Descrição do Produto: VIGOROUS MOUNTAINS Organic Mushroom Powder Blend
Descubra o poder da natureza com o VIGOROUS MOUNTAINS Organic Mushroom Powder Blend, uma mistura excepcional de cinco tipos de cogumelos orgânicos: Reishi, Turkey Tail, Lions Mane, Maitake e Cordyceps. Este suplemento em pó é uma fonte rica de Beta-D glucans, triterpenos e nutrientes essenciais, proporcionando suporte natural ao sistema imunológico. Com 100% de extrato do corpo frutífero dos cogumelos, nossa fórmula se destaca por não utilizar micélio cultivado em grãos, como muitas marcas fazem. Isso garante que você esteja consumindo apenas cogumelos reais, sem aditivos, enchimentos, produtos químicos ou álcool. Além disso, é livre de glúten, não contém organismos geneticamente modificados (não-GMO), é vegano e certificado como KOSHER.
O nosso suplemento de cogumelos é verificado por laboratórios independentes, garantindo que contenha mais de 30% de Beta-D glucans, maximizando a potência e apoiando as defesas imunológicas e as células brancas do sangue. Isso significa que seu corpo recebe uma quantidade maior de nutrientes ativos, promovendo uma saúde robusta. A textura super fina do pó permite que ele seja facilmente incorporado em uma variedade de pratos, desde sucos e chás até smoothies. Você também pode usá-lo como uma alternativa ao café, ajudando a desacelerar a absorção de cafeína, ou até mesmo polvilhar sobre um sanduíche para um toque nutritivo.
Desde 1996, a VIGOROUS MOUNTAINS se dedica a cultivar cogumelos reais, cuidadosamente selecionados para garantir potência e eficácia. O nosso produto vem em uma embalagem de dupla camada que pode ser reutilizada, e um dosador prático está incluído, facilitando o armazenamento e o uso.
– Suporte Imunológico: A combinação de cogumelos fortalece o sistema imunológico, ajudando a proteger o corpo contra doenças.
– Aumento de Energia: Os cogumelos Cordyceps são conhecidos por melhorar a resistência e a energia, tornando-o ideal para atletas e pessoas ativas.
– Saúde Cognitiva: O Lions Mane é famoso por suas propriedades que promovem a saúde cerebral, melhorando a memória e a concentração.
– Antioxidantes Naturais: Os cogumelos Reishi e Maitake são ricos em antioxidantes, que combatem os radicais livres e promovem a saúde celular.
– Fácil de Usar: A versatilidade do pó permite que ele seja adicionado a diversas receitas, facilitando a incorporação de nutrientes na dieta diária.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do VIGOROUS MOUNTAINS Organic Mushroom Powder Blend, recomenda-se adicionar uma colher de sopa do pó a sucos, chás ou smoothies. Para uma alternativa ao café, misture o pó em água quente ou leite vegetal, permitindo que os nutrientes sejam absorvidos lentamente. O pó também pode ser polvilhado sobre alimentos como saladas ou sanduíches, garantindo uma dose diária de saúde. Armazene em local fresco e seco, e utilize o dosador incluído para facilitar a medição.
Yosobodo –
Smells like curry and brown sugar. Way too dark to be just mushroom powder. I have bought the exact same blend from other companies and they don’t smell and look like that. I’m not willing to taste it
Buyer –
I have been adding mushroom powders to my coffee and teas for years now. None of them have ever smelled as bad as this one. I don’t know what went wrong but I am not going to risk consuming more of this.
I gave this two stars instead of one because of all the good things. There is an outer and inner bag, a scoop in its own wrapper, and a desiccant packet.
The powder itself is very fine so it should dissolve well but it doesn’t. I included a picture of the weird clumps floating in my coffee.
The expiration date is on a part of the package that gets torn off when you open it.
I have tried many different brands of these same mushrooms. None of them have ever smelled off like this does. I took a few sips of the coffee anyway and it tastes off too. Maybe I just got a bad batch. But I won’t trust it and I will be throwing the rest away.
Kyle –
This mushroom powder seems good quality with organic, non-GMO ingredients. It contains a blend of 5 different mushrooms, each providing different health benefits. I like that it doesn’t have any added natural flavors or sweeteners, so this powder can be added to coffee without providing clashing flavors. Overall, the quality seems to be good, and I like that the company provided ‘Certificate of Analysis’, although it’s not clear if it was a third-party that did the testing. It says that country of origin is China, and I’m not sure how strict their controls are.
Johnson Michael –
I mixed this with my coffee. I found this brand effective. Its not a known brand but it does the job. Price could be better.
Pj –
I ordered the Organic Mushroom 5-1 Complex Powder Supplement as a way of starting a healthier lifestyle. I’ve wanted to change my diet and while I don’t eat bad I felt I could do better. I wanted to add some supplements to try and boost my immune system. I read that mushrooms were a great way to do this. I wanted something organic and something that had a mix of different types of mushrooms so this was my choice. This has reishi, Turkey Tail, Lions Mane, Maitake, and Cordyceps mushroom fruiting bodies, which is important when choosing a supplement. Most mushroom supplement blends are grown from mycelium on grain but this brand actually uses the whole mushroom to make this supplement. It comes in a super fine powder that can be added to teas, water, smoothies, coffee and juices. The smell is definitely a mushroom earthy smell. I will tell you, when mixed with water this has a really bad taste to it. That’s no fault of the brand, its just the nature of the product. When mixed with juice or coffee it has a slight bitter burnt taste but nothing that is that noticeable or unpleasant. I haven’t experienced any negative effects and only time will tell how well it boosts my immune system. Overall, I am happy with this product
Amazon Customer –
Really gets things “moving” when Metamucil failed me this was awesome. Not sure about the other benefits I take a lot of vitamins so idk what causes what
Buyer –
I love that this is organic and the only ingredients are mushrooms. This arrived as a sealed manufacture bag with another sealed bag inside along with a serving scoop that was also sealed in it’s own bag. I tried it in my coffee. One scoop to a 12oz mug of black coffee. It dissolved instantly. Just a stir with my spoon & there was no residue left on the bottom of my mug when finished.
It does have a bit of a earthy taste to it. So I added a tablespoon of flavored creamer to see if I could still taste the earthiness and I could not. Very subtle change in flavor.
This is one of the first mushroom additives that I feel comfortable and confident that it is pure & may actually have some nutritional benefits. Probably due to it being organic and not having any other additives.
Would recommend.
Yvi MC –
I am a big fan of mushrooms. Not only do they taste great, but they have a lot of nutritional value. This powder went great with my smoothies. It didn’t clump up. If you just put the recommended amount, you don’t always taste it (depending on what you put it with), but you still get all the benefits. I enjoyed the supplement. 🙂