Descrição do Produto: Pólen de Abelha – Granulados Inteiros de Baixa Umidade YS Eco Bee Farms 16 oz
O Pólen de Abelha da YS Eco Bee Farms é um superalimento natural, cuidadosamente processado para manter suas propriedades nutricionais. Com uma embalagem de 16 oz, este pólen granular de baixa umidade é ideal para quem busca uma fonte rica de vitaminas, minerais e antioxidantes. O pólen é coletado de flores por abelhas, sendo uma combinação única de néctar, pólen e secreções das abelhas, resultando em um produto altamente nutritivo. Durante os meses de verão, é importante notar que os produtos podem chegar quentes, mas a Amazon armazena e envia os produtos de acordo com as recomendações dos fabricantes, quando fornecidas.
O pólen de abelha é conhecido por suas propriedades energéticas e revitalizantes, tornando-se um complemento perfeito para a dieta diária. Ele pode ser adicionado a smoothies, iogurtes, cereais ou até mesmo consumido diretamente, proporcionando um impulso de energia natural e uma sensação de bem-estar. Além disso, sua textura granular facilita a incorporação em diversas receitas, permitindo que você aproveite todos os benefícios desse superalimento de forma prática e saborosa.
– Rico em Nutrientes: Contém uma ampla gama de vitaminas, minerais e aminoácidos essenciais que ajudam a fortalecer o sistema imunológico.
– Aumento de Energia: Proporciona um impulso natural de energia, ideal para atletas e pessoas ativas.
– Antioxidantes Naturais: Ajuda a combater os radicais livres, promovendo a saúde celular e o envelhecimento saudável.
– Suporte à Digestão: Contribui para a saúde intestinal, auxiliando na digestão e absorção de nutrientes.
– Melhora do Humor: Pode ajudar a reduzir o estresse e a ansiedade, promovendo uma sensação geral de bem-estar.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do Pólen de Abelha YS Eco Bee Farms, recomenda-se iniciar com uma colher de chá por dia, aumentando gradualmente a dose conforme a tolerância. O pólen pode ser adicionado a smoothies, misturado em iogurtes ou polvilhado sobre saladas e cereais. É importante não expor o pólen a altas temperaturas para preservar suas propriedades nutricionais. Para melhores resultados, consuma o pólen de abelha regularmente como parte de uma dieta equilibrada e saudável.
Jenni R. –
This is my go-too bee pollen. I’ve been using it for years. Love it! Great quality and super healthy!
Satisfied Customer –
This bee pollen by Y. S. Eco Bee Farms is of very good quality. It appears very clean, no foreign debris or particles. It consists of multicolored granules about 1 to 2 millimeters in diameter. It smells very fresh and has a fruity odor, no mold or sulfur smell. After testing for possible allergic reactions, I worked my way up to about a one tablespoon serving at a time. I like it mixed in my salads with olive oil and fruit juice as a dressing. It lends a very nice flavor to the dressing. After a few minutes it dissolves mostly. Otherwise it is hard and crunchy straight out of the bottle. I have bought several bottles online and out of stores and its quality seems to be consistent. All of their bee products are good, and not expensive for the quality.
K. Surette –
I’ve tried a few different kinds of bee pollen, and this is the most extremely delicious, compared to the bee pollens. It’s nowhere near as sweet as honey, and it does taste very earthy, but this is delicious! If you like any healthy foods, then you’ll love this.
If you’ve never tried bee pollen before, or if it’s been a while, then you’re supposed to start out with just a few grains at a time, and then build yourself up to eating it by the spoonful. But, luckily I’ve build up a tolerance to it over the years, so I can eat a lot of it. It’s great to just eat by the handful, except the granules are small, and a few of them fall to the floor. It’s great in protein shakes. Even though they don’t fully dissolve, then they naturally sweeten your drink. They’re also great on ice cream, too. Basically, these mix well with everything, and they’re also great by themselves.
YS Eco is an Illinois company, so the closer that you live to Illinois, then the better that you get the “local honey” effect of helping with your allergies. But, I live all the way over in Utah, and this pollen still helps me out a lot with my allergies.
I read some horror stories about other bee pollens, and so I’ve been meticulously checking this for bee parts. I’m pleased to report that this is only bee pollen, and doesn’t have any bee parts in it. I highly recommend this.
Mike –
I love it
Joseph Dewey –
The item arrived sooner than expected. The price was adequate.
I have used bee pollen since childhood. Great for health!
This particular batch seemed to be a bit more stale (or dried out) than what I am used to. But otherwise I am satisfied with the purchase.
RedPanda –
Very tasty and I love it in my coffee
K. Surette –
Love this bee pollen! I use a teaspoon to scoop it out and try to swallow it with water like a pill because it doesn’t taste great, but that’s been working well for me! I like the size that it comes in too. I’m not sure how other people take it though. The smell and taste are not the best but it’s not unbearable. We have noticed a difference in our immunity since taking this, and we know it has good effects on hormones for both men and women, so we will continue taking!
LU C.U –
*Image to attempt to show some idea of size for potential buyers*
So I usually went local for this. But my supplier moved and it left me needing it quick and just as top shelf as my supplier.
It’s used for feeding mushrooms and helping make medicine and my immune system boost. It has plenty of nutrients. You can taste it just barely. But if you needed. These would fit in a capsule as is easily.
All said and done it was a pleasant surprise for my considered desperation for quantity. But never had to sacrifice quality.
Buying again via subscribe and save every 3 months and pause it on and off to stock up when possible as prices dip. It’s worth the work.