Descrição do Produto: Fast Fasting Electrolyte Powder | com Creatina, Aminoácidos Essenciais
O Fast Fasting Electrolyte Powder é uma fórmula inovadora projetada para otimizar sua performance durante o jejum e atividades físicas intensas. Com uma combinação poderosa de eletrólitos, creatina e aminoácidos essenciais, este pó é ideal para quem busca maximizar a hidratação, a recuperação muscular e a energia. A creatina presente na fórmula ajuda a aumentar a força e a resistência, enquanto os aminoácidos essenciais promovem a recuperação muscular e previnem a degradação do tecido muscular durante períodos de jejum. Com um sabor agradável e fácil de misturar, o Fast Fasting Electrolyte Powder é a escolha perfeita para atletas, praticantes de atividades físicas e qualquer pessoa que deseja manter um estilo de vida saudável.
1. Hidratação Eficiente: Reposição rápida de eletrólitos perdidos durante o exercício ou jejum, prevenindo a desidratação.
2. Aumento de Performance: A creatina melhora a força e a resistência, permitindo treinos mais intensos e eficazes.
3. Recuperação Muscular: Os aminoácidos essenciais ajudam na recuperação pós-treino, reduzindo a dor muscular e acelerando o processo de cicatrização.
4. Suporte ao Jejum: Ideal para quem pratica jejum intermitente, mantendo a energia e o foco sem quebrar o jejum.
5. Fácil de Usar: Mistura instantânea e sabor agradável, tornando a suplementação prática e saborosa.
Misture uma colher medida (aproximadamente 10g) do Fast Fasting Electrolyte Powder em 250ml de água ou sua bebida preferida. Consuma antes, durante ou após o exercício físico para maximizar a hidratação e a recuperação. Para melhores resultados, utilize diariamente, especialmente em dias de treino intenso ou durante períodos de jejum. Agite bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido e aproveite os benefícios de uma fórmula que combina eletrólitos, creatina e aminoácidos essenciais.
IslandPolyGirl –
I’ve been using this for weightloss after 6 months of being stuck at the same weight (trying to go down another 20 lbs). This has helped me with fasting through lunch, instead of a normal sandwich and yogurt cup I’ve cut out the sandwich and drink a glass of water mixed with this after the yogurt, and it easily allows me to power through until dinner. After a week I’m down 4 lbs. I’m sure losses will be slower after this but it has at least allowed me to clear that hump I’ve been stuck at for 6 months!
I’m not sure what one of the reviewers mentioned about lack of instructions, the label on mine clearly states how to mix the product. I shake it to mix and that seems to work well, there’s just a little residue at the bottom of my glass, and swirling before I take the final gulp mixes it back with the water again. Flavor is OK. I’m not a fan of yellow Gatorade, and this tastes very similar to that to me. Which is fine, if it tasted too good I’d be tempted to mix it with water throughout the day, which defeats the purpose of trying to fast.
Jason –
I was really curious about this product and love the ingredients and pleasantly surprised on how good it tastes. Very cool you get so much in one product. Really helped me with my longer fasts.
Danette –
I don’t normally buy protein/workout/Electrolyte powders anymore because most are full of sodium, sugar or Alcohol sugars. If not salt, then some sugar substitute that causes bloating. This one has just the right amount of salt, the flavor is good, not overbearingly strong, just right. It did not give me the jitters. If you combine this with the companies collagen protein bar, it’s like one stop shopping!
Amanda Zack –
The main reason why I was interested in this was because it has Creatine Monohydrate as part of its ingredients. I am a very big proponent of Creatine as it is one of the most trusted supplements you can take . It has been rigorously tested for decades. Creatine helps with muscle performance in general so any way I can get my daily Creatine intake is a plus . The taste is just OK and not terrible . It is accurate to being lemon lime, it is tart and sour. I recommend this for anyone who wants a decent electrolyte and Creatine mix with an OK taste.
Chuck –
I got it to have something else besides water to drink in the last few hours of my fast or in the morning in place of coffee. Serves its purpose well.
IslandPolyGirl –
It’s a straight up NOPE for me and I’ve only had my first 2 sips. And the only reason why I took the second sip was just to confirm that it was really the drink.
First off, there’s zero instructions on how to consume it, when to take it, or how much water to mix it with. Next and foremost, the taste. I don’t usually speak blunt negativity about a product but it being this bad for me after just a sip, I’ll pass.
It’s got a medication type of taste that’s similar or exactly like a raw lime peel. Yes lime, not lemon.
Jael –
To be honest, just based off of the packaging on the jar, I had no idea what exactly this stuff was supposed to do for me other than maybe hydrate me during a fast? I don’t do Keto so I’m not sure where fasting comes in with that diet, but I enjoy trying to fast randomly so I thought I’d try this stuff, whatever it was! :))
I drank it in a glass of water with ice (they recommended chilling or drinking over ice, so I did) when I was starting to get really hungry. To my surprise, it actually curbed my hunger pangs for a good couple of hours! I actually felt really good too! Normally, if I ignore bad hunger pangs and try to keep on with my day I get shaky and lethargic, but I actually had great energy and didn’t feel any adverse affects from my hunger! I was rather surprisingly impressed!
The flavor was okay, definitely drinkable, but not something I’d just love to hang out and sip on. It just has a kind of slimy feel is the best way I can describe it, kind of feel to it. It did help as the drink cooled more with the ice in it, but still lingered as an aftertaste of sorts. Not horrible though by any means.
T K –
Love this product tastes like yellow Gatorade without the sugar ! Many great health benefits definitely worth purchasing . Love the lift it gives me to start my day