Descrição do Produto:
Os adesivos para acne Potions Acne Pimple Patch são a solução ideal para quem busca tratar espinhas e manchas faciais de forma eficaz e discreta. Com um total de 60 adesivos, sendo 36 de 10 mm e 24 de 12 mm, esses adesivos são feitos de hidrocolóide, um material que não apenas absorve o pus, mas também cria uma barreira protetora que impede a contaminação da área afetada. Essa tecnologia acelera o processo de cicatrização, permitindo que a pele se recupere mais rapidamente.
O adesivo forma uma película fina que se adapta suavemente à superfície da pele, protegendo-a de estímulos externos e proporcionando uma barreira respirável. Além disso, sua transparência e resistência à água tornam-no perfeito para ser usado em diversas situações, como sob a maquiagem, durante atividades físicas ou até mesmo durante o banho, garantindo que você se sinta confiante e confortável em qualquer momento do dia.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
- Protege e minimiza a aparência de manchas e erupções cutâneas
- Forma uma barreira respirável na pele
- Pode ser usado sob a maquiagem
- À prova d’água e resistente durante exercícios físicos
- Transparente e imperceptível
Os adesivos Potions Acne Pimple Patch oferecem uma série de benefícios que podem transformar a rotina de cuidados com a pele. Primeiramente, eles proporcionam proteção eficaz contra infecções, minimizando o risco de agravamento das espinhas. Além disso, a absorção rápida do pus acelera a cicatrização, permitindo que você veja resultados visíveis em menos tempo. A praticidade de serem transparentes e à prova d’água permite que você os utilize em qualquer situação, sem comprometer sua aparência. A facilidade de uso e a possibilidade de aplicação sob a maquiagem tornam esses adesivos uma escolha conveniente para o dia a dia. Por fim, a fórmula hidrocoloide é gentil com a pele, evitando irritações e promovendo um tratamento mais suave.
Para obter os melhores resultados com os adesivos Potions Acne Pimple Patch, comece limpando e secando cuidadosamente a área afetada. Em seguida, remova o filme protetor do adesivo e aplique-o diretamente sobre a mancha ou erupção cutânea, pressionando suavemente para garantir uma boa aderência. É recomendado deixar o adesivo agir por pelo menos 6 horas ou durante a noite, permitindo que ele absorva o excesso de umidade e acelere o processo de cicatrização. Para resultados ideais, utilize os adesivos regularmente até que a mancha ou erupção cutânea desapareça completamente.
Dani –
I generally enjoy these type patches and this is the first time I’ve had a skin reaction *sigh*
I felt like these were painful to pull off the skin like it had too much adhesive on it and felt it pulled off a layer of skin 😣 now I have huge red circles 🔴 where they had been applied. I’m worried about how long this will look this way and I’ll update my rating based on how long I deal with this
*lasted 2 days and now the circle is peeling or like it is flaking along the edges of where the patch was. Overall it was wayyy too adhered and it being on fatty part of cheeks probably made it worse. Probably would’ve peeled off with less pain on my chin or nose where the skin is more tight. I’m not using these patches again though.
Nansea –
I have a variety of these pimple patches and they all work wonderfully with drawing out the fluid from a popped pimple. They all help reduce the raised inflammed look overnight. A few times I forgot to remove them and went about the day with it still on my face. The ones by this brand is no exception to how well they work. They’re like magic. My main focus is the packaging from this brand. The inner container is a clear plastic clamshell container that holds the sheets of patches. I honestly love this packaging way more than the envelopes that you rip open at the top (some have zip top). But the clamshell box is easier to maneuver the sheets of patches in and out of the storage container than an envelope. Get these, you won’t be sorry!
criss –
Disclaimer: I don’t have any other brand to compare with since these are the first I’ve tried. I’ve only used one of these patches so far but it was quite effective. I applied it to a spot that I could feel was about to break out after finishing my evening routine. The directions were super easy to follow and the 1-2 step arrows helped. I left the patch on overnight and actually most of the day as I was home anyway. I wasn’t sure what the minimum hours should be before removing or what constitutes removing a patch “prematurely” (as the instructions mentioned) so I went with those directions just in case and wet the patch with warm water before peeling off. My near-pimple is gone and no longer feels hot/painful to touch. The package comes with a good amount of patches in two sizes so it will likely last a while.
Dani –
I actually like wearing these pimple patches. They make it so easy to treat acne. Just apply and go about your business. They are clear so they aren’t easily noticed. I prefer to use before bed, but have also used during the day with no problems.
I’ve tried all sorts of acne/blemish patches for the past several years, and it’s nice that a lot of the super thin ones like this product have 2-step applicators, since it’s easy to mess up lifting them off a sheet. These are good for using in tricky spots, but I couldn’t tell if it had two different sizes. They all seemed the same size, or maybe I couldn’t tell because of the way they are packaged? But overall they do work..
JustMe –
I got these for my teenage son who was having a lot of issues with breakouts. We got a good regimen in place to deal with the breakouts and try to repair the skin damage, so he’s been using these to address individual pimples that breakthrough. He says these work really well and can usually take care of a pimple just by wearing it overnight. The only issue is that they are certainly not invisible (maybe for very fair-skinned people), so he only wears them overnight.
Hunting Creek –
I have tried a couple acne patches and this one is similar in how it helps protect the spot physically while seeming to make the pimple heal a little faster. I liked how easy it was to take a patch off the sheet and that it was very sterile because there was a layer of plastic on the patch to help avoid touching the patch with fingers. It had a good hold on my skin at first, but after 12 hours the edges started to peel up a little bit. This, in addition to the fact that there’s a ridged circle in the center of the patch made it very obvious that I had the patch on. I didn’t mind, but there are some improvements that can be made. I would have appreciated more sizes of patches to choose from so that it could better fit the pimple.
S. –
These work much better than the western brand patches I have tried (star face and hero cosmetics). They really seal onto your skin and draw the gunk out quickly. I first tried it when I noticed a pimple coming to head on my chin while I was getting ready for work. I popped a patch on it, and by the time I got to work about an hour later, it was already white with the pus it had drawn out. I also really love the 2-step peel design, it really allows the patch to adhere to the skin and is more hygienic as well.