Descrição do Produto:
Descubra o poder do *Maximum Strength Organic Pure Horny Goat Weed*, um suplemento revolucionário que combina a pureza do extrato de Epimedium com a eficácia dos icariins ativos. Com 100 gramas de pó orgânico, este produto é ideal tanto para homens quanto para mulheres que buscam um impulso natural em sua energia, força e resistência. O *Horny Goat Weed* é conhecido por suas propriedades energizantes e revitalizantes, tornando-se um aliado perfeito para quem deseja aumentar a performance física e mental.
Este suplemento é completamente livre de aditivos, conservantes, cores artificiais e glúten, garantindo uma experiência de consumo limpa e saudável. A embalagem inclui uma colher medidora, facilitando a dosagem precisa a cada uso. Você pode incorporá-lo facilmente em sua rotina diária, adicionando-o a shakes ou smoothies, e assim descobrir o que há de mais nutritivo no planeta.
Se você é fã de pó, a forma em que o *Horny Goat Weed* é apresentado permite uma concentração mais alta e uma absorção mais rápida, sendo mais suave para o estômago e oferecendo diversas maneiras de ser consumido. Experimente a versatilidade deste suplemento e sinta a diferença em sua energia e bem-estar.
– Aumento de Energia: Proporciona um impulso energético significativo, ideal para atividades físicas e dias cansativos.
– Melhora da Resistência: Ajuda a aumentar a resistência e a stamina, permitindo treinos mais longos e eficazes.
– Suporte ao Sistema Imunológico: Fortalece o sistema imunológico, contribuindo para uma saúde geral melhor.
– Sem Aditivos Nocivos: Composição limpa, sem aditivos, conservantes ou glúten, ideal para dietas restritivas.
– Fácil de Usar: Versátil e prático, pode ser adicionado a diversas receitas, facilitando a inclusão na dieta diária.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se consumir 1 colher medida do pó de *Horny Goat Weed* diariamente. Você pode misturá-lo em um shake ou smoothie, ou até mesmo em água ou suco, conforme sua preferência. É aconselhável tomar o suplemento entre as refeições ou junto com elas, para maximizar a absorção dos nutrientes. Mantenha o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar suas propriedades.
Tab –
A very bitter taste but it is suppose to have a lot of help benefits! I need to try to find other mixtures to mix it in with . Very strong taste but maybe with some honey ,water & lemon is not as strong. Use a hand mixer to mix the raw powder!
Ian N. –
Ive been taking 1000mg a day for 2 weeks and now I’m sure this is a placebo. The taste is the same as a probiotic I have taken in the past, one thing for sure though it’s not living up to the hype.
Dan –
This does seem to lift energy, stamina and libido, which is why I’ve persisted with it, but the taste is really horrible. I really have to steel myself to take it each day. It doesn’t seem to dissolve well, so I put it on a teaspoon, put it in my mouth and wash it down. Tonic water seems to work well for this, as the bitterness of the tonic water covers the bitter seaweed taste of the powder. It sometimes takes two glasses of tonic to wash it all down.
Like I said, it does seem to work, but I don’t think I’ll buy it in this form again.
kp –
I ordered this out of curiosity. Then, when the order arrived, I put it in my spice rack and forgot about it. One day I was making my weekly lunch leftovers and saw it on the spice rack. I decided I might as well use some of it up and sprinkled it in what I was making and kinda forgot about it.
Towards the end of the week, I was thinking, “what the hell has been going on lately? I’ve felt like a teenager this week.” Then I remembered I’d put this stuff in my leftovers.
I wasn’t having problems. I work a lot and run every day. By the end of the day, I was tired and not in the mood. This stuff kind of changes that. Makes things a little more intense. I’ve read about making it into tea and the bad taste, etc… I didn’t find much for instructions and just started mixing it in with the oatmeal I eat every morning. I don’t notice a bad taste doing it that way and still have good results.
Tom H. –
I have bought this product many times. It used to be dark brown and more earthy flavored. In fact, they used to brag on their description that this shows how it is superior over other brands. I can verify that it used to work as advertised. Libido shot way up. Unfortunately, two of my last 3 purchases were a beige-colored powder that had little to no effect. I see in the add, they took out the mention of the color and have changed the packaging accordingly. Unless they go back to their old formula, I will be searching for another brand. Look elsewhere.
Update: Changed to 3 stars. I tried taking double the dose and it started to work close to the old formula. This shows they have probably halved the active ingredient concentration. I’ll still be looking for an alternative. Just know that you’re probably getting half the servings for the same effect despite the same amount of powder.
Update: Back to 1 star. I tried again a few times and it’s completely worthless. Unfortunately, I haven’t found anything comparable to how this used to be. Please bring back the old formula!
Ria Talia –
I tested the product for a week to give an accurate review and I must say I was pleasantly surprised. I was skeptical that it would live up to its claims because it’s no little blue pill for women!
The first day I notice that my energy level was up a bit so my concern was that taking this after 12 pm would affect my sleep so on the second day I took it at 8am with my breakfast shake. By the third day I had a lot of energy with no noticeable crash. By day 4 onward my body adjusted to the powder and I found myself a little more frisky!
The taste was hidden in my morning shake so I cannot comment on that but a little goes a long way to get the desired results. I’d keep taking it just for the energy boost but the help to my libido was the perfect perk after a long day at work!
It tastes bitter which I don’t mind so much dissolved in for example, milk but what it doesn’t dissolve easily.
M & P guy –
I highly recommend this product. I bought and use this product along with Micro Ingredients organic Maca root extract and Longjack (tongkat ali) extract as recommended by the company, and after about 1 week of consistent use, all I can say is THANK YOU!!! This stuff is worth its weight in gold!! I honestly haven’t noticed much difference in my daily feeling of wellbeing, maybe because I’m relatively healthy and active already, but the difference in the bedroom is nothing short of incredible!!! Instant, long-lasting erections, stamina and lasting power like I’ve never experienced, and almost on-demand, earth-shakingly intense and powerful orgasms. Far better than any pill! My wife is very VERY happy!!!😃😜😉 The taste is bitter as expected, but not too bad. Goes down fine with grape juice. Very reasonably priced and super fast shipping. Highly recommend this product and seller! Thanks again!!!
Abstrakt –
I don’t write many reviews but had to write this one. I’m a male in mid 30s, I work out eat healthy and i’m in great shape so I didn’t really need this physically but I just got out of a long relationship and felt like like it was hard for me to focus sexually cuz i was with the same woman for so long. After the first week of taking this I noticed a difference. Back in full force, this product works. My one piece of advice, stop bitching about the taste. Yes it taste bad the benefits are worth def it so just down it quickly. Enjoy
GunRueMuscle –
It is difficult to hide the taste of this foul tasting powder. Adding it to protein shakes ruin the taste, so I basically take the scoop, place coffee in my mouth and dump the dose in the coffee and gulp down. I know it sounds like a hassle, but it is VERY worth it. Taken consistently, you will be unstoppable in the bedroom and have an increased energy.
The value for the money is great because you don’t pay for the capsulation process and you are getting 2-3x you would if you bought it in capsules. Just have to put up with the brief taste.
This product plus Argentine (1000mg tabs) 2x daily will blow you away