Descrição do Produto: Sunfood Superfoods Super Greens Powder
O Sunfood Superfoods Super Greens Powder é uma mistura poderosa e nutritiva que combina 19 superalimentos verdes em uma fórmula de alimento integral. Este pó é uma fonte excepcional de nutrientes, incluindo gramíneas, vegetais de folhas escuras, ervas, algas e vegetais marinhos, todos cuidadosamente selecionados para proporcionar uma experiência de saúde completa. Com uma combinação única de ingredientes, este produto não só é alcalinizante e energizante, mas também atua como um desintoxicante e um impulsionador do sistema imunológico.
A fórmula contém um complexo de probióticos e enzimas que promove a saúde digestiva e apoia a função imunológica, tornando-se um aliado essencial para quem busca um estilo de vida saudável. Com 100% de superalimentos crus, veganos, orgânicos ou selvagens, o Sunfood Superfoods Super Greens Powder não contém aditivos, agentes antiaglomerantes, conservantes, enchimentos ou grãos, garantindo que você esteja consumindo apenas o melhor da natureza. Além disso, é certificado pela CCOF como orgânico, não OGM, cru, vegano e sem glúten, o que o torna uma escolha segura e saudável para todos.
– Apoio Digestivo: O complexo de probióticos e enzimas ajuda a melhorar a digestão e a absorção de nutrientes.
– Aumento de Energia: Os superalimentos verdes fornecem uma fonte natural de energia, ideal para quem busca um impulso durante o dia.
– Desintoxicação: A fórmula alcalinizante ajuda a eliminar toxinas do corpo, promovendo uma saúde geral melhor.
– Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: Os ingredientes ricos em nutrientes ajudam a fortalecer as defesas naturais do corpo.
– Praticidade: Fácil de incorporar em sucos, smoothies ou até mesmo em receitas, tornando a alimentação saudável mais acessível.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do Sunfood Superfoods Super Greens Powder, recomenda-se misturar uma colher de sopa (aproximadamente 10g) do pó em 240ml de água, suco ou smoothie de sua preferência. Para um efeito ainda mais potente, combine com frutas e vegetais frescos. Pode ser consumido diariamente, preferencialmente pela manhã, para iniciar o dia com energia e vitalidade. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a qualidade e os nutrientes do produto.
carolyn arnold –
Love using this stuff but took over a week and a half to get the product.
Henrik Andersson –
Sunfood Superfoods Super Greens Powder
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Sunfood Superfoods Super Greens Powder is a game-changer for anyone seeking a convenient yet potent way to boost their daily nutrition. This 8 oz jar packs a punch with its organic green juice and smoothie mix, enriched with digestive enzymes and probiotics aimed at enhancing gut health.
The blend’s standout feature lies in its rich content of liquid chlorophyll, spirulina, and chlorella, making it a nutritional powerhouse. With 22 servings per container, it’s not just a green juice; it’s a cost-effective investment in your well-being.
The first thing that impressed me was the ease of use. Mixing a scoop into my morning smoothie or even just with water was effortless, and the taste was surprisingly palatable for a greens powder. It blends well and doesn’t leave any gritty residue, which can often be an issue with similar products.
Beyond taste, the impact on my energy levels and overall vitality was noticeable after just a few days of consistent use. The combination of enzymes and probiotics seemed to contribute to better digestion, reducing bloating and discomfort.
The organic ingredients are a huge selling point for me, as I prioritize sustainability and quality in what I consume. Knowing that I’m getting high-quality nutrients without any artificial additives or fillers gives me confidence in this product.
While the price might seem slightly higher than other options on the market, the quality and effectiveness make it worth every penny. Considering the numerous health benefits it offers, the value it brings to my daily routine far outweighs the cost.
In summary, Sunfood Superfoods Super Greens Powder is a stellar addition to anyone’s wellness regimen. It’s a convenient, potent, and delicious way to ensure you’re getting a daily dose of essential nutrients for improved gut health and overall vitality. Highly recommended!
Liz Ellie –
I use this to add greens to my smoothies. Figure this blend is better than adding just spinach or any one type of green. I like that it has cruciferous veg in it, too.
I can’t do nightshades and finding nutritional blends/supplements that don’t sneak tomatoes into them can be a challenge even when you’d think they wouldn’t have it. Thankful this one is safe for me to use.
Henrik Andersson –
This is the “IT” item to buy if you are interested in getting nutrition into your body. I use to buy all the vegetables included in this product and pulverize them until they were digestible. With this product, all you need to do is pour a spoonful of it’s powder into milk, water or juice and there you have it. It doesn’t change the taste of water, juice or milk by much and it gives you all the necessary vegetables you need for the day. This helps keep your inner ecosystem in balance and It helps with your immune system and keeps you from being hungry all day. It is actually FANTASTIC. It only takes minutes to open the package, spoon out a spoonful of powder, pour, mix and drink. It’s that easy. Forget, cutting up vegetables, greens, bananas, apples, berries excetera into your juicer and spend a good fifteen minutes a day to prepare and get healthy. Use this “Sun is Shining Sunfood” and you will not regret it. I love it. Been using it for a month now and lost 5 lbs.
Ryann –
I love this product and I recommend it to everyone! The greens are so great for inflammation, recovery, energy, antioxidants, skin elasticity and tone, and gut health. And they are organic, top grade greens! I could never put all of these together with some greens that you just can’t find (unless you grew them yourself); I’d have to make a vat of a very expensive (and heavy) salad that would take me a week to eat! I pair this with vanilla Garden of Life raw organic Fit, and unflavored Vital Proteins collagen peptides, and it’s a great post-work out regenerator that doesn’t weigh me down, and is fabulous for glowing skin and a clear mind!
Sopha –
Tastes good. I get a nice daily energy boost.
scott grinnell –
ممتاز كقيمه غذائية.. ولكن الطعم ليس جيد يمكن اضافته مع فواكه او منكهات لتحسين الطعم
TK –
I looked for a green product for a long time before I found this one. This has just what I want as far as the plant life from the sea that I was looking to eat as well as healthy green vegetables. I basically took it for the decalcifying of my pineal gland but got so much more.
Barbara M –
These SuperGreens by Sunfood isn’t the worst taste of Greens I’ve had before. They mix very well with water, though I know some people prefer to mix them with orange juice. There’s no grittiness to them and contain enough vegetable servings to cover you for the entire day if you’re not a vegetable eater. If you are, and enjoy the taste of vegetables, without all the extra stuff on them, you’ll find these Greens taste great.