Greens Advanced Multi Wild Berry Superfood Powder: A Revolução da Nutrição Natural
Descubra o poder transformador do Greens+ Advanced Multi Wild Berry, uma mistura deliciosa e nutritiva que combina Superfood Greens com uma variedade de vitaminas, minerais, antioxidantes, enzimas e fibras. Este pó abrangente e saboroso foi desenvolvido para nutrir seu corpo de maneira eficaz, proporcionando uma experiência de bem-estar que começa pela manhã. Com um sabor irresistível de frutas silvestres, cada colherada é uma explosão de vitalidade que eleva sua nutrição a um novo patamar.
Os benefícios para a saúde são inegáveis. O Greens+ Advanced Multi Wild Berry não apenas apoia a digestão saudável, mas também aumenta os níveis de energia, auxilia na desintoxicação do corpo e melhora a alcalinidade. Ao incorporar este pó rico em nutrientes em sua rotina, você experimentará uma transformação significativa em sua saúde geral e no processo de envelhecimento saudável.
Com 100% de pureza, este produto é a escolha ideal para quem busca um estilo de vida sem culpa. A fórmula é isenta de açúcar, não contém organismos geneticamente modificados (Non-GMO), e é livre de soja, laticínios e glúten. Cada porção de Advanced Multi Wild Berry oferece uma bebida de nutrição limpa e completa, promovendo seu bem-estar sem compromissos.
A riqueza em antioxidantes é outro destaque deste superalimento. Uma única colher equivale a 5 porções de frutas e vegetais frescos, medida pela capacidade de absorção de radicais livres (ORAC). Isso torna o Greens+ Advanced Multi Wild Berry uma escolha conveniente e eficaz para incorporar alimentos ricos em antioxidantes em sua dieta diária.
Além disso, a facilidade de uso é um grande atrativo. Certificado pelo USDA, o produto atende aos mais altos padrões de qualidade e segurança. Misture-o facilmente com seu smoothie favorito, suco, água ou leite vegetal. Esta incrível mistura de superalimentos garante uma maneira prática e agradável de elevar sua nutrição, contribuindo para um estilo de vida feliz e saudável.
– Apoio à Digestão: Melhora a saúde intestinal e facilita a digestão.
– Aumento de Energia: Proporciona um impulso natural de energia para o dia a dia.
– Desintoxicação do Corpo: Auxilia na eliminação de toxinas, promovendo um corpo mais saudável.
– Rico em Antioxidantes: Combate os radicais livres, contribuindo para a saúde celular.
– Fácil de Incorporar: Pode ser adicionado a diversas bebidas, tornando a nutrição prática e saborosa.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do Greens+ Advanced Multi Wild Berry, recomenda-se misturar uma colher (aproximadamente 10g) do pó em 250ml de água, suco, smoothie ou leite vegetal. Agite bem ou utilize um liquidificador para garantir uma mistura homogênea. Consuma diariamente pela manhã para um início de dia revigorante e nutritivo.
London –
Lousy Amazon always removes the best products
Amazon Customer –
This stuff is disgusting. I bought that vanilla Chai with high hopes for some “chai” flavor… blah!!! I understand this kind of stuff is not supposed to taste like a milkshake but this tastes like I just drank a handful of my backyard. Plus NO RETURNS, so into the trash it goes…. 😠
DrFrankenFluff –
Will Greens + solve all your health problems? Probably not.
Will Greens + magically make you lose weight? Probably not.
Will Greens + make a super obvious difference in your life? Probably not.
You are not eating enough veggies. I mean, none of us are, unless we’re apes at the zoo sitting around waiting for the nice lady to bring by the cart of lettuce and cucumber. Or perhaps rabbits. Chances are you eat some things that aren’t that great for your body on a regular basis. You probably drank too much sometime lately. You might have had one more cookie than you ought to have the other day. Perhaps you really didn’t need that third refill of movie popcorn last night. Will Greens + magically absolve you of your indulgences? Probably not. But what it will do is make you feel better in wonderfully subtle ways.
Since I’ve been taking Greens+ every morning I do feel like I have a bit more energy. I don’t want to laze about in bed quite as much. I feel a bit more zing in my life, feel a bit younger in my actions and reactions. It could just be placebo effect, but it’s still a positive effect! If you’re curious about this product, buy one bottle and give it a try for a month. See if it helps anything, and if it does, great! It’s so inexpensive as a supplement that you really can’t go wrong giving it a try.
– They changed the formula to where it now almost totally dissolves in liquid. It’s not gritty and it goes down well.
– Doesn’t taste horrible. I mix it with apple juice, which helps a lot, but it doesn’t taste like ground up seaweed or anything.
– Very affordable as a supplement, especially through Amazon.
[EDITED 2015] Very happy to note that there’s a new formulation that’s now Soy-free! Hooray!
London –
I’ve been buying this for years, it amazing. Helps my digestive system and boost my energy. It tastes really good to me. I mix it with water and ice after I have a heavy meal or even in the morning to start my day.
Amazon Customer –
It’s easy to make and dissolves well. It has good ingredients, good supplement for those who don’t eat enough greens.
Mandy –
I received this within a week, after ordering off Amazon. While I was surprised that the container was smaller than I expected, the scoop inside was also small. The powder is very fine and dense, and dark in color. I have tried it in water, and the taste is really good. I have not tried it with juice, as I don’t want the extra sugar. When I added it to a spinach/banana/blueberry smoothie, the smell of the combined ingredients was unpleasant, sort of reminded me of sitting near a pond on a warm day. I have decided my favorite way to take it is shaken, in cold water.
I’ve experimented with the best time of day to take it, and found that when I took it on an empty stomach before actually gave me too much energy to sleep. I had gone to bed really sleepy, and after about a half hour I had to get back up. I had experienced an incredible burst of energy, and just couldn’t lie there. Not jittery at all, just very awake. Now, I take it right away in the morning before my workout.
It has been two weeks now, and in addition to just feeling better in general, my skin is glowing. I really like this product a lot, and can find no fault with it. It is a pricey little container, but so far I am very pleased.
cg231231 –
For those who are seriously interested in the benefits of this mix, please do not give much weight to the reviewers that gave negative reviews because of the taste.
I don’t think any of us who take Greens+ drink it because it tastes good. (Which in fact, I think it does taste great – I mix it with exactly 8 ounces of water and drink it in about 8 (1oz) sips). Does it taste like a delicious glass of heaven? No, but it tastes like what you are putting in your body (powder that provides more nutrients and minerals than 5 servings of fruits and vegetables). call me crazy, but i like when things taste how they should…
I have been taking 1 serving first thing in the morning for about 3 weeks now. I have noticed:
1. ENERGY ENERGY ENERGY!!! – and not the kind you get from chugging a redbull or 5-hr energy… this feels much more natural and real, if that makes sense.
2. Healthy Bowel Movements
3. Detox – the first couple days were a little interesting (bathroom wise)
4. Stomach – I had been waking up with upset stomach a few days a week recently – this has helped so far
5. Skin/Nails/Hair – skin feels young and smooth, nails and hair growing double speed
6. Decreased munchies – during the day, I would get about 3-4 cravings a day for snacks… maybe once a day now(and not until late afternoon)
7. Well-being – I know this sounds crazy, but for a guy who would go a couple weeks between servings of vegatables.. simply having this in my body has made me a happier, more productive, energized person.
In summation, I would recommend this to anyone and everyone. It is a little pricey (considering I paid $10 more per 9.4oz bottle from the direct site… until I decided to check on Amazon – thanks for the savings!!!!)
They do offer a FREE trial pack on the direct website, which includes almost everything they have – try that out before you commit – I think you will be sold after the trial pack…
Hope this helps!
Lizzysj –
Let’s be honest, how many of us eat enough vegetables or get our daily allowance of vitamins? This product is the perfect solution. Great tasting even with just water but I prefer to mix with half water, half low calorie juice and frozen fruits for a breakfast shake. My teenage daughters love it too! Great tasting and almost too sweet if you use only juice which is why I do half water. Mixes up great in our nutribullet. Don’t feel any change in my energy or immediate results but if I’m getting 3 servings of vegetables and my multivitamin in a tasty, healthy shake I’d say that’s a win win.