Descrição do Produto: Jacked Factory Nitrosurge Max High Performance Pre Workout Powder – Sabor Cereja
O Jacked Factory Nitrosurge Max é um suplemento pré-treino de alta performance, projetado para atletas sérios que buscam maximizar seu desempenho e foco durante os treinos. Com uma fórmula avançada que combina ingredientes nootrópicos e potentes, este pó pré-treino oferece uma experiência única e intensa, ideal para quem deseja levar seus limites ao extremo.
- Maxed Out Performance: Com doses elevadas de ingredientes-chave, o Nitrosurge Max garante desempenho máximo, foco aprimorado e energia para atletas dedicados.
- Intense Muscle Pumps And Vascularity: Com impressionantes 10g de L-Citrulina, o produto aumenta a produção de óxido nítrico, melhorando o fluxo sanguíneo e os pumps musculares durante os treinos, resultando em uma entrega de nutrientes mais eficaz e maior resistência.
- Crash-Free Energy: A combinação de Purcaf, Infinergy e outros nootrópicos proporciona uma liberação constante de energia que se mantém durante todo o treino, reduzindo a fadiga sem o crash associado a fórmulas padrão de pré-treino.
- Mind-Muscle Connection: Ingredientes como L-Tirosina, Alpha GPC e Huperzina A melhoram a função cognitiva e o foco, permitindo uma conexão mente-músculo mais forte para treinos mais eficazes.
- Strength and Explosive Power: O Nitrosurge Max aproveita os efeitos sinérgicos de ingredientes como Beta-Alanina e Betaína, que aumentam significativamente a resistência muscular e a potência máxima. Essa combinação potente permite que os usuários experimentem aumentos substanciais na força.
1. Aumento de Performance: Melhora significativa no desempenho atlético, ideal para treinos intensos.
2. Pumps Musculares Intensos: Promove um aumento no fluxo sanguíneo, resultando em músculos mais volumosos e vascularizados.
3. Energia Sustentada: Fornece energia constante sem quedas bruscas, permitindo treinos mais longos e produtivos.
4. Foco Aprimorado: Melhora a concentração e a conexão mente-músculo, essencial para maximizar resultados.
5. Aumento de Força: Contribui para ganhos de força e resistência, ajudando a superar limites pessoais.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Jacked Factory Nitrosurge Max, recomenda-se misturar uma colher medida (aproximadamente 12g) do pó em 200-300ml de água gelada. Consuma cerca de 20-30 minutos antes do treino. É importante não exceder a dose recomendada e evitar o uso em combinação com outras fontes de cafeína ou estimulantes. Para iniciantes, recomenda-se começar com meia dose para avaliar a tolerância. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz solar direta.
Joshua L. –
No jitters, no crash. Just incredible energy and focus to get the most out of my workouts. It is an absolute must try- All of Jacked Factory’s pre-workouts (And products in general as I have tried 90% of their entire product line) are unmatched in quality. Great customer service as well. Thanks JF!
Ty –
I’ve been using Jacked Factory Nitro Surge Max for a few weeks now, and I’m honestly impressed. It gives me a solid energy boost without making me feel all jittery. My focus and endurance during workouts have definitely improved, and it just feels like I’m able to push harder. The cherry bomb flavor is so good-similar to a Cherry Jolly Rancher. Overall, it’s really good. Jacked Factory is a solid brand too.
Richard Labranche –
Another great product from JF. Clinical doses of high quality ingredients. It mixes easily and tastes great! No jitters or overstimulated feeling. Sustained focus and energy, and satisfying pump. All at a very reasonable price point. I would love to see some carbs in the ingredient list, but for now I will keep adding a scoop of Gatorade powder. 💪🏻
Maria –
After a long day at work, I usually reach for a pre-workout powder to push through a late gym session. Nitrosurge Max is one of the better ones I’ve tried. I’ve had stronger pre-workouts in terms of energy, but I’ve never gotten the jitters or a crash from this one. Going in, I was skeptical of the claims about focus and mind-body connection, and maybe it’s just a placebo effect, but I’m a believer now. I actually feel hyper-concentrated on the workout. The powder mixes easily, and the flavor (cherry bomb) is quite good, though there is a hint of that artificial sweetener aftertaste. The bottom line is that this is a great pre-workout for a good price.
HonestReviewer007 –
To date this is JF’s best pre workout! I’m a week into the tub (Cherry Bomb – A+ flavor) and I’m loving it. No super tingly feeling, smooth energy, no crash and phenomenal pumps. If you’re even slightly curious or interested…BUY! You won’t regret it!
Andy –
I can’t believe how excellent this pre-workout is. The taste is fresh, clean, and light—not sweet or overpowering. The energy is perfect, clean, and with no jitters and great mental focus. I have had the best workouts so far. The best way I can describe this product is that if you are tired and unmotivated to work out, this reverses that, and you become motivated to work out. Awesome product!
lavonda h. –
I’ve been a fan of JF products for years and just got back to working out regularly since my gym closed during covid. I was excited to try this new pre-workout. I love the flavor. (As a matter of fact, JF’s product flavoring is always superior to other products. From their pre-workouts to protein to greens powder. I’m continually impressed.) I only take 1/2 to 3/4 of a scoop as I find it does just fine and gives me all the extra energy I need to get me thru my workouts without the tingles. So if you experience tingles and don’t like the feeling, take half a scoop and see if it works for you. There’s lots of energy with no crash and I’m still able to sleep at night. GREAT product overall!
Andy –
The way I take this product, I literally weigh the product as I’m pouring it into my water bottle, first week was exactly 12g, every week after was 24g each training day (M-W-F-Sa). I have taken this15 min before warm up. 30-45-60 minutes before warm up.
I can feel a slight pump but nothing more. I even intentionally took a day to lower the weight and increase reps and barely anything.
I don’t take PWO all year round. When I use a PWO there’s intent, an honest reason to add it to my regimen. Not just to YOLO it.
I’m 233lbs @ 6’0 about 10-11% BF – far from obese, like striations across multiple muscle groups and veins galore.
You may want to stay away from this product and get something closer to the extreme side, unless you’re lucky and very sensitive to PWO ingredients.