 minutes and your skin tightens a little bit. I left it on until it was fully dry which was probably a little over 15 minutes. Rinsing can get a little messy at the sink so you may want to use the shower. You feel the exfoliation as you are rinsing and gently rubbing the mask off.
This feels so good to do because you feel super clean when you are done, I do think it pulls dirt and junk from your pores. The directions say if possible get a little sun after, and if possible do before 7 pm. I followed those directions and it was actually quite soothing and relaxing. The directions say it promotes a bioenergetic flow of stagnant meridians. There may be something to that because I do feel calm after doing this.
My face just looks better, even when I applied makeup it looked better. My face is very sensitive and I got zero redness or irritation. It feels very soothing and nourishing to your skin. I have a dry patch on my nose and that even feels smoother. I feel like this is vitamins for your skin.
The only downside is it does get messy when rinsing but it is totally worth it.
Adam Brown –
I’ve recently discovered the most amazing product for my skin, and I just have to share it with you all. It’s called the Medi-Body Pack from Premier Research Labs, and it’s seriously a game-changer.
First of all, let me tell you, this stuff is like a spa day in a jar. It’s a clay-based mask that you mix with water and apply to your skin. The feeling of the clay is so cool and refreshing, and it has this amazing earthy scent that’s super relaxing.
But the real magic happens after you wash it off. My skin feels incredibly soft and smooth, like I’ve just had a professional facial. It’s also noticeably clearer and brighter. I’ve even noticed a reduction in some of my fine lines!
What I love most about this product is that it’s all-natural. It’s made with ingredients like humic acid and bentonite clay, which have been used for centuries for their cleansing and detoxifying properties. So I can feel good about putting it on my skin.
If you’re looking for a way to pamper yourself and give your skin some extra love, I highly recommend the Medi-Body Pack. It’s a little bit of luxury that delivers real results.
P.S. My boyfriend even commented on how great my skin looks! That’s definitely a win in my book. 😉
Ty –
So the most important thing is…yes…
I do believe this works. It seemed to really remove the oil from my face and shrink my pores. The issue i had is first having to mix the product, which is not a big deal but can be messy, the other is the mess that comes with washing this off. It’s definitely a clay and can become a powdery mess once it’s dry. These are just some things to keep in mind. I have sensitive skin so I was alittle cautious to try this product, but it didn’t bother me at all and in fact, improved my skin’s appearance.
R&J33 –
I mixed this with filtered water and left on my face and neck until dry. Wow! My skin feels super clean and tingly and my pores look smaller. The only down side is that it is pretty messy to rinse off…may be best to use before getting into the shower to make washing off easier. Otherwise I love this and love how my face feels after using!