Root’d Multivitamin Powder com 3X Eletrólitos para Homens – 24 Vitaminas
Descubra o poder da nutrição com o Root’d Multivitamin Powder, a primeira e única mistura de multivitaminas em pó para homens que combina a riqueza de um multivitamínico de espectro completo com a potência de 3x hidratação dos eletrólitos. Com 24 vitaminas e minerais essenciais, este produto é formulado com ingredientes 100% naturais e sem açúcar, garantindo que você receba o que há de melhor para a sua saúde. Enriquecido com 9 superalimentos orgânicos, probióticos digestivos e enzimas, o Root’d assegura a máxima absorção dos nutrientes, proporcionando um suporte completo para o seu bem-estar.
A experiência de consumo é descomplicada e prática. Diga adeus às cápsulas e comprimidos! Com o Root’d, você simplesmente despeja o pó em seu líquido favorito – seja água, suco ou smoothies – e desfruta de um impulso natural para o seu dia. A fórmula limpa e cuidadosamente elaborada é livre de açúcar, glúten, laticínios, cafeína, alérgenos, soja e corantes artificiais, tornando-a adequada para dietas Paleo e Cetogênicas, além de ser amigável para vegetarianos.
A qualidade é garantida, pois todos os ingredientes e produtos finais do Root’d são verificados por terceiros em laboratórios certificados ISO nos Estados Unidos, assegurando a potência, pureza e integridade do seu multivitamínico. Além disso, a marca se compromete com a sustentabilidade: 2% de cada compra é destinado a iniciativas de reflorestamento e limpeza dos oceanos, contribuindo para um futuro mais verde e saudável.
Gail Medina –
I buy this for my son and he loves it. He found it to have a rather earthy taste, which is to be expected from a plant-based vitamin, but he also said that it easily mixes into water or juice, and he can add his other morning supplements, such as pre-workout. I will probably continue buying this item, unless he finds some thing more beneficial.
David Al-hakeem –
I was looking for a powdered multi and this one tastes great. I mix it with a bottle of water, shake it up and then drink it. I wasn’t drinking enough water and this has helped me add an additional 16 ounces a day.
Galaxee –
I’m getting this for someone else so don ‘t know but it looks good.
mr.ramirez –
Makes me feel sick 🙁
Brendan Griffin –
Came across this as I was in search of a new multivitamin. I have a sensitive stomach with it comes to multivitamins and this one doesn’t irritate me at all. I take it with Breakfast in a pint of water it mixes with ease, tastes good & goes down easy.
Great bonus is it has some cheesy “dad jokes” On the back!
Raquel –
I’ve always taken a multivitamin pill, but I love being able to drink my vitamins in the morning when I wake up. It’s a huge plus that it tastes great, as I’ve tried some other mixes in the past that taste chalky. But this one is great! Been taking these for a couple of weeks and I’m staring to feel a good energy boost in the afternoons when I normally would crash. Highly recommend!
Joseph Grande –
The product met all my expectations. Similar products did not mix well, but Rootd powder quickly dissolves leaving no residue. The only thing left behind after mixing is a nice fizz and great taste. The single/daily packages are quite easy to open as well.
GodfatherInOhio –
This stuff is great. I was tired of ingesting my daily “horse pill” (multi-vitamin) and am always afraid that one day i’ll choke on the bugger. Root’d doesn’t have this problem- i drink it and it goes down the hatch smooooth as silk. It actually tastes good without added sugar. I purchased this on a one-time trial basis but will certainly purchase more of it. Rare is the product that works as advertised, and Root’d does indeed work as advertised.
Highly recommended