Descrição do Produto:
O Organic Muscle Super Greens Powder é um pó de superalimento orgânico que combina uma poderosa mistura de ingredientes naturais, incluindo probióticos, spirulina, chlorella e matcha. Este produto não contém organismos geneticamente modificados (Non-GMO) e oferece 30 porções de nutrição concentrada. Ideal para quem busca uma forma prática de aumentar a ingestão de nutrientes essenciais, o Super Greens Powder é uma solução eficaz para complementar a dieta diária. Com uma fórmula rica em antioxidantes, vitaminas e minerais, este pó promove a saúde digestiva, aumenta a energia e melhora a imunidade. A spirulina e a chlorella são conhecidas por suas propriedades desintoxicantes, enquanto o matcha proporciona um impulso de energia sustentável e foco mental. Perfeito para ser adicionado a smoothies, sucos ou até mesmo água, este produto é uma escolha versátil para quem deseja um estilo de vida mais saudável.
1. Aumento de Energia Natural: O matcha e a spirulina oferecem um impulso energético sem os picos de açúcar, ajudando a manter a disposição ao longo do dia.
2. Saúde Digestiva: Os probióticos presentes na fórmula promovem um equilíbrio saudável da flora intestinal, melhorando a digestão e a absorção de nutrientes.
3. Desintoxicação Eficiente: A chlorella é conhecida por suas propriedades desintoxicantes, ajudando a eliminar toxinas do corpo e promovendo uma pele mais saudável.
4. Suporte Imunológico: A combinação de ingredientes ricos em antioxidantes fortalece o sistema imunológico, protegendo o corpo contra doenças.
5. Praticidade no Dia a Dia: Com 30 porções, é fácil incorporar o Super Greens Powder na rotina, seja em bebidas ou receitas, facilitando a adoção de hábitos saudáveis.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar uma colher de sopa (aproximadamente 10g) do Organic Muscle Super Greens Powder em 250ml de água, suco ou smoothie. Agite bem ou utilize um liquidificador para garantir uma mistura homogênea. O produto pode ser consumido uma ou duas vezes ao dia, conforme a necessidade de nutrientes. Para maximizar os benefícios, combine com uma dieta equilibrada e um estilo de vida ativo. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a qualidade dos ingredientes.
Surfingnut –
I’ve been using the Superfood Greens powder for a few days and I can say it does seem like a good product so far. The taste is very good and it reminds me of the leftover cereal milk after a sugary cereal (e.g. Trix or Fruit Loops). Weird I know, but it’s good. The powder mixes very well with water and it doesn’t get clumpy like some protein powders do. I like the fact that it is Keto friendly and has no soy. I do feel generally better after using this powder, with a bit of an increase in energy. More time will tell as to whether the benefits are truly being delivered but so far it does seem to be the case. I’m now interested in trying the Superfood Reds. I think the only downside so far is cost – it can be a bit prohibitive for anyone on a budget.
Joey Y. –
I can’t say enough how much I enjoy these greens or anything else Organic Muscle has put out. Having such a busy schedule around training, work, and chasing my kid all day, I’m not always able to get enough of my daily greens in and that’s where the Superfood Greens comes in. The taste is phenomenal and it mixes very well into shakes on-the-go and ensures I’m staying well-rounded in my diet. I’ve paired it with the Superfood Reds and it packs quite the punch to keep me going. The shipping was insanely fast as it has always been with their products. Highest quality all-around from the customer service to the quality of ingredients put in their supplements. You’ll be hooked on this for sure just as my whole family is now. Thanks again, OM!
So I’m on a week and a half of trying to drink this daily. My doctor recommended I try it to increase my intake of some of its ingredients, such as turmeric. She also said I would have better energy.
I’m still a bit on the fence. The taste with water alone is rough. (My coworkers are put off not only by my gag faces but the smell as well.) I will say this though, it not causing any issues once I get it down.
My best recipe so far is making it into a smoothie with a cup of kale, cup of blueberries, tablespoon of flax seed and a banana. Its still……really hard for me to get down. But once I drink that concoction, I’m good until lunch and I’m less dependent on my coffee.
So far, I’ll keep with it, but the horrid faces while drinking it will probably continue.
Jack –
Tasty, no digestive issues, well sourced. Been using for a month now, boost my workouts and energy in the morning.
Heather –
I really enjoyed this product and will purchase again! I love making it with my smoothies to get me through my work days because I don’t get breaks and am on my feet. I feel it keeps me full and energized all day. I add a couple scoops with spinach, peanut butter, almond milk and honey in the blender and it’s great. Looking forward to the other flavors!
Henry W –
I bought this product after I learned that AG1 (Athletic Greens) uses products that are not farmed organically and was concerned that I was effectively supplementing with glyphosate. I also found out the AG1’s price is inflated due the fat affiliate commissions paid to podcasters and influencers. Organic Muscle’s greens powder is not only certified organic and significantly less expensive; I was pleased to discover that it tastes much better than AG1 as well. Will be sticking with Organic Muscle!
Joey Y. –
I have to say this stuff is great…. I take this in the morning along with my daily vitamins before breakfast. I’ve lost 5-7lbs by slimming my breakfast down, matter a fact it fills me up so I can just eat a piece of fruit & I’m good until lunch. I definitely feel it kicked me up a bit and made me feel great the rest of the day. This is definitely a supplement that I will take daily to help my body Detox, Energize, Focus, Digest, Metabolize and to strengthen my Immune System. In addition to the tasty flavor, I really appreciate the clean and organic ingredients in the formula. I have already recommended this product to my close friends and family.
Sean –
Ive tried many greens supplements over the years, and Organic Muscle is without a doubt superior to the competition. Its lemonade flavor is surprisingly refreshing and delicious, not what you’d expect from a greens product. Plus, the organic ingredients are a big win for clean eating. The best part? It gives me a solid energy boost that lasts for hours. Green energy ftw!