Descrição do Produto: Sleep Aid Powder – Bebida Calmante para um Sono Profundo com Açafrão Lipossomal e Magnésio
Descubra o poder do Sleep Aid Powder, uma bebida calmante que transforma suas noites em experiências de sono profundo e restaurador. Com uma combinação poderosa de ingredientes bioativos, como o Açafrão Lipossomal, Óleo de Flor de Maracujá e Suco de Cereja Ácida, este produto foi desenvolvido para promover relaxamento e um descanso reparador. Ao consumir esta bebida, você não apenas adormece naturalmente, mas também acorda revigorado, pronto para enfrentar o dia.
A eficácia do Sleep Aid Powder se deve à sua formulação inovadora, que aumenta a absorção de nutrientes em até 5 vezes, garantindo que você sinta os resultados. Enquanto a maioria dos suplementos apresenta uma taxa de absorção de apenas 16%, nossa tecnologia de ponta assegura que você aproveite ao máximo cada dose. Os ingredientes como PharmaGABA e Glicina trabalham em sinergia para acalmar sua mente, reduzindo a agitação e melhorando a qualidade do sono REM, essencial para a recuperação do corpo e da mente.
Além disso, este suplemento é livre de melatonina e não cria dependência, permitindo que você desfrute de um suporte natural para o sono sem os efeitos colaterais indesejados, como a sonolência matinal. Com o Magnésio Bisglicinato Lipossomal, você reabastece os eletrólitos essenciais enquanto dorme, garantindo que ao acordar, você se sinta energizado e completamente restaurado.
– Sono Natural e Restaurador: Promove um sono profundo e acordar revigorado.
– Alta Absorção: Tecnologia que aumenta a absorção de nutrientes, potencializando os efeitos.
– Relaxamento Aumentado: Ingredientes que ajudam a acalmar a mente e reduzir a agitação noturna.
– Sem Melatonina e Não Habitual: Suporte ao sono sem riscos de dependência ou sonolência residual.
– Reabastecimento de Eletrólitos: Contribui para a recuperação do corpo durante o sono.
Para obter os melhores resultados, misture uma colher medida de Sleep Aid Powder em um copo de água morna ou sua bebida favorita cerca de 30 minutos antes de dormir. Agite bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. É recomendado que você evite o consumo de cafeína e alimentos pesados nas horas que antecedem o sono para maximizar os efeitos calmantes da bebida. Utilize regularmente para promover um padrão de sono saudável e reparador.
Ava –
I have had trouble sleeping for the past year and tried many products with little success. I found this product and decided to give it a try. I went from sleeping 5 hours a night and waking up in the middle of the night to getting 9 hours of uninterrupted sleep. The best part is the taste. Sometimes these health supplements taste funky but it tastes great and is not too sweet. I only bought the the 7 count to test it out. Will definitely be reordering and getting the 28 count because this has truly fixed my sleeping troubles.
Erik Schmidt –
Taste: Is a bit weird. It tastes similar to zero calorie lemonade, with a stevia/sucralose/aspartame aftertaste but also has an additional weird after taste.
Effectiveness: I felt like this was ok, but chamomile tea is about the same at least for me.
Price: At $3.43 per serving. It is very expensive, 10 or 20x as expensive as chamomile tea.
Overall, would probably not recommend to anyone unless you already like the affect of chamomile, are unwilling to take supplements, unwilling to drink tea, and are willing to spend a lot of money on it. If it was similarly, or even remotely close to being price competitive with chamomile tea or supplements, I could recommend this a lot more.
Alexis antoniadis –
I have tried every sleep supplement on the market and this is the only one that knocks me out (in the most gentle way). I struggle with anxiety/sleep insomnia and after 30 minutes of drinking a glass I’m out like a light!! I can’t even do my tiktok doom scroll because this formula kicks in so quick. I definitely will be bringing this when I travel and giving this to everyone in my life who can’t sleep. Also the flavor is so yummy! It’s like a little mocktail before bed—pro tip add an extra squeeze of fresh lemon or lime to feel fancy.
Customer –
Really like that this doesn’t contain melatonin – gives me a nice relaxed feeling without making me groggy the next morning. The lemonade flavor is pleasant and it dissolves easily. Only downside is the price per serving is pretty steep.
HB –
So first off, the taste is pretty good. I got the chamomile lemonade flavor. To me, it tastes more like orange than lemon, but that could honestly just be me. Either way, it still tasted nice. It was effective at making me tired when I took it. The instructions say that it will kick in around 45 minutes, I found that it kicked in sooner for me, but I have a fast metabolism. From what I experienced, it is very similar to taking melatonin.
You have a window in which you need to be asleep within, just like melatonin, before the effects fade back off. The first time I took it, I wasn’t quite ready for bed and anticipated the 45 minute range, so I accidentally pushed through the sleepiness time while getting ready for bed and lost my chance. Accounting for that, the second time was much better. However, my biggest hold up with this product is that it is equal to the effects of melatonin for me. It isn’t better or revolutionary compared to taking 10mg. The ‘sleepiness time’ is about the same length. So why would I pay such a high price for only 7 doses when I could get roughly 3-4 bottles of melatonin for the same price?
Also, it says to add to 16oz of water — admittedly I did not do this. I added to 8oz because even 8oz is quite a bit to drink right before bed (since the sleepiness hit within 15min for me) and did lead to me having to get up a few times before fully falling asleep which contributed to me accidentally pushing through the sleepiness phase too. I will say that I experienced less grogginess in the morning with this product than I do with melatonin.
I think this product could be quite nice if it was more competitively priced with other sleep agents on the market, especially for those who cannot take melatonin for whatever reason, but as is, this product isn’t something I’ll be adding to my regular routine. My rating is given based on effectiveness being good, but the price being, in my opinion, unreasonable unless you’re rolling in so much money you don’t know what to do. (Currently priced at ~$3.29 per dose – 7 sticks for $24. I am including the price in case the cost drops which would then change that argument.)
CD Girl –
Good taste. Mixes well. The only thing I don’t like is the amount of water required. That’s a lot of water to drink right before bed if I don’t want to have to get up to pee during the night.
Jan H –
Overall amazing product! I have always been a light sleeper and I definitely noticed an immediate difference in how restful my night was. Flavor is good, fresh n fruity. Next time I will take with half the water since 16oz before bedtime does get my bladder going.
Orly Oron –
This product is exactly as advertised. Not only does it taste amazing, but I love how there are different sticks for different moods. I took the L Glycine for sleep and had one of the best nights of sleep I ever had. I highly recommend this product!