Descrição do Produto: Fast Fasting Electrolyte Powder | com Creatina, Aminoácidos Essenciais
O Fast Fasting Electrolyte Powder é uma fórmula inovadora projetada para otimizar sua performance durante o jejum e atividades físicas intensas. Com uma combinação poderosa de eletrólitos, creatina e aminoácidos essenciais, este pó é ideal para quem busca maximizar a hidratação, a recuperação muscular e a energia. A creatina presente na fórmula ajuda a aumentar a força e a resistência, enquanto os aminoácidos essenciais promovem a síntese proteica e reduzem a degradação muscular. Com um sabor agradável e fácil de misturar, o Fast Fasting Electrolyte Powder é a escolha perfeita para atletas, praticantes de atividades físicas e qualquer pessoa que deseja manter-se ativa e saudável durante o jejum.
1. Hidratação Eficiente: Reposição rápida de eletrólitos perdidos durante o exercício ou jejum, prevenindo a desidratação.
2. Aumento de Performance: A creatina melhora a força e a resistência, permitindo treinos mais intensos e prolongados.
3. Recuperação Muscular: Os aminoácidos essenciais ajudam na recuperação pós-treino, reduzindo a dor muscular e acelerando o processo de cicatrização.
4. Suporte ao Jejum: Ideal para quem pratica jejum intermitente, mantendo a energia e o foco sem quebrar o jejum.
5. Fácil de Usar: Mistura instantânea e sabor agradável, tornando a suplementação prática e saborosa.
Misture uma colher medida (aproximadamente 10g) de Fast Fasting Electrolyte Powder em 250ml de água ou sua bebida preferida. Consuma antes, durante ou após o exercício físico para maximizar a hidratação e a recuperação. Para melhores resultados, utilize diariamente, especialmente em dias de treino intenso ou durante períodos de jejum. Agite bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido e aproveite os benefícios de uma fórmula avançada que apoia seu desempenho e bem-estar.
Nathanyuuup –
This is the second time I’ve purchased FAST! I absolutely love it! It gives me energy during my workouts and during fasting! I’m sensitive to caffeine and I can drink this without feeling jittery or shaky. The best thing is it’s completely natural with no chemicals or fillers!
josh –
I’ve done fasting protocols for ~5 years now. Nothing has made me feel this energetic and satiated in an all I’m one product. Will buy again.
Hope –
I can just about eat or drink anything. I have a pretty strong palette. This is, unequivocally, the worst thing I’ve ever tasted. I don’t know what fruit they thought they were making this taste like, but this thing has no semblance to any fruit on this planet.
This is just awful. You can’t even return it. What a waste of money.
Lisa –
The taste is way bad. Couldn’t do it. Worse yet, not returnable
Lisa –
Great Product! Excited to have a natural product to aid in my fasting for health and fitness. Great flavor too!
Joan W. –
I’m totally new to intermittent fasting. I started an almost daily fasting routine about the same time that I tried this FAST supplement for the first time. And I can tell you, I’ve never felt so good! More energy, more focus, more productivity through my fasted mornings. All I need is my cup of coffee and a water bottle with FAST nearby and I’m good to go!
More specifically, what I like about FAST is that it does what it says – gives me some nutrition so I don’t feel empty and hungry. After several weeks, I’m finding that I now crave the fruity flavor most mornings. Then I seem to make better choices the rest of the day, starting with some protein. Happy customer!
Hope –
This product taste horrible. I can drink nasty things but this is terrible. Worse than salt water. There is no barcode label to even scan. Makes me wonder who made this and if it is safe. Has not been evaluated by any one. Let me just mix salt and creatine and some watermelon amino powder and sell it on Amazon. Lol wanted to put one star but let me not tear u down. Fix this
Even on day 1 I noticed how much of an energy boost I was given using FAST at the start of my day. It has been the best way to break my fast, and the perfect segue into getting some movement into my day. I also love taking my collagen mixed in with this as well– and have been happy with the watermelon flavor. Typically I don’t enjoy watermelon flavored candies– but I have liked fast!
I have continued experiencing great benefits the days that I start with fast. I’m a believer!