Pomada A+D para Assaduras Noturnas – Alivia e Protege – 50g
A Pomada para Assaduras A+D Overnight Healing é um produto excepcional que oferece alívio e proteção para a pele do seu bebê. Com uma fórmula especial que combina Vitaminas A e D, aveia coloidal e lavanda, esta pomada não apenas acalma e protege, mas também ajuda a curar e hidratar a pele, reparando e rejuvenescendo áreas irritadas. Desenvolvida para atuar durante a noite, a Pomada A+D proporciona um alívio rápido e eficaz, permitindo que seu bebê durma tranquilamente e acorde com a pele mais saudável e confortável.
Com mais de 80 anos de confiança, a fórmula enriquecida com vitaminas A+D é recomendada por pediatras e dermatologistas, sendo clinicamente comprovada para melhorar vermelhidão, ressecamento, coceira, assaduras e irritações na pele. Livre de parabenos, corantes e ftalatos, a Pomada A+D é suave e versátil, podendo ser aplicada em diversas áreas do corpo, como bumbum, bochechas, pernas, pescoço, joelhos, mãos, cotovelos e pés. Estudos mostram que 93% dos pais notaram uma melhora significativa na pele de seus bebês pela manhã, evidenciando a eficácia do produto.
1. Alívio noturno: Proporciona cura e alívio para a pele irritada durante a noite, garantindo um sono tranquilo para o bebê.
2. Recomendada por pediatras: A fórmula é aprovada por especialistas, assegurando segurança e eficácia no tratamento de assaduras.
3. Versatilidade: Pode ser utilizada em várias áreas do corpo, oferecendo alívio imediato em diferentes partes da pele.
4. Resultados comprovados: Alta taxa de satisfação entre os pais, com melhorias visíveis na pele dos bebês após o uso.
5. Confiança de longa data: Uma marca com mais de 80 anos de tradição, reconhecida por sua qualidade e eficácia.
Aplique uma camada generosa da Pomada para Assaduras A+D Overnight Healing na área afetada, especialmente antes de dormir. Espalhe suavemente até que a pomada seja absorvida pela pele. Para melhores resultados, repita a aplicação sempre que necessário. Evite o contato com os olhos. Em caso de irritação, interrompa o uso e consulte um médico. Mantenha fora do alcance das crianças e armazene em local fresco e seco.
Customer Review –
If your baby can only tolerate fragrance free/simple ingredient products then you will want to skip this, but if your baby can tolerate some mild fragrance, this is a pretty good overnight diaper cream. Any redness my daughter had was cleared up by the next morning after having this on all night, so I do think that it works well. This isn’t the best choice for everyone, but for babies who can tolerate it this is definitely worth it.
Great ointment Great price
Smells good
Has natural ingredients
Says use for diaper rash but I been use like a very thin film over my face and helps with dryness
Fox Workshop –
I have been using A+D for diaper cream for multiple years now and have found it quite useful for most diaper situations. However, it was only moderately effective for lingering overnight ‘wet diaper rash’ situations. This overnight product is similar to the old, but includes additional ingredients to soothe any skin irritation already in place. My 2 cents is it does keep things more comfortable for the child when dealing with an existing minor rash. Very happy with the ongoing results.
E. Hodgson –
This ointment has been a wonder for helping my elderly mother with irritation and rashes caused by her adult incontinence underwear she has to wear due to being bed-bound by a back injury. It’s a thick anber colored ointment that applies easily and creates a good moisture barrier to prevent irritation while also helping to calm already irritated skin. I’m not a fan of the scent because I despise the scent of lavender, but that’s just me. She finds it very pleasant. I also like that it doesn’t contain the words “diaper rash” on the box or tube, because even old ladies have their pride and don’t want to be reminded that they’re essentially back in diapers. Overnight healing is just great for all of our needs.
DK –
I loved this Rash ointment. I have 9 months little one and this ointment is helping to keep his skin rash free. Applying and keeping overnight helps his skin stay smooth. The lavender scent is good.
Tiffany –
On top of smelling great this product had done an excellent job keeping my son diaper rash free!
Customer Reviewer –
We are an A&D family. We use it by the tub for the diaper area and the tubes for non-diaper areas. We use them as a protective emollient for rashes and small scrapes. These are great for the winter to prevent any wind chafing. If you did not like the original scent (which unscented but smells fishy due to the cod liver oil), then the lavender scent is a nice change.
Fox Workshop –
Discovering A&D Overnight Healing Rash Ointment has been a pleasant surprise for me, despite not having a baby. I find that this versatile formula, enriched with vitamins A and D, impressively soothes and moisturizes my own irritated skin, and effectively treats dryness and irritation.
This ointment has a lavender scent, which smells wonderful. The lavender, with the addition of colloidal oatmeal, enhances its healing properties, making it a gentle yet effective solution for anyone in need of skin relief.
Whether it’s alleviating dry patches or providing comfort to irritated skin, A&D Overnight Healing Rash Ointment has become a go-to in my skincare routine and has become an essential product in my household, delivering reliable results whenever I need to pamper and care for my skin.