Descrição do Produto: Your Super Magic Mushroom Superfood Powder
Descubra o poder transformador do seu bem-estar com o Magic Mushroom Superfood Powder da Your Super. Este suplemento inovador combina a sabedoria ancestral dos cogumelos com a ciência moderna, oferecendo uma solução natural para o equilíbrio emocional, a saúde cerebral e o suporte imunológico. Com uma mistura cuidadosamente elaborada de ingredientes orgânicos, incluindo Ashwagandha, Lucuma, Reishi e Chaga, este pó superalimentar é a adição perfeita à sua rotina diária.
- SUPORTE IMUNOLÓGICO & AUMENTO NATURAL DE ENERGIA: Aproveite o poder dos cogumelos com nosso pó superalimentar Magic Mushroom, projetado para fortalecer seu sistema imunológico e fornecer suporte energético natural.
- USO VERSÁTIL: Desfrute do Magic Mushroom como uma adição deliciosa à sua rotina matinal, incorporando-o ao seu café de cogumelos ou misturando-o em smoothies para um impulso nutritivo. É também perfeito para aprimorar outras receitas.
- INGREDIENTES LIMPOS E NATURAIS: Elaborado com cuidado, nossa mistura de Magic Mushroom contém apenas seis ingredientes naturais superalimentares, provenientes de todo o mundo, garantindo pureza sem glúten, soja, laticínios ou aditivos artificiais.
- VALOR NUTRICIONAL: Beneficie-se do rico conteúdo nutricional de nossos ingredientes, incluindo beta-glucanas dos cogumelos reishi e chaga para suporte imunológico, e ashwagandha para gerenciamento do estresse.
- TRANSPARÊNCIA & SUSTENTABILIDADE: Na Your Super, priorizamos qualidade e sustentabilidade. Nossos ingredientes são obtidos de pequenos agricultores com rigoroso controle de qualidade, e cada lote passa por testes rigorosos de terceiros para garantir a qualidade.
1. Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: A combinação de reishi e chaga proporciona um suporte robusto para a imunidade.
2. Aumento Natural de Energia: Ingredientes como Lucuma oferecem um impulso energético sem os picos de açúcar.
3. Gerenciamento do Estresse: A ashwagandha é conhecida por suas propriedades adaptogênicas, ajudando a reduzir o estresse e a ansiedade.
4. Versatilidade na Cozinha: Pode ser facilmente incorporado em diversas receitas, desde bebidas até pratos principais.
5. Pureza e Qualidade: Com ingredientes naturais e sem aditivos artificiais, você pode confiar na qualidade do que está consumindo.
Para aproveitar ao máximo o Magic Mushroom Superfood Powder, adicione uma colher de sopa ao seu café matinal ou smoothie. Você também pode misturá-lo em iogurtes, mingaus ou até mesmo em receitas de bolos e pães. Para um efeito calmante, experimente misturá-lo em uma bebida quente antes de dormir. A dosagem recomendada é de uma colher de sopa por dia, mas pode ser ajustada conforme necessário, sempre respeitando as orientações de um profissional de saúde.
Mary E. Travis –
I am using several of Your Super powders. This one tastes great in milk or coffee. It tastes like unsweetened cocoa with a dash of cinnamon. It is supposed to help relax, but antioxidants will do wonders with coffee as well. I combine this one with the collagen powder and adds a hint of vanilla this way.
Update 5/19/22: I’ve been consistently using this product together with a spoonful of collagen powder from Your Super in my morning coffee. I like the dark cocoa flavor and the collagen has no real flavor of it’s own, so they go well together. I’ve made this part of my daily routine together with Moon Balance and Gut Restore. I’ve purchased a number of other Your Super food mixes, but those four are my favorite and seem to work for me. I can’t say I see any drastic changes, but would remark that my energy is better and my brain is sharp.
Amazon Customer –
I usually add it to my Natures Plus SPIRU-TEIN vanilla protein shake. Mixes easily, very tasty, tastes like dark chocolate with my shake. I just feel better, balanced, calm after drinking it. I love the simple packaging, simple, quality ingredients. Would recommend.
Eddie –
I will start out by saying that I am not a health nut and was exposed to this drink solely on accident. My sister brought all her weird powders and teas when she came to visit, and left behind this one with just a few servings left. I decided to try it in oat milk and totally loved it. I had tried some other ones when she was here – Moon Balance and the turmeric one – but this was by far my favorite. It was perfect – not nearly as sweet as hot chocolate, but not as bitter as coffee or many teas. I don’t add any sweetener and enjoy it almost every night. It’s calming and satisfying.
Mary E. Travis –
Sediment in the bottom of my coffee cup. Does not dissolve well. Gritty taste at the end. I tried mixing with hot milk and it does better but still sediment at the bottom of my mug. Not a great fan.
Natalie Stein –
This stuff is amazing. Normally with healthfood powders you have to hide the kind of weird flavor with some other strong tasting beverage but this isn’t like that at all. I actually look forward to drinking this and it’s basically upgraded hot cocoa which I didn’t really think was possible! Everyone in my family agrees that something about the mushrooms in this make hot cocoa taste so much more flavorful and delicious! I add this powder to some hot water, mix it up and fill the rest of the mug with hot milk but honestly you can add it right to milk too because it dissolves so easily, I just prefer it with a little water too. Sometimes if I want it extra chocolatey I add in a bit of cocoa powder too but it doesn’t even need that, it’s so delicious alone. Not to mention healthy! I seriously can’t recommend it enough!
Gabi A. –
Very good tasting. I drink a cup each night before bed.
Katie –
I’ve tried other mushroom cocoas and coffees in the past and thought they all tasted like dirt, or possibly just mushrooms. But THIS product is so delicious! I put just a teaspoon in my overnight oats and it makes me feel calmer, more focused, and also it tastes just like hot cocoa. Mixes in really well too. I was worried that having it in the morning would make me tired but it does not. I am very excited that this is part of my daily routine now. It has definitely allowed me to start my day with less baseline anxiety, which is honestly priceless.
Kelli Jennison –
So delicious! Not noticing any calming effects right off the bat, but going to continue to drink at night as part of my night time routine. If you want a healthier Hot Cocoa option, this one is ideal!