Descrição do Produto: Owell Naturals Drawing Salve Ointment 1oz
O Owell Naturals Drawing Salve Ointment é a solução definitiva para quem busca alívio e tratamento eficaz para uma variedade de desconfortos cutâneos. Com uma fórmula potente e natural, este unguento de 1 oz é ideal para tratar pelos encravados, furúnculos, cistos, espinhas, abscessos e unhas encravadas. Sua eficácia é comprovada, tornando-se a escolha preferida para quem precisa de um produto que realmente funcione.
Além de ser uma excelente opção para desconfortos na pele, o Owell Naturals é formulado profissionalmente para lidar com queimaduras, erupções cutâneas, irritações e coceiras. É especialmente eficaz contra picadas de mosquito, picadas de aranha, picadas de abelha e reações a plantas como a hera venenosa e o carvalho venenoso. A sua aplicação proporciona alívio imediato e ajuda na recuperação da pele.
A segurança e a suavidade são prioridades na formulação do Owell Naturals. Com um aroma natural de lavanda e mel, sua consistência suave é agradável ao toque. Utilizando apenas ingredientes naturais, o produto é livre de OGM, parabenos e não é testado em animais, garantindo que você esteja cuidando da sua pele de forma ética e responsável.
A fórmula autêntica do Owell Naturals aproveita os poderes curativos dos óleos essenciais. A mistura única inclui cera de abelha, erva de galinha, lavanda, eucalipto, comfrey, pinho e azeite de oliva, tornando-o três vezes mais eficaz que o Ichthammol. Essa combinação poderosa não só trata, mas também nutre a pele, promovendo uma recuperação saudável.
– Alívio Rápido: Proporciona alívio imediato para picadas e irritações, permitindo que você retome suas atividades diárias sem desconforto.
– Tratamento Eficaz: Ideal para tratar pelos encravados, furúnculos e cistos, ajudando a evitar complicações e infecções.
– Fórmula Natural: Com ingredientes naturais e sem aditivos químicos, é seguro para todos os tipos de pele, incluindo as mais sensíveis.
– Versatilidade: Pode ser usado em diversas situações, desde picadas de insetos até queimaduras, tornando-se um item essencial no seu kit de primeiros socorros.
– Aroma Agradável: O perfume de lavanda e mel proporciona uma experiência sensorial agradável durante a aplicação, tornando o cuidado da pele mais prazeroso.
Para utilizar o Owell Naturals Drawing Salve Ointment, aplique uma quantidade generosa do unguento diretamente sobre a área afetada. Massageie suavemente até que o produto seja absorvido pela pele. Para melhores resultados, recomenda-se aplicar duas a três vezes ao dia, ou conforme necessário, até que a condição da pele melhore. Em casos de pelos encravados ou cistos, pode ser útil cobrir a área com um curativo após a aplicação para maximizar a eficácia do tratamento. Evite o contato com os olhos e mantenha fora do alcance de crianças.
Lektro –
My husband had splinters in his fingers, applied, bandage over night, felt much better in the morning!
Kristine –
This product really works. It helped heal the boil and took a lot of the pain away quickly and effectively. It is a great value for the money.
L.S. –
Ok I never really leave reviews, but this stuff is amazing! It really works. I just received it today 12-29-2024 and started using this on a large cyst due to an ingrown hair. Literally minutes later the cyst has started to drain dramatically! I’ve had the cyst for about a week and half and it has become bothersome! I still have a doctor’s appointment just in case but on this salve will be a must have for my medicine cabinet. Highly recommend. No smell! Well worth the money for the small container!
Rebekah Orton –
Reading other people’s reviews, I thought this sounded too good to be true. But it really does work like magic! I had an access about the size of a walnut deep below the skin; urgent care told me it was too deep to lance and drain. I used this ointment at about 2pm and by 8pm almost the entire abscess drained almost painlessly!
Kristin –
Our precious Bella is a purebred mini schnauzer. She is 15 and had developed a typical Schnauzer bump. It is known as Comedone Syndrome, the “” develop under the surface of the skin as a result of oil buildup on your Schnauzer’s pore.
The skin contains sebaceous glands that secrete an oil called sebum to keep the skin and hair moisturized. However, when the skin produces excess fat, the glands are blocked, leading to the development of Schnauzer bumps. In short, they are the Schnauzer version of blackhead. Over 3 years, the bump had developed into a large boil and had ruptured numerous times before. The first time I lanced the bump and as I began to squeeze the bump, what expelled was white grainy and foul smelling. It took several times to drain the spot and it never completely healed. However, over the last year the wound remained open and activity continued to drain with puss and blood, aside from treatment with oral and topical antibiotic ointments, flushing the open wound and still it would scab over but appeared to fill up again despite every treatment possible. I had been told that often the condition at this stage would continue to need treatment. On a long shot I read about this Amish Origins drawing salve. There were warnings of a black drawing salve but the one I found on Amazon was not black in color but a dense yellowish color. It has a strong scent to it but not a foul scent, but a medical ointment type salve. At the time I began to use the treatment, it was a daily routine of cleaning the bloody wound with obvious open build up of scar tissue and discharge. It’s been about two weeks with treatment for six or so times. After a week the bleeding had stopped and the wound appeared to began to dry out nice and flat. So no more obvious signs of further continuing discharge under the skin. Normally, wounds are encouraged to be left uncovered but I elected to place a cotton makeup round over the salve coated wound. I skipped a day of treatment and this morning as I removed the ace bandage that held the cotton round in place there was very little dark discharge on the wound site. I cleaned the area that is now nearly completely closed with a warm witch hazel soaked baby wipe there was no more blood. I reapplied the salve on a clean cotton round and wrap to hold it in place. For the first time in over a year this has never looked so well. It certainly appears that it is well on its way to healing completely and hopefully it will heal soon with the treatments as or if needed. But she is a very happy fur baby and I couldn’t be happier with this product! What the Vet said would never completely heal, the Amish Origins Draw Salve has proven to be far better than any other product or treatment by the Vet! This is a miracle product and I would encourage anyone who has done everything possible to give this a try. After all the expense and pain from before that still never helped by a Vet, the Amish have certainly got this right!!!!
God 1st Google 2nd – Joan –
This product does what it says and the ointment goes a long way.
Kristin –
I posted a review with my exact experience with this excellent product and it was removed. I didn’t violate any guidelines and I especially didn’t claim that this product cures any serious medical issue. It does what it says it does, much better than anything I’ve ever tried for minor and persistent skin issues.
My review was specific and could’ve been helpful but something about it triggered someone at Amazon, so I’ll be very non-specific and vague. You can put some of this on, and the results may or may not be positive depending on your specific reaction to it. I don’t want to say too much. Apparently someone will be offended. I would say it’s worth a try to see if it brings you any relief if you have minor and stubborn skin issues. If you’re anything like me this may help you feel and look quite a bit better.
L. Ross –
I had ingrown hair on legs that was starting to get painful. I have sensitive skin and wanted a product with natural ingredients that would be effective but not irritating to my skin. This product is very effective. I used it for a few days and my ingrown started to dissipate and the pain was gone. I’m very sensitive to smells and found the scent of the product to be very mild. It is a small container but you only need a small amount of the product for each application.
Raymond Polone –
I had been unaware of anything like this to treat my occasional skin eruptions (I know what they are really called but surprisingly discomforting and painful for such tiny imperfection) and found that this product is effective within a few hours of application. Super pleased to have discovered this product that apparently has been available for really quite a long while.
Amazon Customer –
My ingrown hair bumps but worked on a cold sore.