Descrição do Produto: Kids Organic Super Greens Powder with Fruits
Apresentamos o Kids Organic Super Greens Powder with Fruits, uma revolução na nutrição infantil que transforma a hora do lanche em uma verdadeira aventura! Imagine seu pequeno herói, cheio de energia e vitalidade, pronto para conquistar o mundo. Com nosso delicioso shake de super greens, você pode acender a chama do super-herói que existe dentro dele. Este produto não é apenas um simples suplemento; é uma poderosa mistura de nutrientes essenciais que promove o crescimento saudável e o desenvolvimento das crianças.
O Kids Organic Super Greens Powder oferece uma nutrição completa, proporcionando um impulso multifacetado à saúde. Ele promove a digestão, aumenta os níveis de energia e fornece uma fonte equilibrada de nutrientes essenciais que as crianças precisam para se manterem ativas e saudáveis. Além disso, é a alternativa perfeita ao leite de chocolate, agradando até os paladares mais exigentes. Com um sabor irresistível, este shake é repleto de pó de vegetais ocultos, frutas, vitaminas, minerais, fibras, probióticos e enzimas digestivas, garantindo que seu filho receba todos os nutrientes necessários de forma saborosa.
Produzido em uma instalação certificada cGMP nos EUA, nosso Kids Organic Super Greens Powder é feito sem aditivos ou ingredientes artificiais, apenas com ingredientes saudáveis que proporcionam tranquilidade aos pais. A linha Feel Great oferece uma solução de saúde completa para toda a família, com multivitaminas líquidas, shakes de superalimentos e uma seleção diversificada de gomas vitamínicas, todas projetadas para atender às necessidades de saúde de crianças e adultos.
– Nutrição Completa: Fornece uma ampla gama de nutrientes essenciais para o crescimento e desenvolvimento saudável das crianças.
– Aumento de Energia: Ajuda a manter os níveis de energia elevados, permitindo que as crianças brinquem e aprendam sem se cansar.
– Apoio à Digestão: Contém probióticos e enzimas digestivas que promovem uma digestão saudável, essencial para o bem-estar geral.
– Alternativa Saudável: Uma opção nutritiva e saborosa ao leite de chocolate, ideal para crianças exigentes.
– Produzido com Qualidade: Fabricado em instalações certificadas, garantindo um produto seguro e de alta qualidade.
Para preparar o Kids Organic Super Greens Powder, adicione uma colher medida (aproximadamente 10g) do pó em 200ml de água, leite ou bebida vegetal de sua preferência. Misture bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Para um sabor ainda mais delicioso, você pode adicionar frutas frescas ou congeladas ao seu shake. Recomenda-se o consumo diário para maximizar os benefícios nutricionais e garantir que seu filho receba todos os nutrientes necessários para um crescimento saudável e ativo.
Amazon Customer –
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Just recieved it. So far. The taste isn’t bad but this clumps like protein powder. I cannot mix it properly cold and when you use warm milk then the powder separates and green powder just floats and sits on the top…. not a fan of it. And probably won’t buy again after this month. Don’t want it to seem like a lot is wasted with how it sticks to the cup and not dissolve properly.
Update* Trick to dissolve is dissolve in warm/hot water first then add to milk.
Second update upon looking further at the ingredients. There is not much value it appears to have. It is either very little or there is no information on the daily value because it has just trace amounts. Everything is pretty much only 1-2%dv. Any amount is better than nothing but it is interesting as to why they have so much b12 in here. Reason being because this is suppose to be for Vegan kids (kids who don’t get b12 from natural means which is meat, fish, diary products, poultry) so if your kid isn’t vegan be aware of this. Too much is not good for kids to take.
Krystal A. –
Great product with lots of good “stuff” in it 🙂 Glad to see someone local taking an interest in children’s health. I was able to drink this with no problems. Tastes like berry. However, my daughter had a little hard time with it. I tried mixing it with a small amount of watered down juice, but she wasn’t thrilled. Tasted too earthy for her. But she dislikes a lot of things I “make” her take, so I am not sure she is a true testament to that 🙂 I would recommend this product!
StacyJ –
My boys (5 and 4) don’t love their fruits and veggies yet so I needed something I could add to their milk.
I used to use The Honest Company’s multi-vitamin with prebiotics and probiotics and fruit and vegetable extracts. However, it was discontinued so my husband searched for a suitable replacement. After a few months we found this one and I was very grateful.
What I love about this is that:
1) it doesn’t have added B-12 or other added B vitamins in it which made my children overactive and prevented my middle child from sleeping. The Honest Company product that I used to use had too high of a dose for my children’s metabolisms. But I dealt with it because of the other wonderful ingredients. BUT this product has all the good stuff I want in their diets and none of the stuff I don’t! So it’s an unanswered prayer for our family.
2) my children like the taste. As a mom you know it doesn’t matter how many great ingredients there are if your child won’t eat or drink it. So thankfully, they like the flavor of this and drink it all up when I put it in their milk.
3) it mixes out well. This is also important because my children are picky and don’t like lumps or clumps in what they’re drinking so this mixes out nicely and I get no complaints from my children.
I don’t give my children the full recommended dose yet (personal choice based on their dietary needs) so the bottle will last a while. However, I plan on getting another bottle for myself and when my children’s bottle is finished, I plan on making this a regular purchase so that I have it available for them at all times! I give it to my children (5, 4 and 2) daily.
I would definitely recommend this to any parent wanting to add fruits and vegetables to a picky eater’s diet.
It tastes good, it’s easy, has great organic ingredients, no extra B vitamins and it’s reasonably priced. I am pleased all around.
alyncarroll –
I have a 4 year old that occasionally has constipation issues. Probiotics have been a life changer for him/us, and I can tell when probiotics work because he has no issues whatsoever – and he’s been on some that haven’t worked. I can say this truly helps him, which means the probiotics/veggies are being absorbed by his body, which means the products WORKS! And it is a great value (huge plus for those who are on a budget!).
I mix this in whole milk in lieu of beloved chocolate milk and call it a “special drink”. He has yet to turn it down when I ask him if he wants “special drink.” It has a rich chocolate flavor, I cannot taste the veggies (not sure if milk helps with that). It’s not very sweet, but that is a huge plus in my book – I am trying to be healthier and give my kids healthy foods/supplements and avoid high sugar contents.
The company has been very responsive with answering questions and are a small, family company – and I personally would rather support those than some corporation. I’m glad to have found this and am now looking at their children’s vitamins.
amazonmom1 –
I bought it for my daughter. She loves chocolate milk so I thought this would be a great way to sneak in some veggies. I could not be more wrong. She will not touch the stuff. Told me it tasted like eating flowers. So I tried it. She is not wrong. It taste like chocolate for the first second then it taste like you have a mouthful of dirt and the taste does not go away. Don’t waste your money because they won’t let you return it.
StacyJ –
It is greatly benefiting my children! I searched and searched for an allergy friendly – gluten free, dairy free, sugar free, non -gmo multi-vitamin made from whole foods. This product is affordable and my kids love the way it tastes! I would prefer for it to be soy free as one of my children is sensitive to even non-gmo soy (though I haven’t noticed this product bother him. I would also prefer for it to not include Maltodextrin as this can be derived from corn and wheat which we have sensitivities to. Lastly, I don’t prefer the flavor of stevia. I feel like it leaves an after taste, but the kids don’t mind at all! My husband and I also purchased the Mocha Superfood which we love! I mix it with peanut butter and love it even more! We turn both of them into superfood ice cream with coconut milk, honey and ice! Thank you Feel Great 365!