Descrição do Produto: PreMense-T – Suplemento para Alívio da TPM
O PreMense-T é um suplemento formulado especialmente para proporcionar alívio dos sintomas da tensão pré-menstrual (TPM). Com uma combinação poderosa de ingredientes naturais, como gengibre, casca de cãibra, black cohosh, dong quai e chasteberry, este produto visa melhorar o bem-estar feminino durante o ciclo menstrual. O gengibre é conhecido por suas propriedades anti-inflamatórias e pode ajudar a reduzir cólicas e desconfortos. A casca de cãibra é tradicionalmente utilizada para aliviar espasmos musculares, enquanto o black cohosh e o dong quai são reconhecidos por suas propriedades equilibradoras hormonais. O chasteberry, por sua vez, é amplamente utilizado para regular o ciclo menstrual e aliviar sintomas emocionais associados à TPM. Com PreMense-T, você pode enfrentar os desafios da TPM com mais conforto e tranquilidade.
1. Alívio Eficaz das Cólicas Menstruais: A combinação de gengibre e casca de cãibra ajuda a reduzir a intensidade das cólicas, proporcionando maior conforto.
2. Equilíbrio Hormonal: Ingredientes como black cohosh e chasteberry auxiliam na regulação hormonal, minimizando os sintomas emocionais da TPM.
3. Redução da Inflamação: O gengibre possui propriedades anti-inflamatórias que podem ajudar a aliviar o inchaço e a dor.
4. Melhora do Bem-Estar Geral: A fórmula natural promove um estado de bem-estar, ajudando a lidar com as mudanças de humor e irritabilidade.
5. Fórmula Natural e Segura: Com ingredientes de origem natural, PreMense-T é uma alternativa segura para mulheres que buscam alívio sem efeitos colaterais indesejados.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de duas cápsulas de PreMense-T diariamente, preferencialmente com um copo de água, durante o período de sintomas da TPM. Para melhores resultados, inicie o uso uma semana antes do início esperado da menstruação e continue até o término dos sintomas. É importante seguir as orientações de um profissional de saúde para adequar a dosagem às suas necessidades individuais. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta.
Amazon Customer –
My aunt works at Whole Foods and recommended this supplement when I told her I had been experiencing extreme irritability right before my period. I had been on birth control for 15 years and recently came off. Since birth control helps regulate your hormones, I now am experiencing a lot of things I never did before. The worst is the mood swings! I’ve only been taking this for a week, but it’s the week that I’m the most anxious/irritable (right after ovulation, before period when estrogen levels drop). For this week I’ve been MYSELF. No irritability!!! I’m hoping it’s this supplement and I’ve finally found my answer. Will have to try it out for a while longer to know for sure, but definitely seems promising.
jbee –
This is a product that is pure quality. I normally have heavy periods and taking these pills have helped reduce the bleeding down, a lot. I have noticed that I have less cramps. I purchased a different PMS pill in the past and it did not work at all, and actually made things worse for me (maybe it was my body re-adjusting from not taking Life Seasons) so I can happily say I will keep taking these capsules because they work wonders for me and add comfort and joy now that I bleed and cramp less. Thank you LifeSeasons! It would be nice if you offer a 60 day supply. It would save on the plastic bottle use.
HrblT –
I’ve tried a handful of different herbal formulas for PMS relief. This one has definitely been the most balancing for me!
Bloating, breast tenderness, fatigue, irritability, and regularity of my cycle are all tamed with this blend. I rarely experience cramps, but when I do, they’re no fun. Thankfully, this helps. I start to take it daily at the first sign of PMS Symptoms, usually a week prior to my period. My period is light and only lasts for a few short days. I love recommending this to others who mention some of the same PMS struggles I have had. Everyone who has tried it has been over-the-moon about their relief. No Midol or Pamprin for me!
I will continue to use this product and recommend it to others.
Tamara –
I’ve been taking these for two cycles now and I definitely notice a difference in my pms symptoms. I’ve gone from being terribly uncomfortable for the whole week leading up to my period, to cramps for a couple of days. Plus my mood seems much more stable, I still get cranky, but I’m able to take a step back without becoming overwhelmed.
Hailey –
I have always had very heavy and painful periods. I even get cramps throughout the month when I’m not on my period.
I take this on or a day or two before my period starts and it really helps. I never thought there would be a product to help with my issues.
IMPORTANT: I took this twice when I wasn’t on my period and it started my period very early twice. It was fine afterwards, but it seems to help start a period. I recommend taking it only while you’re on, or right before, your period. I don’t know if it was just my body being weird or if it was a side effect. No pain though, just light bleeding for the normal amount of time.
I will be buying another bottle when this one is done for sure!!
Anonymous –
I love it! Ive been testing it out for about 3-4 months and I honestly am thankful. It helps my period by being less painful and the fact that I am even having my period every month now is crazy.
I am irregular and before taking these I normally miss 2-3 months. Last year was the worse because I went 9 months without a period. According to the OBGYN there was nothing wrong with me and I wasn’t pregnant but they kept pressuring me to be on birth control. I didn’t want to be on birth control because to me I am fortunate enough that birth control was not a necessity for me. I also felt that it wouldn’t fix anything. During that time at the 9th month I took ginger and vitamin C pills that how I finally got my period. I then decided to look for something that has those vitamins together and wow I found these that have other benefits. This completely changed my period and I.
Since I have a hard time having a period when I knew it was the time I should be having my period because I would cramp and feel pain but blood would never come I take these and I get my period instantly like in 2-3 days. Surprisingly I feel like I’m gradually having my period normally without even having to take these pills but I still use them either before or on my period. I then stop because I am too lazy to take it every day and too expensive for that.
I will update if anything changes. I hope it works out for anyone trying. Oh and I been exercising and eating better now so maybe that helped too and not solely the vitamins.
Amazon Customer –
I’ve been taking this product as directed on the packaging for about 3 months now. It has completely regulated my cycle. My skin has cleared up and this month I did not have any PMS symptoms. No pre period breakout, no emotional geyser and no cramping! I would recommend this product for anyone who is trying to regulate their cycle naturally and give it a month or two to see results.
I have menorrhagia and its usually accompanied by lots of pain. It’s been this way since I was 11, but in my recent years, I’ve been in search of more holistic approaches. With 20 more years of this curse left, I just don’t think that my stomach can tolerate that many over the counter/prescription pain killers. I was skeptical at first when taking this product, because I’ve tried some of the ingredients as individual and they unfortunately didn’t hold up against my pain in the long run. I was also doubtful that 2 doses a day would be strong enough. Well, never judge a book by its cover folks! I took these pills four days before my period and throughout my whole cycle, and was pleasantly surprised at the results! My period acne was WAY less intense and the pain on the first day was at a four vs. the usual eight. I hope that these supplements will stand the test of time for me. I strongly suggest this product!