O Porta Comprimidos de Alumínio à Prova d’Água é a solução ideal para quem busca praticidade e segurança no armazenamento de medicamentos. Com um design elegante em prata-fosco-vermelho, este estojo não só é funcional, mas também estiloso. Cada pacote contém três unidades, permitindo que você tenha sempre um recipiente à mão, seja para uso diário ou emergencial. O estojo é feito de liga de alumínio leve e resistente, facilitando o transporte e garantindo durabilidade. Com dimensões de 2 x 0,8 polegadas (51 x 20,5 mm) e um diâmetro interno de 0,75 polegadas (19 mm), ele é compacto o suficiente para caber em qualquer bolso ou bolsa.
A vedação à prova d’água, proporcionada pela junta de borracha de alta qualidade, assegura que suas pílulas fiquem protegidas da umidade, mantendo sua eficácia. Este recipiente é versátil e pode ser utilizado para armazenar não apenas comprimidos, mas também suplementos vitamínicos, primeiros socorros, especiarias, doces, cosméticos, joias e muito mais. O chaveiro integrado permite que você prenda o estojo em chaveiros, bolsas, cintos e outros acessórios, garantindo fácil acesso às suas medicações quando necessário.
- Proteção à prova d’água: Mantém as pílulas seguras e eficazes, longe da umidade.
- Portátil e leve: Ideal para quem está sempre em movimento, garantindo que suas medicações estejam sempre à mão.
- Uso versátil: Perfeito para armazenar uma variedade de itens, desde medicamentos até pequenos objetos pessoais.
- Fácil de transportar: O design com chaveiro facilita o acesso rápido e prático às suas pílulas.
- Design durável: Feito de alumínio resistente, projetado para suportar o desgaste do dia a dia.
Para utilizar o Porta Comprimidos de Alumínio à Prova d’Água, comece desenroscando a tampa do recipiente. Insira as pílulas ou itens desejados, garantindo que não excedam a capacidade interna. Após o armazenamento, rosqueie a tampa firmemente para assegurar a vedação à prova d’água. O estojo pode ser facilmente preso a um chaveiro, bolsa ou cinto, permitindo que você tenha acesso rápido às suas medicações em qualquer situação. Este produto é ideal para quem precisa de uma solução prática e segura para o transporte de medicamentos diários ou de emergência.
S. Erickson –
I’ve purchased many of these over the years. I keep earplugs in one, and pills in the other. They’re small enough to carry in your pocket, and they carry 8-10 standard ibuprofin pills. The tops have a rubber washer to keep the insides dry. NOTE: make sure to tighten the top well, as they get jostled in your pocket, and some times the tops loosen if they’re not on tight to begin with. I keep giving these out to friends and relatives as they’re very handy.
Charlie –
Reading other reviews, I was worried it would be a huge cylinder in my pocket. It is as small as it possibly can be and still hold a 25 count nitroglycerin bottle. The size doesn’t seem to bother me on my keychain.
They look good. They do their jobs by carrying lifesaving medication. They are an excellent value for money with getting 3 of them with 2 extra o rings.
They arrived today. The tiny 25-tab nitro bottle is easy to lose, misplace, leave in your pants & it easily can wind up in the washer and the silly screw top comes off easily. Screw top nitro bottle: I cleaned out my pocket, didn’t know the little top had unscrewed and I dumped the contents on the floor, hence the reason I looked for a better container. I FOUND IT! I can’t be the first this has happened to.
* The metal container is sturdier than I expected for the price.
* I wanted the colored containers as I’ll carry the red one, and it is easy to spot when set down on the night stand at the end of the day.
* The screw top fits snugly with the rubber gasket (plus they provided 3 spare gaskets!).
* The 25-pill nitro bottle fits nicely inside so in an emergency the person helping KNOWS these are nitro.
* Finally the size of the container is just a tad larger than the nitro bottle and much easier to find in your pocket when mixed in with cough drops (allergy season is here) and lose change. If women have a change purse in their purse, it will make finding it way easier than the titty bitty nitro bottle.
A key ring was included that I won’t need, however, some people may want it so you have that too. I keep a bottle in the car in case I forget and leave my carry bottle at home. And, I have spare container; for $7 what a great deal! I’m pretty focused on quality, and this looks to be a serious winner.
Perfect for my branch’s party I recommend –
Great for medicine in it. Medium size great highly recommend
What I like most is my bottle of nitro fits in this container perfectly. I didn’t think I needed 3 containers; but now I am glad I have three. Since my RX is in glass bottles, I feel they are protected better when in these containers even for storage. I recommend this product.
Joseph Martins –
Great price . Lots of room for pills. Keep,it on my keychain
rhonda s –
This is the second time that I have ordered these and they are inexpensive, good quality and als fit my husbands nitro bottle perfectly. It’s water proof with a rubber seal and has a ring to attach to keys or something else.
I bought this because I have to carry 6 Creon capsules when I go out to dinner. This container actually holds 8 capsules (that would be enough for both breakfast and lunch). It fits nicely in my pants pocket and it is much sturdier than the cheap plastic containers. Also once it’s closed it won’t open in your pocket (that has happened with the little plastic disk containers), and your meds are waterproof (in case you get stuck in the rain).
Robert Boyd –
It works great in her purse
Joseph Martins –
Great size for its purpose. nice feel and arrives with back-up O-Rings which I wouldn’t have expected.