FLO Women’s Endocrine Superfood Powder: O Poder da Nutrição Feminina
Em um mundo onde o equilíbrio hormonal é essencial para o bem-estar feminino, o FLO Women’s Endocrine Superfood Powder surge como uma solução inovadora e eficaz. Este pó superalimentar foi cuidadosamente formulado para apoiar a saúde endócrina das mulheres, promovendo níveis saudáveis de cortisol, equilíbrio hormonal, saúde da tireoide e muito mais. Com uma pequena dose diária, você pode transformar sua rotina de saúde, proporcionando benefícios que vão além do esperado.
O FLO é composto por uma combinação de ingredientes respaldados pela ciência, incluindo vitaminas, minerais, probióticos e adaptógenos poderosos como Rhodiola, DIM, Myo-Inositols, L-Theanine e Red Superfood. Todos esses componentes são livres de hormônios e açúcar, garantindo que você receba apenas o que há de melhor para o seu corpo. A facilidade de uso é um dos grandes atrativos: basta adicionar uma colher do pó a 10-12 oz de água, misturar bem e desfrutar. Os efeitos podem ser sentidos em apenas duas semanas, e para maior conforto digestivo, recomenda-se consumir o FLO com alimentos ou após uma refeição.
A nossa promessa de felicidade é clara: o FLO Women’s Endocrine Superfood Powder é feito apenas com ingredientes da mais alta qualidade, testados por terceiros, e é livre de açúcar, vegetariano, sem glúten, não transgênico e livre de drogas e hormônios. Se você não amar esses suplementos dentro de 30 dias, estaremos prontos para ajudar!
– Suporte ao Equilíbrio Hormonal: Ajuda a regular os níveis hormonais, promovendo um ciclo menstrual mais saudável.
– Gerenciamento do Estresse: Contribui para a redução do cortisol, melhorando a resposta ao estresse diário.
– Aumento da Energia: Melhora os níveis de energia, combatendo a fadiga e promovendo um dia mais produtivo.
– Saúde Digestiva: Os probióticos presentes ajudam a manter um sistema digestivo saudável e equilibrado.
– Desintoxicação do Fígado: Auxilia na desintoxicação do fígado, promovendo uma saúde geral melhor.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o FLO Women’s Endocrine Superfood Powder, recomenda-se adicionar uma colher do pó a 10-12 oz de água. Misture bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Para maximizar a absorção e minimizar qualquer desconforto digestivo, é aconselhável consumir o produto junto com alimentos ou após uma refeição. A consistência é fundamental; utilize diariamente para perceber os benefícios ao longo do tempo.
The taste is ok. I added to water bottle and constantly shook to get it mixed before drinking. I noticed if I drank in the evening,it made me feel off. I would get restless,hot. Also makes urine a bit red,shocks you if not expecting it. I threw away after trying for few weeks. Maybe pill/gummy form might be better.
I saw this was on sale during thanksgiving. So I snagged it. I normally always buy the Flo ovarian instol cycle support pills. But I literally ran out. I swear by those because I am irregular. Well, I took this for 3 days. And my period arrived a week earlier. ( like I said I’m irregular but I’m always always past due when it’s expected to come, if it all comes that month) but since I’ve been taking Flo. I am usually a day late or so and no cramp pains. But this endocrine powder actually made me early and zero pms symptomss and I had a full period. My periods in the past are short. I felt good! & actually had energy and didn’t need the heated pad. I am going to finish this bottle and order again. & see if it keeps my cycles regular. I’ll update if it does! But, I think it’s worth it!
Also, Mix really well then add ice. It taste best really cold! If not, it can taste a bit irony. But, it’s actually pretty good! & I down it real fast.
Yayyy!!!! –
I started taking this on Christmas Eve and by New Year’s Eve I was so bloated and constipated that I was also experiencing almost UTI-like symptoms from the pressure on my bladder. It took at least 2 weeks of not taking it and stocking up on fiber to get back to normal. I reached out to get a refund since there is a 30 day guarantee and NEVER received a call, email, carrier pigeon, NOTHING in return. I really like the Ovarian Support capsules but the radio silence from this brand made me want to stop taking those as well and switch to something else. It’s okay that the product didn’t work for me, it’s not that okay to not uphold your 30 day guarantee. I threw this product directly in the trash eventually.
Isela G. Phelps –
This drink is pretty lol. There is food glitter in it 😍. It tastes good and I’m sure will heal/alleviate any problems in the endocrine system. I just woke up with a pressure headache and took this about 20 minutes later, and that has went away. Can’t wait to see what happens with continued use!!!
C.M. –
I was so excited to try this product but it didn’t turn out as I expected. The good-it mixes really well. The bad-it is extremely sweet! I mixed it with 30oz of water and I wanted to gag at how sweet it was. After I chugged it down, my tummy felt so upset for the entire day. Then, I had an awful headache. At first I thought the headache was unrelated, however, I took the supplement the following three days and each day I ended up with blinding headaches. I stopped taking it and the headaches stopped.
Tianna –
I bought this for myself and my girlfriend and I started taking it as well and after the first one we made, I literally felt my stress melt from my body. Definitely will continue taking.
Wolf4 –
Seems to work so far! Even though the product sits at about the halfway mark of the container, it still lasted me a whole 30 days. I have been pairing this product with their PCOS supplement. I have noticed positive changes in my mood, hormones, and weight loss journey. I haven’t had any bad reactions to it. Only thing, my urine turned a light red a couple of times, but did not cause any odor or other abnormalities. The taste isn’t bad, but it isn’t my favorite. I usually mix it with half of a water favoring packet. Purchasing my second container now!
Jen –
Not sure if it helps taste is ok not great doesn’t mix well