Descrição do Produto: Natural Path Silver Wings Silver 250ppm Herbal Ointment 1.5 oz. Skin Healing
A pomada Natural Path Silver Wings Silver 250ppm é a solução definitiva para quem busca um tratamento eficaz e natural para a pele. Conhecida como a “pomada de tudo”, ela se destaca por sua capacidade de promover a cicatrização e hidratação da pele, sendo ideal para queimaduras, cortes, abrasões, pele seca ou rachada, entre outros problemas dermatológicos. Com uma fórmula inovadora, esta pomada combina mais de oito ingredientes benéficos para a pele, incluindo azeite de oliva, óleo de gergelim orgânico, folha de aloe barbadensis orgânica, mirra orgânica, vitamina E orgânica (tocoferóis mistos), cera de abelha orgânica, óleo de orégano orgânico e óleo de grapefruit.
O grande diferencial desta pomada é a sua concentração de 250ppm de prata, que é 25 vezes mais forte do que as fórmulas tópicas de prata a 10ppm. Essa alta concentração significa que uma pequena quantidade do produto é suficiente para obter resultados significativos. Além disso, a pomada é altamente absorvível e fácil de aplicar, sendo adequada para adultos, crianças e até mesmo animais de estimação. A prata tem uma rica história de uso que remonta a mais de 2.400 anos, e esta combinação única de ingredientes oferece uma experiência totalmente natural e não transgênica, limpa e pura, exatamente como a natureza pretendia.
A qualidade do produto é garantida por testes independentes em laboratórios certificados UL cGMP, que verificam a concentração de PPM, o tamanho das partículas de prata, a estabilidade e a qualidade dos ingredientes herbais. A pomada foi reconhecida com o prestigiado prêmio Beauty & Body da revista Delicious Living, respaldada por pesquisas clínicas, laboratoriais e universitárias. A Silver Wings, fabricante de prata coloidal mais antiga e de propriedade familiar nos EUA, é a autoridade líder no assunto, oferecendo uma linha abrangente de produtos de cuidados tópicos para a pele desde 1994.
– Cicatrização Rápida: A combinação de ingredientes naturais acelera o processo de cicatrização de feridas e queimaduras.
– Hidratação Profunda: Hidrata a pele seca e rachada, proporcionando alívio imediato e duradouro.
– Fórmula Potente: A alta concentração de prata (250ppm) garante eficácia superior em comparação com outras pomadas.
– Versatilidade de Uso: Adequada para toda a família, incluindo crianças e pets, tornando-se um item essencial em qualquer lar.
– Qualidade Comprovada: Testes rigorosos garantem a pureza e a eficácia do produto, oferecendo confiança ao consumidor.
Para obter os melhores resultados com a pomada Natural Path Silver Wings Silver 250ppm, aplique uma quantidade generosa diretamente sobre a área afetada da pele. Certifique-se de que a pele esteja limpa e seca antes da aplicação. Massageie suavemente até que o produto seja completamente absorvido. Aplique conforme necessário, até três vezes ao dia, ou conforme orientação de um profissional de saúde. Para uso em animais de estimação, consulte um veterinário antes da aplicação. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta.
Nancy Morse –
This is from Nancy Morse, wife of John Morse:
The product, Silver Herbal Ointment, from Natural Path/Silver Wings is as good as it gets with colloidal silver.
While pulling weeds I was bitten by a spider and did not recognize the symptoms until I scratched and scratched the itch. This is nature’s way of spreading what is in the bite. In two days it developed an irregular shape and then started turning purple around the perimeter, and became perfectly round. I could then see the two tiny holes where the bite originated.
I had done considerable research on spider bites twenty years ago when first bitten. At that time I experienced tetanus symptoms, blood poisoning radiating red in extreme directions, and the beginning of necrotizing flesh around the site.
So this time, suspecting the same things, I immediately grabbed a jar of this colloidal silver Natural Path/Silver Wings ointment that I had bought years ago. I was so grateful to learn that the company was still able to be in business.
Go look on a site about brown recluse spiders and you will be horrified at what can happen if unattended or if you encounter an inexperienced doctor. Doctors used to cut out the wound as the only way. Now they treat with antibiotics and a tetanus shot. All spiders carry streptococcus as well as their venom. The venom causes changes in human flesh and is tougher than trying to cut through a rubber tire. Years ago I had the luck to find, in a book, instructions about the dangers of spider bites. Now there is information available on the Internet.
So this time, when I recognized the symptoms I decided I should try to locate this same product to replace what my old supply was now diminishing.
I had to hunt for it and found it on Amazon right away….the Natural Path website is okay but I could not find it there for some reason.
Anyhow….it now comes in a tube and the FDA has required that it no long carry Echinacea…but includes yellow dock instead.
Treatment: At night I applied the salve – their product has a large amount of the purest form of silver along with other naturopathic helpful ingredients. It is now dispensed in a tube, which is much more sanitary and useful than the little jar.
Each night I put a 7/8″ little sea shell that over the wound and then a piece of adhesive tape to secure this with the salve on top of the wound. The wound does not like to accept anything, is slick, but this way worked and did not absorb the salve into a gauze piece. It had no choice but to sit there and do its work.
I did this every night for two weeks.
During each day, I removed the bandage and shell early in the morning,let the wound completely dry out…apparently terribly important. I only covered it when I was performing in a band or otherwise going out of the house or would be around anyone where it could be affected by the environment.
To my private music students I showed photos from a website of a spider bite untreated that showed a man’s thumb with considerable necrotizing flesh…turned black and exposing almost to the bone, the entire affected site. Then I showed them how mine was healing.
It took more than three weeks to totally respond to treatment. The dangerous purple that always encircles such a bite is gone as of today.
The entire site has gradually healed….looked quite bad for a while. Now it is barely pink.
I applied yesterday and today another product that has less colloidal silver but is in a gel with only the silver, even though considerably less in measurement. The Silver Wings has 250ppm and the Silver Miracles Gel has 75 ppm.
No matter…I rubbed it in over a considerable area to eliminate any exposure to contamination.
This morning the wound site is unbelievable…it is not scarred at all. It is barely pink….and the hotness is gone. At this time it looks merely like a red mosquito bite. You can not imagine what it would have been otherwise unless, like myself from previous experience, you knew how dangerous such a bite is.
It took two weeks to eliminate the blood poisoning that radiated up and down my leg from the bite….at the second day the hot angry redness was radiating six to seven inches each direction from the bite. That gradually got shorter and shorter near the wound until all gone in two weeks.
The one that I counted heavily upon, is the Natural Path/Silver Wings Herbal Colloidal Silver Salve in a tube of 1.5 ounces.
The product I used the last two days is Silver Miracles Colloidal Silver Gel.
I highly recommend that every household ought to keep these fabulous products on hand. I would have been in huge trouble if I had not been able to treat this bite immediately with the old jar I had and because I had had previous experience.
Many years ago, I had gone to a doctor because of my spider bite at that time. He scoffed at my use of the word erythmatosis and told me how ridiculous this was – that all I had was a skin bacterial infection.
Judge for yourself.
Thank you, FDA, for allowing these products to exist. Even though the FDA has made it hard for these products to tell people what they can do…I still have an intact immune system, thanks to companies of Natural Path/Silver Wings and Silver Miracles.
Thank you, Amazon for carrying things like this.
Americans, try to hang on to such excellence!
nancy morse – 75 years old and still learning!!!
Miss K –
This was my first time buying this product. I can’t say that it is really working for me personally. I am using this in conjunction with the soap but my leg wound doesn’t seem to be healing. It is supposed to be a salve with the consistency of Makuna Wound Honey, but as you use this it seems to be more oily. You need to try and shake or massage the tube in order to evenly distribute the oil and gel. It’s kinda messy and you’ll definitely need gauze pads and dressings. I’ll probably keep using this until I run out of it but I’m not sure if I’d reorder this? I think Makuna Wound Honey works better. Just my personal opinion. I’ll update my review should I see any miraculous changes.
Amazon Customer –
I have been a fan of colloidal silver for a few years now and tried several creams/ointments and this one is my favorite so far. It is heavily moisturizing so it’s great on wounds etc but doesn’t clog pores so I’ve been known to even slather it all over my face. I’ve gotten multiple friends hooked on it – my friends lips were cracked and bleeding in the desert air on our trip even with lip balm and this completely healed them overnight – another friend has had a skin rash on her hand for over 5 months and tried random creams and it is already 1/2way gone within 24 hours of using this so I knew I needed to leave a review. I love how all the other ingredients are super natural and good for you as well so totally comfortable using this all the time.
Amazon Customer –
great stuff
Chantay Chapman –
I was recently bit by a spider.
I began using the product right away. After being bit by the spider, I had 3 dots across my back. My back was burning me and I didn’t understand what was really going on until after I realized that it was the effect of the spider bite. So I continue to use the cream for about two weeks and the symptoms went away. The cream worked right away and my skinned healed quickly. I will be purchasing again. This is a must have in your a first aid kit for sure.
Joe –
Great product for staying healthy
Julie and Vince –
I had a large second degree burn caused by hot grease that hit me in the belly (my cooking skills could use some improvement). It became infected, so the doctor gave me a prescription cream that contained an antibiotic and colloidal silver. When I ran out of the prescription stuff, I wasn’t completely healed yet. After reading other reviews here, I decided to try this ointment. Not only did it help in the healing process, but my scar shrank to less than half of its original size. I’m reordering some more to keep on hand for minor skin infections. Colloidal silver is great stuff.
Mary –
As soon as I got this,I used it on a raw spot on the back of my leg,first washed the area,dry it and apply to the spot, within 2 days the redness was almost gone, I will be buying more.
Chris –
I really like the ointment, it healed by knuckles overnight. A little goes a long way. Its thick ointment thats doesn’t leave me feeling greasy. It has a natural smell and fades. It’s perfect for my needs.
Chris –
This stuff is excellent! Works every time