Descrição do Produto: Brasso-2660089334 Multi-Purpose Metal Polish, 8 oz
O Brasso-2660089334 é um polidor de metais multiuso, projetado para restaurar e manter o brilho de uma ampla variedade de superfícies metálicas. Com 8 onças de fórmula poderosa, este produto é ideal para metais como latão, cobre, aço inoxidável, cromo, alumínio, estanho e bronze. Fabricado nos Estados Unidos, o Brasso oferece uma solução eficaz para quem busca um acabamento duradouro e brilhante em seus objetos metálicos.
A aplicação do Brasso resulta em um brilho intenso e duradouro, especialmente em eletrodomésticos de aço inoxidável, que frequentemente acumulam manchas e marcas ao longo do tempo. Além disso, ele é perfeito para limpar maçanetas de latão, fechaduras e placas de identificação que podem parecer desgastadas após um inverno rigoroso. Com sua fórmula inovadora, o Brasso não apenas limpa, mas também protege as superfícies, prolongando a vida útil dos metais e mantendo sua aparência impecável.
– Versatilidade: Adequado para uma ampla gama de metais, tornando-o um produto essencial para qualquer lar.
– Brilho Duradouro: Proporciona um acabamento brilhante que resiste ao desgaste do dia a dia.
– Fácil Aplicação: A fórmula permite uma aplicação simples e rápida, economizando tempo e esforço.
– Proteção Contra Corrosão: Ajuda a prevenir a oxidação e a corrosão, prolongando a vida útil dos objetos.
– Resultados Imediatos: A limpeza e o polimento são visíveis imediatamente após a aplicação, proporcionando satisfação instantânea.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o Brasso-2660089334, siga estas etapas: Primeiro, agite bem a embalagem antes de usar. Aplique uma pequena quantidade do polidor em um pano macio e limpo. Em seguida, esfregue suavemente sobre a superfície metálica em movimentos circulares, garantindo que o produto penetre nas áreas mais difíceis. Após a aplicação, deixe o polidor agir por alguns minutos para maximizar o efeito. Por fim, use um pano seco e limpo para polir a superfície, revelando um brilho intenso e duradouro. Repita o processo conforme necessário para manter seus metais sempre impecáveis.
Nanette Cote –
This product worked wonders on an old doorbell plate. Made it look brand new again. Helped using a toothbrush to remove stubborn stains.
Bernardo Pano –
C’est le produit qui me fallait !
lollipopp58 –
Good quality, good price. I was amazed at how well it worked. I used it on a motorcycle’s chrome accessories. It didn’t improve the deteriorating pipes 100%, but the final outcome was surprising. I wasn’t expecting it to work that well. Will recommend to others
J –
After a lot of rubbing candelabras, rinsing and polishing with a soft rag, my candelabras begin to look somewhat shiny and better than before. But still, I keep hoping for a brilliant shine like many brass cleaning products show (but don’t do when I buy them). So this is still one of the better ones.
However, I’m going to try MET.ALL Brass ad Copper Polish. I actually saw (in person and held in my hands) an amazing, brilliant, shiny, clean brass candelabra that outperforms everything else I’ve ever seen. Hope it works as well for me as it did for a friends. Wow!
Mom –
I was hesitant to use a pewter polish which also cleans other types of metal but could not find a dedicated polish for pewter only. I was surprised that this one works great on pewter. I can’t comment on any other of the metals listed because I haven’t used it for anything except pewter. It didn’t hurt my pewter which was the most important thing and now the items are bright and shiny. The polish smells ghastly so make sure you have enough ventilation to safely use it.
Dr. D A Dworaczyk –
I am really impressed with this product. I used it on several different polished brass objects, towel bars, faucets, and other things, and found that it worked wonders. I am very happy with the product. I did learn, however, that if you use it on polished brass that had a protective coating, you will need to use a lacquer spray to prevent the piece from tarnishing again. Minor thing, and easy to do and a lot cheaper than buying new fixtures!
Bernardo Pano –
Me ayudo a regresarle la vida a un candelabro muy sucio, al final quedó como nuevo
Denise –
It’s a great product I’ve been using for over 40 years. I’ve mostly used it for my antiques but we now have a copper vessel sink and it works great. It’s great for copper and brass. Removes tarnished fairly easily, if it’s green then several times with some elbow grease. Good price as it lasts for years. Smells yucky but to be expected, the creamy consistency makes easy to work with.
Hollywood –
Decided to give this product a shot as well as the rest of world seems to like it. Now, it does work… but here’s the caveat. I’ve been spoiled by superior products on the market that work, in all honesty… four to five times better. On certain metals, there’s only so much cleaning and/or polishing this product can afford you. What I mean by that is there are products that are good at removing varnish and discoloration from metals and some products are better on different metals. There are also products that afford that same level of performance removing tarnish (chemical cleaning) plus a polishing compound to really get after those severely oxidized layers and even the ability to remove ultra fine scratches that appear as hazing or dull finishes. This is not one of those products, and has no “cut” but in a lot of cases, that isn’t necessary. Finishes that don’t see a lot of physical contact and abrasion rarely need that added benefit. However, the ones that do, will need a more aggressive product to bring back that sheen. light to mild patina is where this Brasso product really shines. **Side Note** As with all aggressive chemical cleaners, make sure you use this in a well ventilated area. If that isn’t an option, use a good respirator rated for spray painting and airborne chemicals, to keep your head clear and off the deck! One can’t enjoy one’s cleaned metals if one can’t see straight or laid up in the ER from chemical overexposure. I mean that! Some of these products are stronger than you’d expect. Even if you can’t smell them. Those are the worse ones. Protect yourself! Someone needs you.
Vincent M. –
I used it to take the decades of tarnish off of a big piece of brass. It works great.