Descrição do Produto: Sunwink Detox Powdered Greens
Descubra o poder revitalizante do Sunwink Detox Powdered Greens, um superalimento em pó que transforma sua rotina de saúde de maneira simples e eficaz. Com uma mistura cuidadosamente elaborada, este pó de vegetais orgânicos oferece uma maneira prática de incorporar uma porção diária de vegetais em sua dieta. Cada dose é equivalente a uma porção de vegetais, facilitando a manutenção de uma alimentação saudável sem complicações.
Este superalimento em pó é especialmente formulado para apoiar a sua digestão e promover a sensação de leveza. Com uma combinação poderosa de ingredientes como aipo, dente-de-leão e spirulina, o Sunwink Detox Powdered Greens ajuda a desinchar e desintoxicar o organismo, tornando-se a escolha ideal para quem busca um reinício digestivo.
A simplicidade é a chave, e o Sunwink é feito com apenas 7 ingredientes naturais, todos não transgênicos, sem glúten e veganos. Este pó de vegetais orgânicos prioriza a saúde, sem adição de açúcares ou adoçantes artificiais, oferecendo apenas nutrição pura à base de plantas.
Experimente o sabor leve e refrescante do Sunwink Detox Greens. Este pó de suco verde é perfeito para quem procura uma bebida limpa e saudável. Basta misturar com água ou adicionar ao seu smoothie favorito para criar uma bebida saborosa e nutritiva a qualquer hora do dia.
Além disso, a Sunwink se compromete com a sustentabilidade e a responsabilidade social. O pó de superalimento verde vem em embalagens recicláveis, e 2% de todas as vendas são destinados a organizações sem fins lucrativos. Com o Sunwink, você não apenas cuida da sua saúde, mas também do planeta.
– Desintoxicação Suave: Ajuda a eliminar toxinas do corpo, promovendo um sistema digestivo saudável.
– Apoio à Digestão: Ingredientes como dente-de-leão e aipo favorecem a digestão e reduzem o inchaço.
– Nutrição Prática: Cada porção fornece os benefícios de uma porção de vegetais, facilitando a ingestão diária de nutrientes.
– Ingredientes Naturais: Com apenas 7 ingredientes, é uma opção limpa e saudável, sem aditivos artificiais.
– Compromisso Sustentável: Embalagem reciclável e contribuição para causas sociais, promovendo um consumo consciente.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do Sunwink Detox Powdered Greens, recomenda-se misturar uma colher de sopa (aproximadamente 10g) do pó em um copo de água, suco ou smoothie. Agite bem ou use um liquidificador para garantir que o pó se dissolva completamente. Para melhores resultados, consuma diariamente, preferencialmente pela manhã, como parte de sua rotina de saúde.
Kayla Nicole –
If I’m being honest my expectations were low because some people had told me that detox powders don’t really work, but after drinking this detox green for a week I’m going to say I’m very impressed! It’s definitely my new morning routine to drink this green powder, and I feel so much better throughout the day. As a student I have to drink coffee in the morning and coffee makes me bloated so fast, but ever seen I started drinking this detox powder first thing I can finally enjoy my coffee!! Also, I was pretty nervous about the taste haha but it’s actually not bad— very subtle. It works best with smoothie for me it just adds more flavor to it. I’m definitely going to try their other products— such a simple and refreshing brand I love it!! 💚🍃
Todd & Kricket –
I love the natural ingredients, the taste is easy to drink with just water and I prefer it on an empty stomach. It really has helped me achieve my goals for better gut health and decreasing bloating. I still work out, but this helps with the overall health goals. I’ve ordered it twice now and intend to continue ordering. The only thing I wish is that it came in a bigger size.
Justeane C. –
This had no flavor and was such a disappointment. Purchased other flavors and was equally disappointed. Super expensive and not worth it.
Kayla Nicole –
The product was very refreshing and an amazing after taste. The taste is not bad at all ! I felt great through my busy day. It help with my bloating issues and feeling light during the day. The ingredient quality is great ! Very fine but easy to scoop & add to a smoothie or water. I highly recommend this product to anyone who wants to add vegetables to their diet !
Cynthia Hamblin –
As someone who is highly intentional about what I put into my body, I have to say, I was so happy to see nothing but clean, natural ingredients in the Detox Greens powder.
Not only are the ingredients top notch, the drink itself is pretty easy to consume. The taste is light and refreshing and takes just seconds to whip up. I throw in some ice cubes and a little drizzle of honey and consider it such a little treat knowing i’ll feel so much more energized and healthy afterwards.
Most of all, I love that it makes it so easy to get in a full serving of veggies- and with that, a good amount of nutrients, I otherwise wouldn’t have time for on a busy day.
Justeane C. –
The main one is the 2% of funds being directed to holistic education. In my profession this is huge for me and my heart!
The taste is light and refreshing, making it easy to sip/chug.
Versatile to go into water or a smoothie, AND DOESNT CLUMP!
I don’t necessarily believe it makes a huge difference in bloat BUT it has kept me more regular in digestion than I usually am and that’s much appreciated!
The directions is vague. How much water will make this drink ideal?
It does not have a scoop with it. I’m an AG1 member (I have been for 1 year now) so I use my scoop that I received with my membership.
Overall I believe this is an awesome product for the price point. I’ve tried it on and empty stomach and after a light breakfast. I appreciate it more after a light breakfast because my stomach/bloating does not feel as heavy for as long as usual.
The only thing left that would sell me over is incorporating immune benefits supplements into this!
Cynthia Hamblin –
Was expecting some immediate effects, at least on mood or stomach. Have felt nothing. Don’t know if it does much.
Samantha Hallice –
I recently got this about a week ago, I would say all in all it is a great addition to my morning routine. I started with using these right when I get up. I do a table spoon right into 8oz of water and mix. The first initial taste is very heavy celery based, but it’s not as bad as some may think. Super refreshing! After I consume I typically wait about 20 minutes before I have my morning coffee and breakfast.
I would recommend this product as an addition for anyone looking to add in extra greens to their daily diet. The big plus is this equals a full serving of vegetables!