Conheça o Pre Workout Thermogenic Fat Burner Powder para Mulheres e Homens, um suplemento em pó pré-treino que é fabricado nos Estados Unidos. Este produto é uma opção saudável 2 em 1, pois além de ser um pré-treino, também auxilia na perda de peso. O diferencial deste produto é que ele não contém adoçantes artificiais, corantes ou estimulantes perigosos. Seus ingredientes são patenteados, o que garante resultados rápidos e eficazes.
Em vez de utilizar estimulantes loucos, este pré-treino proporciona clareza mental, concentração e alerta. Foi formulado por um Doutor em Farmácia, o que garante sua eficácia e segurança. O ThermoPRE é um suplemento que realmente funciona, mas sem comprometer a saúde.
Além disso, este produto oferece energia sustentada e aumento da queima de gordura. O capsimax, clinicamente comprovado, é um impulsionador do metabolismo termogênico que queima gordura para obter energia. O Teacrine, conhecido como o melhor ingrediente energético não viciante do mercado, também está presente nesta fórmula. Para consumir, basta misturar de 1 a 2 colheres de sopa de Thermo Pre em 240 a 480 ml de água e tomar de 30 a 60 minutos antes do treino. Para pessoas sensíveis à cafeína, é recomendado começar com meia colher de sopa.
Este pré-treino não é apenas indicado para levantamento de peso, mas também é ideal para atividades cardiovasculares e corridas. O KSM-66 Ashwagandha presente na fórmula ajuda a melhorar o desempenho esportivo, incluindo resistência e resposta à fadiga.
O Pre Workout Thermogenic Fat Burner Powder é o impulso necessário para conquistar o corpo ideal de praia. Embora não exista um produto mágico, o Thermo Pre foi desenvolvido para entregar resultados de uma forma que nenhum outro queimador de gordura pode. Focado na saúde e bem-estar, essa energia contínua é respaldada pela ciência.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Opção saudável 2 em 1: pré-treino e suplemento para perda de peso
- Ingredientes patenteados para resultados rápidos e eficazes
- Clareza mental, concentração e alerta sem estimulantes perigosos
- Energia sustentada e aumento da queima de gordura
- Ideal para atividades cardiovasculares e corridas
– Sugestão de Uso:
Para obter os melhores resultados, misture de 1 a 2 colheres de sopa de Thermo Pre em 240 a 480 ml de água e consuma de 30 a 60 minutos antes do treino. Se você for sensível à cafeína, comece com meia colher de sopa.
Para obter os melhores resultados, misture de 1 a 2 colheres de sopa de Thermo Pre em 240 a 480 ml de água e consuma de 30 a 60 minutos antes do treino. Se você for sensível à cafeína, comece com meia colher de sopa.
Sherita Moore –
The first time I tried it I put 1 scoop in 16oz, just as a trial run. The taste was horrible lol. That was too much to drink with that much water. The second day I put 2 scoops in 8oz. Much better. Idk if it was bc of less water or what but it was manageable. I have to say I really love this product. I WAS a faithful 1-2 energy drinks a day person, just to keep me going. But since I started this, I haven’t had not 1 energy drink at all. I have energy for the whole day. I don’t get any jitters, I just get the feeling of I can keep going. Also, it’s help with my appetite. I use to snack on food all day. I don’t have that urge of I’m sooooo hungry. Now when I feel hungry it feels under controlled so I opt for fruit instead of that chocolate cake. I haven’t gotten on the scale yet because I’ll rather measure my weight lost with pictures instead of numbers. I Aldo workout 4-5 days a week. So I’ll update at the end of the month.
K-Ray –
Like everyone else, I picked this because it had such great reviews. But after making myself finish the whole container so that I could give a review (and not waste my money), I can say this is the worst pre-workout I have ever had.
1. The taste is horrible. It doesn’t matter if I did 1 or 2 scoops, more water or less, it is just downright disgusting.
2. It does give you energy but it really took me 2 scoops. But then I felt like it was too much. I literally felt the tingling in my eyes and forehead. It was unbearable. Not to mention how hard it was to go to sleep even though I take the preworkout at 5 AM and tried to go to sleep between 8-10 PM.
3. I think this really altered my mood. And because of that I am chilling out on pre-workout drinks for a while. I suffered from serious fatigue. I missed work. I snapped for no reason. And the only thing that I was doing differently was this drink.
4. I did sweat but I sweat normally so I cannot say that it was the reason but it was the reason I bought it.
5. I saw no different results. The pre-workout that I drank prior at least gave me results.
Like others, I was switching up the pre-workouts to see if I got different results and so that I would not plateau. But after drinking this, should I go back to pre-workouts, I will stick to EVL or JYM products.
Amanda –
This takes about 15-20 minutes for me before it kicks in. I take it about 15 minutes before my 30-35 minutes workout. (Doing P90X3, mix of workout types.) It gives me a definite boost in the first 10-20 minutes of my workout, then it’s gone. I’m out of energy. The boost is good when I’m tired or not. I definitely “bring it” harder.
I’ve tried taking it immediately before my workout and I end up just getting the boost toward the end. I’ve been taking this for almost two weeks, and at no time did this energy boost sustain me through a full 30 minutes.
It gets 3 stars because it does provide a boost and it’s natural, but does not last for my full (relatively short) workouts. I like that it’s natural, but the flavor tastes artificial. I sometimes get the flavor/feeling of black pepper in the back of my throat. Nothing terrible, just something to mention. The first time I noticed this, I checked the ingredients again and saw that there is bioperine (black pepper) in it.
Obviously, you may get different results, but I wouldn’t recommend this especially at this price (~$40). The minimum I expect from a pre-workout is a 30 minute boost and this does not hit that mark.
Steven jones –
Absolutely Positively Amazed!
I have tried other pre workouts (to remain nameless) before and actually fell asleep waiting for the 45 minutes to pass before my workout. I would say that they were an absolute joke!
NOT ThermoPre! This stuff is the CAT’S MEOW! It does not have a bitter or nasty taste like some others I have tried, It does not make me crash after my workout (in fact it seems to keep working), ThermoPre gives me an incredible amount of energy! Enough energy in fact to have ran 3 miles straight after being a couch potato for the last 5 years and gaining 75 pounds. However I don’t recommend you do that, Boy were my quads and calves sore for the next couple of days LOL! on the bright side I did burn about 1500 Calories!
Anyway, back to ThermoPre. I can say that after my workouts I still have tons of energy, but not the kind that will prevent me from calling it a night and going to sleep if I need to. This product has also aided me in losing some unwanted fat! I have lost 7.2 pounds since I began taking this before my workouts. It gives me the needed energy to go and go, I don’t have to cut my workouts short because I don’t get tired as fast! Before I ordered ThermoPre I would walk about a mile in my neighborhood before I just about broke down and called it quits, this was not helping me lose weight. BUT NOT ANYMORE! My daily workout consists of 5 miles, alternating power walking ad jogging every half a mile and that is definitely working for me, Thanks to ThermoPre!
I will be re ordering this when mine is gone, and I strongly suggest you get some if you just can’t muster the energy to get in a good quality fat burning workout!