Descrição do Produto: Vitamin B12 Powder – Cyanocobalamina
A vitamina B12 é um dos pilares fundamentais para o bem-estar e a saúde do corpo humano. O pó de vitamina B12 da, na forma de cianocobalamina, oferece uma maneira prática e eficaz de garantir que você esteja recebendo a quantidade necessária desse nutriente essencial. Com 200 mcg por porção e um total de 100g, este suplemento é ideal para quem busca um impulso na saúde geral, além de suporte cardiovascular e energético.
- Elementos Fundamentais para o Bem-Estar: Os suplementos de vitamina B12, em pó de cianocobalamina, são a base da saúde, desempenhando papéis críticos em várias funções corporais, desde o suporte ao coração até a saúde geral. Assegure-se de que seu corpo tenha os blocos de construção certos para a vitalidade.
- Dose Diária de Bem-Estar: Incorporar nosso pó de vitamina B12, em cianocobalamina, à sua rotina diária é uma maneira simples, mas profunda, de investir em sua saúde a longo prazo. Um pequeno passo hoje pavimenta o caminho para benefícios substanciais de bem-estar amanhã.
- Alimente Seu Dia com Energia: Nosso pó de cianocobalamina, com 200 mcg de vitamina B12, é formulado para apoiar a energia do seu corpo, transformando os alimentos em energia de forma mais eficiente. Perfeito para mantê-lo energizado e ativo, não importa o que o seu dia reserve.
- Transparente e Confiável: Experimente a confiança que vem ao escolher um suplemento que não apenas atende a rigorosos testes de terceiros, mas também mantém os princípios de clareza e integridade em sua formulação e produção.
- Compromisso com a Excelência: Produzido em uma instalação que cumpre rigorosos padrões cGMP, nosso suplemento de B12 em pó de cianocobalamina é um testemunho do nosso compromisso com a qualidade. Você pode confiar na consistência e excelência do nosso produto, lote após lote.
1. Suporte Energético: A vitamina B12 é essencial para a conversão de alimentos em energia, ajudando a combater a fadiga e a manter a disposição ao longo do dia.
2. Saúde Cardiovascular: Contribui para a saúde do coração, promovendo a produção de glóbulos vermelhos e a manutenção de níveis saudáveis de homocisteína.
3. Função Cognitiva: A vitamina B12 é crucial para a saúde do sistema nervoso, ajudando a melhorar a memória e a concentração.
4. Fácil de Usar: O formato em pó permite uma dosagem flexível e fácil de incorporar em smoothies, sucos ou até mesmo em receitas.
5. Sem Glúten: Ideal para pessoas com restrições alimentares, garantindo que todos possam se beneficiar de suas propriedades.
Para obter os melhores resultados, recomenda-se misturar uma colher de chá (aproximadamente 20 mg) do pó de vitamina B12 em água, suco ou sua bebida favorita. Consuma uma vez ao dia, preferencialmente pela manhã, para maximizar a absorção e os benefícios energéticos ao longo do dia. Armazene em local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar a integridade do produto.
CntryGrlM –
The vitamin B12 arrived on time and as expected. The vitamin B12 comes in a pink color which is a bit odd however, I have noticed no taste when putting it in apple juice, hot tea, coffee, or smoothies. The powder dissolves easily. Like other products from Bulk Supplements, it is a described. I am using the powder supplement due to digestion issues and this product does not affect digestion as pill form can. You don’t even notice it in your drink. There is another nice feature of using powder …. you can choose the amount that you take. I have not noticed any changes since taking B12 at its lowest dosage. However, as my B12 is low, I hope my next text shows some improvement. I look forward to the long term benefits. I was given this package in exchange for this review. I have a positive experience with bulk supplements and their products and will continue to use them as I have been for some time prior to this review. I would recommend Bulk Supplements for anyone looking to use powder form instead of pill form. This is my third powder supplement from them.
The Human Accelerator –
Just like so many other reviews…this is a one of a kind company and product. Ive refused to take the “off the shelf” parade of vitamins and minerals because of all the “junk filler” used to reduce the daily recommended dosage. When I read from the supplier that a 1/32 teaspoon is their recommended dosage and that it supplied 33,000% of the RDA it was alarming. Before I took it I read up on cyanide poisoning, etc. After a few more hours of just “being with this new supplier and product” I proceeded to take half of the RDA listed on the package. Adding it to a fresh squeezed, organically grown green juice (kale, romaine, carrot, apple, bell pepper, squeeze of lemon) that was 32 ounces, I split that between my wife and I. We’ve been zealous in our commitment to an all organic vegan and raw diet for decades and in our mid 60’s are finding we have some things missing in the vitamin and mineral realm…signs of deficiencies. Well, just three days into taking this dosage once a day, we feel dramatic improvements to those symptoms…blurred vision, tingling and numbness in the feet, vertigo (this one has hit me hard starting 2 weeks ago…hadn’t had trouble with it in decades…at least like this one spell most recently) and several other “signs” of trouble like “clouded thinking” and emotional swings. I read somewhere in a chemical paper that a 5000 mg dose of B12 netted the person being examined a net gain of 9.5 micrograms. Anyway, we both feel a Lifting Up of our sense of well being…a new yet familiar sense of being Grounded in something Profound. It may take a few more days or even a few weeks for me to mend from some of the deeper conditions…like numbness and pins and needles feeling in both feet…but I am so Grateful for this kind of pure product being made available to a single person instead of just selling to the manufactures of lesser potent products. Thank you for having the vision to create this kind of company.
CBoenig –
Very pleased to have a pure B12 powder like this. I could immediately tell it was excellent for my body! My body felt like thirsty ground soaking up a refreshing spring rain on my first dose… and I quickly followed it with a second and soon after a third! It was hard to quantify, but it was as though B12 dependent functions in my body suddenly had this depleted vitamin available and as the deficient reserves were resupplied …there was notable physical relief, ease and a definitive sense of better general wellness that I felt. Moreover, following a health challenge, I have been trying to rebuild my energy levels…. with this B12, (I’ve tried others) but with this one, I had my first fully active day in over a month and a half. I embarked on an ambitious project first thing yesterday and by 3 pm wasn’t even thinking of slowing down [7 hours later]… and I wasn’t ‘trudging’ through the tasks either. I took just two or three doses throughout the day mixed with my drinks and finished the project with all tasks complete, feeling satisfied (rather than spent!) and energy to shift my focus to family things that evening. I got more done yesterday at a light, easy-going pace than previously would typically be accomplished in several days actually. Proper supplementation for one’s health makes all the difference in the quality of life that can be enjoyed. I’m so thankful to add this to my ‘health shelf’. It’s definitely a ‘keeper’ in my vitamin supplementation and a worthwhile investment in my quality of life!
wyldekat –
I ordered this because of some issues which pointed to a B12 deficiency. A regular multivitamin was not helping much. I have ordered from BulkSupplements before, and have always been pleased. So this was a no brainer for me. It arrived quickly and I haven’t had my issue re-occur since.
It is not a white powder, but pink in color and can taste a bit bitter. The norpro measuring spoons have been helpful. I have purchased a couple sets and I just keep the appropriate spoon in the envelope. I do find that this hasn’t been mixing well, and can clump at the bottom of my coffee. I just add it to my nutribullet and have not had an issue since.
The unexpected benefit is the energy… without the jitters. I hadn’t realized how tired I had been as of late. I just add this to my coffee cocktail in the morning, as it is the easiest way for me not to forget to take my vitamins. I feel like I am actually able to get things done…. and want to do more. So if you have any projects you have been procrastinating on, this will help get you going.
I take 1/32 of a teaspoon, flattened, in the morning. I have occasionally added it to my coffee in the afternoon if needed which is the max daily dose.
I have never had an issue with ordering from BulkSupplements, or any of their products. I will continue to order from them as it is more cost effective than the vitamins in stores.