Descrição do Produto: Perk Energy Original Chai Latte Flavored Drink Powder
Descubra o prazer de um chai latte autêntico com o Perk Energy Original Chai Latte Flavored Drink Powder. Este pó para bebida, que rende 20 porções, é a escolha perfeita para quem busca uma experiência reconfortante e saborosa, sem abrir mão da saúde. Com um sabor rico e envolvente, o Perk Energy proporciona uma sensação de calor e satisfação a cada gole, ideal para aquecer suas manhãs ou relaxar após um longo dia.
Uma das grandes vantagens deste produto é que ele não contém adição de açúcares, permitindo que você desfrute do delicioso sabor do chai latte sem a preocupação de calorias extras. Cada porção oferece 8 gramas de proteína, um impulso ideal para atender às suas necessidades nutricionais diárias, tornando-o uma excelente opção para quem busca manter uma dieta equilibrada e nutritiva.
Além disso, o Perk Energy é formulado para ser livre de glúten, o que o torna uma escolha segura para aqueles com sensibilidades ou restrições alimentares. Produzido em uma instalação que segue as Boas Práticas de Fabricação (GMP), você pode confiar na qualidade premium deste produto, sabendo que cada embalagem foi cuidadosamente elaborada para garantir a melhor experiência possível.
– Sabor Autêntico: Desfrute do verdadeiro sabor do chai latte, proporcionando uma experiência sensorial única.
– Sem Açúcar Adicionado: Ideal para quem busca controlar a ingestão de açúcar sem abrir mão do sabor.
– Alto Teor de Proteína: Cada porção contribui para a ingestão diária de proteínas, essencial para a manutenção da saúde muscular.
– Opção Segura para Celíacos: A fórmula livre de glúten é perfeita para quem tem intolerância, garantindo segurança na alimentação.
– Qualidade Garantida: Produzido em instalações que seguem rigorosos padrões de qualidade, assegurando um produto confiável e seguro.
Para preparar sua bebida, adicione uma colher medida (aproximadamente 2 colheres de sopa) do pó Perk Energy a 240 ml de água quente ou leite de sua preferência. Misture bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Para um toque especial, você pode adicionar especiarias como canela ou gengibre, ou até mesmo um pouco de mel, se desejar um toque de doçura natural. Aproveite seu chai latte quente ou gelado, conforme sua preferência, e sinta a energia e o sabor que ele proporciona ao longo do dia.
PS –
I really love this Energy Chai Latte flavored mix! It’s on the sweeter side but states there are no added sugars (I assume only natural sugars), but I personally love that! It suggests 1 scoop, which I used in 12 oz. of hot water, which was too sweet. When I used 16 oz. with one scoop, it was perfect!
Another thing I really appreciate is that it provides 100 percent Vitamin D in one drink. Mines been low even with tons of dairy, so anything to help! My energy has been clinically low so I don’t think I can fairly assess how my energy has been impacted under the circumstances, but I get a pep in my step when I go to make it! Mmmmmmm!
D. Moore –
I love chai, and this had a great taste. There was more of an artificial sweet taste than I prefer, but it wasn’t bad. It was difficult to keep mixed…I did not have a frother and that might help, but I kept getting bits of powder in my mouth that took away from the experience. Overall, a good tasting drink with protein, collagen, and energy.
Shirley –
This might have made me fall in love with chai. I’ve never really understood the craze with chai lattes but this.. this opened my eyes. This is delicious. I want more. And I will probably get more, even though I don’t usually like to fork out money for tea/coffee (I’ve only really had what I’ve been gifted or gotten through Vine for the past few years).
This item is proof that sometimes you really get what you pay for.
Rach –
I am enjoying this Chai Tea Latte mix by Perk Energy. It has a good chai flavor with a peppery bite. However, it is pretty sweet. It’s a personal preference, but I find the extra sweetness distracts from the flavor of the spices (which is the reason I drink chai.) However, if you love sweet, you should enjoy this.
Making a smooth, lump free latte can be tricky with this mix. The directions state to mix the hot water slowly and stir well. It took several tries for me to realize that they really mean S-L-O-W-L-Y. This mix will lump up quickly if you add hot water too fast. So, I add a few tablespoons of water to the mix in a cup and stir more than I think I need to before I add a bit more water and stir again. And then, keep stirring! If you’re like me and impatient, I recommend drinking this as an iced latte. I use my shaker cup and add the mix to cool water. When mixed this way, it never lumps up. It also tastes great over ice!
Overall, I am enjoying this mix. It is a tasty way to add a bit of extra collagen to my diet.
D. Moore –
This is so delicious. It’s easy to mix up – just a scoop mixed into 8oz of hot water. It makes a wonderful spicy, creamy chai that is just right. Each serving is 80 calories, with 2g fat, 6g carbs, 5g sugars and 8g of protein. I LOVE the extra boost of protein and the low calories. This is so easy to prepare and feels like a treat – it makes a great mid-afternoon pick-me-up!
Johnie –
While I normally do not like drink mixes and almost always prefer my chai to be freshly brewed, I cannot find anything wrong with this mix! I do not feel an energy rush, and feel fine after drinking it. I know that it was good with hot water, so I had to try it mixed with coffee when I saw that I needed to review it. I was worried about that, but it tastes good mixed with coffee! In fact, it may be designed to be mixed with coffee! It contains a warning about caffeine content on the label, and that each serving contains 100mg of caffeine. That is the same as an average cup of coffee. The label advises against having more than 400 mg of caffeine per day. While I cannot speak to that recommendation, I can verify that the coffee and chai mix is a delicious combination. I also like that there are electrolytes included in the chai. The ingredients are all natural and look like they could be the same as some chai tea packets! I enjoyed this product and how convenient it is compared to loose or bagged chai.
Micheal Savoie –
If you have a blender, you can probably get this to dissolve, but just stirring with a spoon leaves me with a ton of chunks of deliciousness. Now if I enjoyed eating my chai, this would be awesome. But since I like to drink mine, it is a dealbreaker.
rei_lt –
The taste isn’t bad, tastes like chai. The only problem is that just adding it to a liquid to drink, it just won’t dissolve. Without a frother, or some sort of tool to mix and blend it, it just stays separated. It also didn’t do a ton, energy wise.