IVL – Phyto Fruits Superfood Powder – Suporte à Energia – Digestivo
O IVL – Phyto Fruits Superfood Powder é um pó de superalimento formulado para proporcionar suporte energético e auxiliar na digestão. Com uma combinação poderosa de frutas ricas em nutrientes, este produto é ideal para quem busca uma forma prática e eficaz de aumentar a vitalidade e melhorar a saúde digestiva. Cada porção é repleta de antioxidantes, vitaminas e minerais que ajudam a combater a fadiga, promovem a saciedade e favorecem a flora intestinal. A fórmula é livre de aditivos artificiais, glúten e lactose, tornando-se uma opção saudável e versátil para qualquer dieta.
1. Aumento de Energia: Proporciona um impulso natural de energia, ideal para enfrentar o dia a dia.
2. Melhora da Digestão: Auxilia na digestão e promove um intestino saudável, reduzindo desconfortos gastrointestinais.
3. Rico em Antioxidantes: Combate os radicais livres, ajudando a proteger as células do corpo.
4. Fácil de Incorporar: Pode ser adicionado a smoothies, iogurtes ou receitas, facilitando a inclusão na rotina alimentar.
5. Apoio à Imunidade: Fortalece o sistema imunológico, contribuindo para a saúde geral.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar uma colher de sopa (aproximadamente 10g) do IVL – Phyto Fruits Superfood Powder em 200ml de água, suco ou no seu smoothie favorito. Agite bem ou utilize um liquidificador para garantir uma mistura homogênea. O produto pode ser consumido uma ou duas vezes ao dia, preferencialmente pela manhã ou antes de atividades físicas, para maximizar os benefícios energéticos e digestivos. Armazenar em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta.
dana –
This isn’t bad. No off-putting aroma, it blended really well (with the use of my electric drink frother), and the taste was OK, though clearly it would be better in an actual smoothie with its own ingredients. The thing is, while the notion of concentrated ‘super foods’ sounds appealing, there’s really nothing on the label that inclines me to think there are health benefits to fruit in concentrated, powdered form. Seems like the only thing I am assured is the 80 mg of vitamin C, 2 g of fiber, and the probiotics, which are all good things, but I can get those elsewhere for less money. Now, if they can show me other benefits of this ‘superfood powder’, I’m listening. : )
The gang at Hy-Viz! –
I like this mix, you only need a scoop and add it to plain water for a light refreshing taste. You can also mix in into your smoothies, or if you are like me.. into you pancake mix!
Even though the container is small, the suggested serving is also small so you will get at least 30 servings more-or less depending on how much you mix in.
It has a “cherry fruit-kool-aid-fruit juice” flavor to it, again.. depending how much much you put in and what you put it in, it will vary the taste,
As you can see by the ingredients there are a wide variety of sources, so just double check to see if you are allergic to any of them.
I contacted them on where it is made, some of their products say “Mad in the USA” and that is absent from this. The contacted me back and said yes, it was made in the USA, but of course.. when in doubt ask them! .. they got back to me the very next day.
Heather Franco –
Love the flavor and energy I get from it.
Enjaume –
Stefani –
High price, very sweet. It has great ingredients so it will make an amazing probiotic, but I hate that they had to make it tastes like expensive sugary juice. I would prefer this so much more if it just wasn’t so syrupy tasting.
Kay Monroe –
I use this product regularly.
asallis1 –
I use Phyto Fruits as a Healthy Health Boosting Product to stay Healthy. Phyto Fruits/Go Ruby Go has been good as a Healthy Health Booster.
Tom –
Sometimes I don’t have the self-discipline or the time to eat properly. However, using this mix helps me feel better when my meals don’t cover the food groups correctly.
I think the probiotics are also a good addition to this mix because I don’t often get enough of those in my diet.
The flavor isn’t amazing, but that is to be expected when the product has so much going for it.