Descrição do Produto: Pós-Cirurgia
O suplemento Pós-Cirurgia é perfeito para auxiliar na recuperação de cirurgias e lesões. Sua fórmula é rica em vitaminas, minerais, probióticos, antioxidantes, aminoácidos e outros nutrientes essenciais, otimizando suas chances de uma recuperação rápida e eficaz.
Desenvolvido por médicos, o suplemento Pós-Cirurgia possui uma fórmula segura para uso pós-operatório, com dosagens adequadas para garantir a absorção máxima dos nutrientes. Os aminoácidos, antioxidantes, probióticos, vitaminas e minerais presentes na fórmula são comprovadamente eficazes na promoção da recuperação. Além disso, as cápsulas são fáceis de consumir, sem sabores desagradáveis ou shakes bagunçados.
O objetivo do suplemento Pós-Cirurgia é maximizar o estado nutricional do paciente e prevenir a depleção de nutrientes essenciais durante o processo de recuperação. Com dosagens efetivas baseadas em estudos clínicos em humanos, o suplemento é dividido em regimes pré e pós-operatórios, garantindo a segurança e os melhores resultados.
Aprovado por cirurgiões e anestesiologistas, o suplemento Pós-Cirurgia é considerado o líder do setor quando se trata de suplementos para recuperação pós-operatória. Sua eficácia é respaldada por uma rede de médicos, garantindo uma recuperação rápida e segura.
Não contendo dosagens placebo, pseudociência ou ingredientes proprietários ocultos, o suplemento Pós-Cirurgia é transparente em relação aos seus ingredientes. Fabricado em uma instalação registrada na FDA dos Estados Unidos e testado triplicadamente de acordo com os padrões da USP, garantindo a máxima segurança.
Conheça 5 Motivos Recomendados pela Vitaminer Shop para Comprar:
1. Otimiza a Recuperação
O suplemento Pós-Cirurgia é formulado com uma combinação de nutrientes essenciais, como vitaminas, minerais, probióticos e aminoácidos, que são comprovadamente eficazes na otimização da recuperação pós-cirúrgica.
2. Fórmula Segura e Aprovada por Especialistas
Desenvolvido por médicos, o suplemento Pós-Cirurgia é seguro para uso pós-operatório e aprovado por cirurgiões e anestesiologistas. Você pode confiar na sua eficácia e segurança.
3. Dosagens Adequadas para Resultados Efetivos
O suplemento Pós-Cirurgia possui dosagens adequadas dos nutrientes necessários para promover uma recuperação rápida e eficaz. Baseado em estudos clínicos em humanos, você terá a certeza de estar consumindo a quantidade correta de cada nutriente.
4. Fabricado em Instalação Registrada na FDA
O suplemento Pós-Cirurgia é fabricado em uma instalação registrada na FDA dos Estados Unidos, garantindo a qualidade e segurança do produto.
5. Transparência e Qualidade Garantidas
O suplemento Pós-Cirurgia não contém dosagens placebo, pseudociência ou ingredientes proprietários ocultos. Além disso, é testado triplicadamente de acordo com os padrões da USP, garantindo a máxima segurança e qualidade.
– Sugestão de Uso:
Recomenda-se tomar 2 cápsulas do suplemento Pós-Cirurgia duas vezes ao dia, de preferência com as refeições. Consulte seu médico antes de iniciar o uso do produto, especialmente se estiver em período de recuperação pós-cirúrgica.
Recomenda-se tomar 2 cápsulas do suplemento Pós-Cirurgia duas vezes ao dia, de preferência com as refeições. Consulte seu médico antes de iniciar o uso do produto, especialmente se estiver em período de recuperação pós-cirúrgica.
I purchased over 2000 items on Amazon and written no reviews except for this ONLY BECAUSE I WANT SOMEONE ELSE TO RECOVER AS QUICKLY AS I HAVE. I play sports and work out every week. Also have minor ankle or calve or thigh injuries or always soar. I work on recovery all the time and takes weeks or months to resolve all issues. 3 days with this stuff. Unreal. Can’t believe it’s legal. 10 stars
Thomas –
I real a lot of reviews before I bought this HealFast Post-Op & Injury Formula. I bruise so easily and have Rheumatoid Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, and the drug is take for RA just adds to my inability to heal quickly. Several weeks ago I took a very bad fall and bruised my right leg, foot, arm and broke my elbow. Needless to say my whole right side was blackish purple from bruising. I used a rapid heal bruise lotion with arnica, didn’t help much at all. But after taking HealFast for 10 days as directed I can see a much improved lessening of the bruising. It never got yellowish and the purple/black has really diminished. I think another big plus from this product is how much better it has made my energy level increase from not being able to do much of anything to having energy enough to accomplish small household tasks and eat a little bit more. Wonderful product! Only minor cons are the size & number of capsules that you have to take, but I just took them in two’s and got through it just fine. I would really recommend trying this product!
Rae777 –
I have a connective tissue disorder and usually do not heal well, especially with incision scarring. I was shocked at the difference when using this product. I had another procedure in Nov (before knowing about HealFast) and the difference with using the supplement protocol pre and post surgery was night and day.
I used the pre and post HealFast supplements exactly as indicated.
I had a cyst removed from my pituitary (brain surgery), Eagles surgery (6cm styloid bone removed from neck) and Thoracic outlet surgery. I had three surgeons and it was a doozy! I also traveled out of state so healing well enough to get on a plane after a week was also a huge win.
There was virtually no bruising (which has never happened for me) and inflammation was minimal. The incision sites looked great even 5 days post op. My skull based surgeon was shocked how good the incisions looked…(I included a photo of my neck procedure after the first layer of stitches were removed – it’s a rare procedure and the pics I’ve seen of others even three months post op had me really nervous… but I’m so happy with the outcome. ) I will start using scar cream now but HealFast did such a great job I barely need it.
I’m a huge fan and will continue supporting and sharing the product. It made a world of difference in recovery.
I’m now three weeks post op and started PT today. My physical therapist said he wouldn’t have known I even had surgeries… the most visible scar (neck) is hardly noticeable…
Thank you for making an all in one product that makes it easy to prep and recover for the best outcome.
Mimirjones13 –
I’m usually skeptical of supplements and the results they claim, but this one really did deliver! I realize coincidence does not equal causation, and I only had a sample size of one (me), but I’m willing to credit this supplement with my results. I started taking these two weeks after a tummy tuck, when my surgical drain output was not dropping and therefore I was having to keep my drains in longer than expected. I started taking these, and within two days my drain output had plummeted from 80cc per day to almost nothing.
Rae777 –
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It help heal the surgery a little quicker . I had tendons removed from the inside of my foot and reattached to the outside of my foot. To realign my foot. The stitches healed in 2 weeks. X ray looked good. May 11 2022 my cast comes off. Then I start physical therapy. This product works really well. I’m happy with it. It I could get another bottle to continue healing on the foot . I know it take longer than 6 weeks foot my foot to heal. I don’t know how long I have to take this product for my foot to fully heal. I finished my 30 days today. With heal Fast post op injury Formula.
hummer –
Yet to know the benefits..
HT –
Corn allergy beware!! Nowhere on this product page does the seller disclose “Other ingredients” of their product. There’s one other reviewer who shared a photo that happened to include “Other ingredients” and the rice and corn were NOT listed, as of March 2022. I ordered this product for a surgery I had today, in July 2024, and, after taking my first 5 pills, my boyfriend noticed it has both rice and corn (both of which I’m allergic to). I seem to be fine after those 5 but no longer feel safe taking this product that was supposed to support me during this time. SELLER, PLEASE DISCLOSE ALL INGREDIENTS. This is vitally crucial for those of us with allergies.
Migdalia D. –
I’m not sure if the pills work or not, but we received an opened bottle with less than half the amount of pills that the description says (100). We returned it and requested a refund.
hummer –
Scar tissue I got it for my son I just hope it works 🙏
Rich –
I rarely post reviews on Amazon but these Post Op supplements have really helped my recovery so much that I have to write a review about it. I have seen these supplements on a Surgeon’s YT channel and got me interested so I have researched more and checked all the reviews about it. I decided I wanted to give it a try. I am now 5 days PostOp without any swelling, no bruising, no pain and can walk normally. I had CS operation 7 yrs ago and did not take these supplements and can tell the difference in my recovery. I was so anxious about bloating and constipation as one of the effects of surgery, but honestly I could not believe it, I do not have any swelling, bloating and constipation. I actually go to the toilet for number 2 twice a day since first day post op and never had a problem up till now. I hope all of you will try these supplements as they are really worth it. Special mention to their Customer Service which is outstanding never had this same genuine concern from a company, kuddos to Justin from the Customer Service! I will give this review 10 stars if possible!