Descrição do Produto:
O Pó Eletrolítico Saltivate é a solução ideal para quem busca uma hidratação eficaz e saudável, especialmente para aqueles que levam um estilo de vida ativo. Com uma fórmula rica em sódio, potássio e magnésio, este pó eletrolítico sem açúcar e com zero calorias é perfeito para quem segue dietas como a keto ou carnivora. A combinação de eletrólitos naturais proporciona uma hidratação superior, tornando-se um componente essencial da sua rotina diária, seja para um impulso matinal, recuperação pós-treino ou simplesmente para enriquecer a água que você consome.
- HIDRATAÇÃO APRIMORADA PARA O SEU ESTILO DE VIDA ATIVO: O Saltivate combina os benefícios de um pó eletrolítico natural e sem açúcar, tornando-se uma parte essencial da sua rotina diária.
- SUPORTE À FUNÇÃO MUSCULAR E RECUPERAÇÃO: Com alto teor de sódio e potássio, o pó eletrolítico sem açúcar do Saltivate ajuda seus músculos a se recuperarem mais rapidamente e a evitarem cãibras.
- DIET-FRIENDLY E DELICIOSO: Desfrute de um pó eletrolítico de laranja naturalmente adoçado, ideal para dietas keto, low-carb, veganas ou sem glúten.
- MISTURA DE HIDRATAÇÃO CUSTO-EFETIVA: Com 45 porções em cada pote, nosso pó eletrolítico oferece uma escolha inteligente e sustentável para manter os eletrólitos saudáveis.
- SUSTENTE ENERGIA E APOIE A SAÚDE A LONGO PRAZO: O pó eletrolítico de alto sódio do Saltivate ajuda a manter sua energia e resistência estáveis.
1. Hidratação Eficiente: Melhora a absorção de líquidos, essencial para quem pratica atividades físicas intensas.
2. Recuperação Muscular Rápida: Reduz a fadiga muscular e previne cãibras, promovendo uma recuperação mais rápida após o exercício.
3. Adequado para Diversas Dietas: Perfeito para quem segue dietas restritivas, como keto e vegana, sem comprometer o sabor.
4. Custo-Benefício: Cada pote contém 45 porções, oferecendo uma solução econômica para a hidratação diária.
5. Sem Açúcar e Calorias: Ideal para quem busca manter uma alimentação saudável sem abrir mão do sabor.
Para obter os melhores resultados, misture uma colher de sopa (aproximadamente 10g) do Pó Eletrolítico Saltivate em 500ml de água. Agite bem até que o pó esteja completamente dissolvido. Consuma antes, durante ou após atividades físicas para maximizar a hidratação e a recuperação muscular. Para uso diário, pode ser adicionado à sua garrafinha de água, garantindo que você mantenha os níveis de eletrólitos adequados ao longo do dia.
Tony –
The price is decent for the amount you get… but it’s not very water soluble. It doesn’t break down all the way. The ingredients would be good for someone who does heavy workouts but way too much sodium otherwise. The taste is tolerable but not great.
Szakács Szilárd –
This is a great quality product for an excellent value. I like the flavor and how I feel after taking this. It helps me recover and rehydrate, and it is a good value. I recommend this for anyone needing additional hydration or recovery after a good workout!
Jason Loosle –
I’ve used this mix many times while doing yard work and it has done the job of keeping me hydrated. The taste isn’t horrible just as long as you make sure and mix ALL the powder up. I made the mistake a couple of times and missed some and had some gritty pockets while consuming. My fault but not pleasant so make sure you’ve blended it well. No problems with stomach issues when I’ve used it. Would highly recommend
Neil –
Loved the taste! It replaced my morning coffee and I feel much better!
Ingredients are similar to LMNT but with Vitamin C added and a bit less salty. Biggest difference is that one scoop costs half as much as a bag of LMNT!
Wish more flavors were available.
dianne guenther –
pretty good for an electrolyte drink. Grandson has POTS and needs the extra sodium.
Szakács Szilárd –
I’ve consumed a few glasses of this Saltivate product over the last couple days, and it’s sort of a cross between two other products I’ve used this past year: Reset Bioscience Hydration Shot, and Great Naturally Focus+. In my view, the key functional differences between Saltivate and these two other products are that Great Naturally doesn’t contain *any* chloride, and Great Naturally additionally includes caffeine. However, there are additional differences beyond the fact that Great Naturally has a phenomenal orange taste, whereas the tastes of Saltivate and Reset Bioscience are the salty-tasting versions of orange and watermellon, respectively, with Reset Bioscience possessing an especially nasty taste. As explained by a paper entitled “Chloride: the queen of electrolytes?” available via the National Library of Medicine’s PubMed, chloride plays “a key role in the regulation of body fluids, electrolyte balance, the preservation of electrical neutrality, acid-base status and it is an essential component for the assessment of many pathological conditions.” So the 1420mg of chloride per serving of Saltivate is definitely a differentiator when compared to the 440mg of chloride per serving (available via individually packaged liquid shots rather than scoops of powder that need to be mixed in water) of Reset Bioscience. Saltivate and Reset Bioscience both contain sodium, but each serving, respectively, contains 800mg versus 270mg, so it would seem that Saltivate would taste more salty when the reverse is actually true. I mentioned in my review of Great Naturally that “I certainly don’t detect the 90mg of caffeine purportedly contained in each serving”. As such, I don’t view it as having any differentiators beyond its great taste, due to the fact that it “doesn’t seem to provide any nootropic benefits for me”. All of this said, however, despite the considerably higher cost of Reset Bioscience relative to Saltivate, even though Saltivate technically has better specs, Reset Bioscience has been noticeably more beneficial for me as a daily runner. I mentioned in my review of Reset Bioscience that runs are typically a panacea for me, but on one particular occasion after a grueling business trip not even three runs in a 24-hour period cured a headache for me, and “within minutes of consuming the shot it disappeared”. Some might be interested in knowing that all of the products discussed here make use of natural sweeteners, because I refuse to consume toxic artificial sweeteners.
EG –
I’ve long been a user of various hydration and electrolyte drinks since I am a frequent exerciser and endurance athlete. There is a good chance that most of us are dehydrated, and it’s especially true if you sweat a lot during exercise. Saltivate can help solve this problem!
The electrolyte ratios in Saltivate are spot on (and, frankly, quite similar to many of the competitors on the market). If you are an LMNT user, this one is worth a try. Saltivate is also zero sugar, sweetened by stevia, which I really like.
I found Saltivate to be quite tasty – the salty orange flavor reminds me of something I can’t quite place from my younger days. Probably a drink I bought at the “health food store” during soccer or wrestling season, maybe? I don’t know, but I really enjoy the flavor!
It mixes really easily – I use one scoop per 16oz of water.
The only potential downside is the cost. At about $0.75/serving it’s not what I’d consider inexpensive. However, compared to other competitors on the market, it is a good deal. You’ll have to decide for yourself if the cost is worth it. For me, the convenience and taste is worth it.
Neil –
After a sweaty half marathon, I had a full scoop and I felt like it woke me up? The fog was gone. I’ve been using it all summer and it’s been a hot one. The regular nuun tablets haven’t been providing enough salt apparently. Also there’s less sugar in this. I use an electric mixer and haven’t had many issues with crunchy bits.
Overall, big fan. Easy on the stomach. Tastes good but isn’t too sweet. It’s really satisfying very cold (mix then add ice cubes). We are flying through this and ordering another one soon.