Descrição do Produto: Vibrant Health Green Vibrance Powder, 23.28 oz
O Vibrant Health Green Vibrance Powder é um suplemento nutricional premium que combina uma vasta gama de ingredientes naturais para promover a saúde e o bem-estar. Com 23,28 oz de pura vitalidade, este pó verde é formulado com uma mistura poderosa de vegetais, frutas, probióticos e enzimas digestivas, proporcionando uma fonte concentrada de nutrientes essenciais. Ideal para quem busca aumentar a ingestão de vitaminas e minerais, o Green Vibrance é especialmente benéfico para aqueles que têm uma dieta restrita ou que desejam complementar sua alimentação com nutrientes de alta qualidade. Sua fórmula única ajuda a melhorar a digestão, aumentar a energia e fortalecer o sistema imunológico, tornando-se uma adição valiosa à rotina diária de qualquer pessoa.
1. Aumento da Energia: A combinação de ingredientes naturais ajuda a elevar os níveis de energia, combatendo a fadiga e melhorando o desempenho físico.
2. Suporte Digestivo: Contém probióticos e enzimas que promovem uma digestão saudável, aliviando desconfortos gastrointestinais.
3. Fortalecimento do Sistema Imunológico: Rico em antioxidantes e nutrientes que ajudam a fortalecer as defesas naturais do corpo.
4. Melhora da Saúde Mental: Os nutrientes presentes podem contribuir para a clareza mental e o bem-estar emocional.
5. Facilidade de Uso: Pode ser facilmente adicionado a smoothies, sucos ou água, tornando a suplementação prática e saborosa.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar uma colher de sopa (aproximadamente 12 g) do Vibrant Health Green Vibrance Powder em 240 ml de água, suco ou sua bebida favorita. Agite bem ou utilize um liquidificador para garantir uma mistura homogênea. Para maximizar os benefícios, consuma diariamente, preferencialmente pela manhã, como parte de uma rotina saudável. É importante armazenar o produto em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar suas propriedades nutricionais.
Lyndi Rowe –
Have been using this product for 10+ years. Swear by it.
Add it to my smoothie every morning. Gives me energy, my skin and digestion are better.
Highly recommend.
Geeja –
The green super food powder that I had been using for the past several years (Garden of Eden), suddenly changed. I would spend the same amount (or more) as I always have on a container of the stuff, but every time I opened a new container lately, it seemed like there was less and less powder inside. I also recently found out that they had changed the formula and were not putting as much of the super good stuff in the mix as they used to. Needless to say, I decided a change was in order. So, I began to do some research. I read comparisons, visited websites, read blogs and reviews…and basically everything I could find on the subject. I’m on a tight budget and the super green stuff is not cheap! Totally worth it…but not cheap. So, I wanted to feel like I was getting the most for my money. I bought the Green Vibrance based on the good reviews and the fact that they believe in transparency. I ordered the 2 month supply for $65 and crossed my fingers that I didn’t just waste a whole bunch of money. I didn’t. This stuff is really great. Here’s a few reasons why…
**When I received the package, I noticed that it was very heavy. When I opened the container, it was full to the brim with product. And the powder was packed in there very densely, because I’ve been using it for a couple weeks now and it still seems fairly full.
**The taste is…well, it tastes like healthy green stuff…but, the way I make my smoothies masks the green taste really well…so, to me it tastes delicious.
**They are transparent! Full disclosure. It’s part of the credo. Check out the website! It is very informative. And from what I have read, this company’s formula is one of the most nutrient rich formulas on the market…at a fairly affordable price. Huge plus!
**Overall, I feel really good. I’ve been doing green smoothies regularly for several years. So, I didn’t feel a huge difference when I started the Green Vibrance because my body is already used to the extra nutrients. But, I feel great when I take it. And maybe I can’t tell you exactly how different I feel between one powder and the next, but I can tell you making the super food part of your regular diet REALLY works. It will improve your energy levels, regulate blood sugar, remove toxins, make your hair and skin healthy and glow-y. I haven’t been sick in years. No kidding. Not even a sniffle. And all of that is just the tip of the iceberg.
Bottom line: If you are going to spend the extra money to make green smoothies/super foods part of your diet (and you totally should), then Green Vibrance is the way to go. It may be a little more expensive than some of the other choices out there, but for the quality of product you’re getting, it is more than worth the money.
Zoe Flower –
I love Green Vibrance. A lot. Probably my friends and family are tired of hearing me preaching the gospel of this stuff but it is literally the best “green powder” I’ve ever had.
First off, it is jam packed with every amazing superfood you could want. I know it is expensive but, if you tried to purchase each one individually it would cost hundreds of dollars — go ahead and try lol).
It also includes probiotics which help you to actually absorb what you’re putting in. The integrity and quality of ingredients far surpasses its competitors (other green powders skimp on the good stuff and are filled with laxatives 😩). Totally worth the money.
After a day or two of drinking it, my long-time belly bloat disappeared. Flat tummy. It was an amazing moment 😂. Overall, I feel really good when I’m drinking this.
On the flip side, some people like to knock it for the taste. But face it, it’s veggies, vitamins and grass lol… it’s not going to taste like a Starbucks latte.
My personal opinion, it’s not the best but not the worse. Right in the middle. It isn’t packed with added artificial sweeteners. It’s mild enough to drink as is, but you don’t have to.
Pro Tip – mix a scoop with half a glass of water, half a glass of pomegranate or pineapple juice and it’s delicious. You need a big glass or big mason jar.
It will look like a swamp but it will taste much better than raw. Ladies, if you use pineapple juice you can also add a shot of apple cider vinegar for a super healthy tonic for your 😽.
If your worried about the sugar in the juice, just squeeze a lemon or lime in the water instead. Taste problem solved.
Amazon Customer –
I have used this before and I cannot recommend it enough. Everyone should be drinking this for their health. I would drink this on an empty stomach in the morning after a cup of hot water and I feel energized. I even let my 4 year old drink a little bit and she said she liked it and it became part of our morning routine back then. Hint: It helps to put it in ice cold water. I don’t try to mask it in juice or a smoothie we drank it straight in just cold water. The taste might take some getting used to but after a while it starts tasting sweet and you start craving it. You’ll see an amazing difference in your gut health and skin and energy levels. It’s expensive but worth it.
Geeja –
The first thing I want to address is the comments from people saying that there was hardly anything in the container. If you know anything about powdered goods, they generally leave container space for expansion during transit. And powdered goods settle! Give it a good shake before you open it! I usually fill the provided scoop with a spoon because the powder shouldn’t be packed down tight into the scoop anyway.
This powder does not taste good. That being said, I generally warm a cup or so of water in the microwave. Stir in my green powder, matcha tea and my daily collagen powder. Stir until dissolved, and put into a shaker bottle. Fill to about 16 oz, shake it thoroughly and hold my nose while I chug it. While still holding my nose, I add more water and rinse the remaining powder from the shaker bottle and drink. I do this until the water is clear. Then I toss a piece of PUR gum in my mouth a chew a few times before I release my nose. This way I taste nothing.
The benefits are so worth it. It’s my morning meal and I don’t need food until lunch time. I generally need to use the bathroom when I wake up and that’s credited to this shake. System running like clockwork. I’m not bloated or gassy like I used to be. I generally just feel better all over and have more energy.
I swear by it so I keep my little routine with the nose holding and gum chewing so I won’t get grossed out and give up. I plan to keep this in my routine always. If you just do one thing for your wellbeing, this is it.