Descrição do Produto: Naturals Neem Skin Salve, 1 oz (30 ml)
Em um mundo onde a busca por soluções naturais e eficazes para o cuidado da pele se torna cada vez mais essencial, o Naturals Neem Skin Salve se destaca como um verdadeiro aliado. Este bálsamo, que vem em uma prática embalagem de 30 ml, é formulado com folhas de Neem cultivadas organicamente, uma planta venerada na tradição ayurvédica por suas propriedades curativas. O Neem, conhecido como a erva milagrosa, tem sido utilizado por séculos para promover a saúde da pele, e agora você pode experimentar seus benefícios em um produto de fácil aplicação.
O Naturals Neem Skin Salve é uma pomada tópica maravilhosa que acalma e apoia a pele, proporcionando alívio em diversas situações. Com uma composição 100% pura de folhas de Neem e enriquecido com Vitamina E, este bálsamo não só hidrata, mas também ajuda a restaurar a vitalidade da pele, tornando-se uma escolha ideal para quem busca um cuidado mais natural e eficaz. Sua embalagem compacta permite que você o leve para qualquer lugar, garantindo que você tenha sempre à mão uma solução para pequenas irritações, ressecamentos ou desconfortos na pele.
– Propriedades Antissépticas: O Neem é conhecido por suas propriedades antimicrobianas, ajudando a prevenir infecções e a manter a pele saudável.
– Hidratação Profunda: A combinação de Neem e Vitamina E proporciona uma hidratação intensa, ideal para peles secas e danificadas.
– Alívio de Irritações: O bálsamo é eficaz no alívio de coceiras, vermelhidão e irritações, tornando-o perfeito para picadas de insetos e alergias.
– Ação Anti-inflamatória: O Neem possui propriedades anti-inflamatórias que ajudam a reduzir o inchaço e a inflamação na pele.
– Fácil Aplicação: A embalagem em lata de 30 ml é prática e permite que você aplique o produto facilmente em qualquer lugar, a qualquer hora.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Naturals Neem Skin Salve, aplique uma quantidade generosa do bálsamo diretamente sobre a área afetada da pele. Massageie suavemente até que o produto seja completamente absorvido. Utilize o salve sempre que necessário, especialmente após a exposição ao sol, em caso de picadas de insetos ou quando sentir a pele seca e irritada. Para um efeito ainda mais potente, recomenda-se o uso diário em áreas propensas a ressecamento, garantindo que sua pele permaneça hidratada e saudável.
Shannon A. –
This stuff is no joke – I don’t usually write reviews but I’ve been using this salve for 5 days and it’s made such a difference for my skin. I bought the product after struggling with dry, red, itchy patches on my face (mild eczema) and I read the reviews for this. I did use hydrocortisone for two days (which took the redness & some of the itchiness out, but it severely dried out my skin.) Then I got this in the mail and started it immediately. It’s pretty greasy, (it’s oil) so I wouldn’t recommend trying to put a full face a makeup on afterward, but it’s SO worth it. After one night my skin started to look and feel better (less red & itchy), and after 5, I hardly need makeup. I still have a few small spots, but my skin looks completely different!
I WILL confirm that the tin is VERY hard to open after it’s been used and then closed; the oil creates a seal, but I just leave the lid halfway off.
This product might be a little heavy to put near or around eyes, but I put it on my lower cheeks, chin, and forehead (& the area next to my nose) with no problems/breakout. I will be ordering this again.
(*I have a before/after photo but I’m not seeing a place to post it.)
jfitz –
I suffer from contact dermatitis so I need something that will heal as well as calming the itch. The Neem skin salve does the job for me and helps me heal. I am so glad I discovered this product! I keep one in my purse, at my bedside, in both bathrooms and in my locker at work. I don’t want to be caught without it. Of course, I always try to avoid the things I am allergic to, but when I am not successful this product keeps me from suffering needlessly. It doesn’t have much of a fragrance, unlike other salves which can be overwhelmingly stinky. People won’t smell you from a block away. Excellent price point too!
smart shopper –
After seeing a program on Dr. Oz, I began using neem products and they are great for skin conditions as well as dental use. The salve is neem suspended in a sunflower oil ~ only 3 ingredients! I far cry form the sensitive skin care products on the market which have tons of ingredients, and had been ineffective for me. After spending hundreds of dollars on creams & lotions and getting no relief, I tried the neem and it eased my symptoms greatly! I am impressed and will be taking this with me on my next trip to the dermatologist to show her how a simple salve for under $10 has helped more than the prescription products and expensive over the counter products ! Neem is an antiviral, antibacterial, and is great for burns, mosquito bites and much much more. Truly a wonderous plantI also purchased neem lotion, face wash and toothpaste. This is an age old remedy in india and I highly suggest this product. Only problem is summer shipping. it was hot here in CA and it arrived a little melted but acceptable as the seal was still in place.
EQ –
Great product will last for many years!
Castle –
Very happy with this salve but I wanted the small, flat tin shown in the picture so I could easily carry it in my pocket. It came in a bulky jar that I can NOT fit in my pocket. I would continue to buy this product if I knew it would come in the container shown in the pictures. If anyone knows where to get the tin shown in the picture, please let me know?
M.P. –
Works great as a lipbalm. Antiseptic and antifungic, it is a fantastic balm for spot treatment. Do not use all over your face though! Be cautious and enjoy all the benefits!
Keisha –
This jar looks little but it packs a punch. I am heavy handed and just used too…. much at once. You literally only need like a one strand of hair amount. It works, it works, keep using it and get what you need to heal. I only wish that they can install a cover on the top where you press down and it give you a less that a pea size amount. It the new thing in the beauty products I saw in stores and online. Of course I don’t know if that going to mess with product quality and change the price tremendously however it’s just an idea. BUY IT!
Lori H –
Excellent exactly what I needed
Dani –
For a Neem salve, I thought this would stink. It doesn’t have that strong smell like most neem products do. I don’t mind the smell of neem though. It doesn’t have much of a scent at all. The container I got was filled completely to the top, so no joking around on how much product you get. I used this on a few spots that I have that just don’t seem to go away. They look like small rashes or irritations on the skin and nothing antifungal, antibiotic, or anything else works, this got them to start disappearing in a couple days and within a week, they were gone. These are things that will be on my skin for months or as a couple cases, years. It’s an effect of having lupus.
This container should last a really long time, I hope I will be able to purchase another when I run out of this salve in probably a year. lol
Brittany A. –
2 uses cleared my beiges diaper rash he had for a really long time ! Soothes & heals