Descrição do Produto: Prebióticos
Os prebióticos são fibras alimentares não digeríveis que promovem o crescimento e a atividade de bactérias benéficas no intestino, contribuindo para a saúde digestiva e o bem-estar geral. Eles atuam como alimento para os probióticos, ajudando a equilibrar a microbiota intestinal e a melhorar a absorção de nutrientes. Os prebióticos podem ser encontrados em diversos alimentos, como alho, cebola, banana, aspargos e aveia, mas também estão disponíveis em forma de suplemento para facilitar a inclusão na dieta. A suplementação com prebióticos é uma maneira prática de garantir a ingestão adequada dessas fibras essenciais, especialmente para aqueles que têm uma dieta pobre em alimentos ricos em fibras.
1. Melhora da Saúde Digestiva: Os prebióticos ajudam a regular o trânsito intestinal, prevenindo problemas como constipação e diarreia.
2. Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: Ao promover um ambiente intestinal saudável, os prebióticos contribuem para a defesa do organismo contra infecções.
3. Aumento da Absorção de Nutrientes: Eles facilitam a absorção de minerais como cálcio e magnésio, essenciais para a saúde óssea.
4. Controle do Apetite: Os prebióticos podem ajudar a aumentar a sensação de saciedade, auxiliando no controle do peso.
5. Melhora do Humor e da Saúde Mental: A saúde intestinal está diretamente ligada à saúde mental, e os prebióticos podem ajudar a reduzir sintomas de ansiedade e depressão.
Recomenda-se a ingestão de 5 a 10 gramas de prebióticos por dia, podendo ser adicionados a smoothies, iogurtes ou refeições. Para melhores resultados, inicie com uma dose menor e aumente gradualmente, permitindo que o organismo se adapte. É importante acompanhar a ingestão de água para otimizar a função intestinal. Consulte um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer suplementação, especialmente se você tiver condições de saúde preexistentes ou estiver grávida.
Elizabeth Winsauer –
Me & my fiancé decided to stop taking these after hearing Mike Adams video on the supposed heavy metals within these. We then proceeded to feel like death for a week on Mike Adams supplements. Everything he claimed you would feel with this product that apparently has aluminum or heavy metals is exactly what we experienced from his product. Our stomachs were killing us and felt like we we’re walking around in a fog. We decided to go back on these probiotics after a week on Mike Adam’s supplements and have been feeling 💯 times better ever since.
Side note: Me & my fiancés bodies are extremely sensitive and have been dealing with all sorts of health issues for years. Gut health affects everything, and since our gut has been back in order we can resume our daily activities much more easily. So grateful we decided to listen to our bodies and go back on these probiotics.
Andrea Raywood –
I LOVE IT. I had bad trouble with my digestive system for almost 30 years until I found a system that works to keep things under control. I have been taking this probiotic for about 1 year now. Prescript Assist has the widest variety of probiotic strains, including soil-based organisms. I’ve tried other probiotics (i.e. Bio-Kult), but they don’t work as well for me. This, along with the GAPS diet, works so well to keep my guts happy, much better than either has worked alone.
Caveats: I have noticed that different people seem to do better with different probiotics. So while this one works better for me, your mileage may vary. I also wish they would tell the number of live microorganisms per capsule so I could standardize the dose. I know that there is no convincing evidence that oral probiotics will colonize the gut, so in order to see long-term effects you may have to keep taking them regularly. I take one capsule every day until I get where I want to be, and then one about every other day from then onwards, because they are expensive! Finally, a probiotic alone doesn’t necessarily solve all your problems by itself – I have to eat a special diet and take the pills. But when I stick to my routine, things are fantastic!
GreenDream –
I buy off of Amazon a lot, but it’s rare that I leave a review. I’m writing this one because it’s a great product and I’m pissed about the misinformation that has been out there lately. First off, this is the most effective probiotic I’ve tried for digestive issues. I’ve used it periodically over the years when I’ve experienced longer periods of gas and bloating and it’s the only probiotic I’ve tried that actually helps. For me it works quickly- typically within a couple of days. I’ve known a couple of other people who have also taken it over the years for digestive issues and it’s really helped them tremendously when other treatments failed to work.
Recently, a so-called independent investigative journalist posted an “exclusive” article stating that the ingredients found in PA are “toxic” and contain “dangerous” levels of heavy metals. However, the article is misleading and contains an incredible amount of misinformation. The author claims that the leonardite used in the supplement is not for human consumption, contains dangerous levels of heavy metals, implies that it could cause neurological damage, and outright states that Amazon should be sued for selling such products and that they should perform their own tests. What he fails to state in the article is that in actuality, the amount of heavy metals found in PA are at levels deemed safe by government regulation and are in line with what we all experience in our regular, everyday diet. He also implies that the use of leonardite in dietary supplements is illegal, when in fact, it has been approved for dietary consumption, is found in several dietary supplements and has been found to be safe and has many health benefits. In fact, it helps to bind and remove heavy metals.
This is not the first time this author has made dubious and unfounded claims about health supplements. His tendency is to make particular health supplement companies and companies such as Amazon out to be the bad guys, while he makes himself out to be the good guy champion of your health and defender of freedom. He then offers himself as the solution for his created problem (e.g., his breaking news discovery) by providing health supplements that are “independently lab tested” by his own lab and only sold through his own website. Furthermore, he rants against those who he claims attempts to censor his so called truth telling and unbiased analysis. However, he has no problem censoring dissent in the comments section on his site. I know this because I submitted a respectful rebuttal and it was never posted on the site.
PA has been on the market for many years and I’ve never once heard of anyone who has gotten sick or had bad side effects from using it. There are, however, many positive testimonials and people who have benefitted. Like any dietary supplement on the market, it is subject to FDA guidelines and compliance, and is 3rd party tested. It is not up to Amazon to test the supplements that are sold on their marketplace. Their main goal is to assure that customers are safe and that they are satisfied. This product is safe and real, actual customers seem very satisfied. The product would not be on the market after so many years if that was not the case.
Based on my positive experience with Prescript Assist and from my read of the recent rant by the author, I have to conclude that this is fake news and self promotion at its worst. I would not hesitate to try PA if you have digestive issues, especially if other probiotics haven’t been that helpful for you.
Elizabeth Winsauer –
I’ve read great things about Prescript-assist Broad Spectrum Probiotic on various wellness blogs and it is recommended by several Health, fitness and lifestyle experts. I finally tried it. It’s REALLY good. I’m on my 2nd bottle. I take it every day. I can definitely tell if I miss a dose. It really helps balance my digestive tract and helps keep other imbalances at bay. I never knew much about the benefits of probiotics until I was forced to learn. From being over prescribed antibiotics during Pregnancy, I got C- Diff. I’ve never been so violently ill and it was by far the most frightening experience and health scare of my life. It has taken 4 years to get back to normal. i Wish I’d known about Prescript-Assist sooner. So much of what we eat, get prescribed (antibiotics) and encounter in our environment sabotage our natural internal protection. People get auto- immune sicknesses, yeast infections, intestinal parasites, weakened immune systems, etc. This is a really great way to keep your body balanced and keep your chances of illness down. It’s the best of all I’ve tried (I’ve tried at least 20 different probiotics). Some may think it’s expensive but believe me, it’s a lot less expensive than inciting the ridiculous health care costs involved in being sick from not taking it.
I’ve been using the pill version twice per day and decided to try the powder form with my powder collagen and mushroom powder and l really love it ! The perfect nutrition combination !! –
Good quality and great results