BulkSupplements.com TUDCA Powder – Ácido Tauroursodeoxicólico, TUDCA 500mg
Em um mundo onde a saúde e o bem-estar são prioridades cada vez mais reconhecidas, o BulkSupplements.com TUDCA Powder surge como um aliado poderoso para aqueles que buscam suporte para o fígado e uma melhoria geral na qualidade de vida. Este suplemento, que contém 500mg de Ácido Tauroursodeoxicólico por porção, é uma escolha ideal para quem deseja elevar sua saúde de forma prática e eficaz.
- Eleve Sua Saúde Geral e Bem-Estar: Projetado para apoiar sua saúde de maneira abrangente, nosso pó de TUDCA é a adição perfeita a qualquer estilo de vida. Repleto de nutrientes essenciais, ele foi desenvolvido para impulsionar seu bem-estar geral, mantendo você se sentindo no seu melhor dia após dia.
- Adaptado para Estilos de Vida Modernos: Nosso suplemento de TUDCA não se trata apenas de nutrição; o pó de Ácido Tauroursodeoxicólico se encaixa facilmente em sua rotina moderna. Seja você alguém que está começando uma vida mais saudável ou um profissional consciente da saúde, nossos produtos são elaborados para complementar suas preferências dietéticas e objetivos de bem-estar.
- Forma de Pó Conveniente para Integração Fácil: Diga adeus a regimes complicados de pílulas! Nosso suplemento de TUDCA, na dosagem de 500mg, vem em uma forma de pó versátil, tornando incrivelmente fácil a sua integração em qualquer estilo de vida. Basta adicioná-lo ao seu smoothie matinal, suco ou água pura para elevar sua ingestão nutricional diária sem complicações.
- Transparente e Confiável: Experimente a confiança que vem ao escolher um suplemento que não apenas atende a rigorosos testes de terceiros, mas também mantém os princípios de clareza e integridade em sua formulação e produção.
- Compromisso com a Excelência: Produzido em uma instalação que cumpre rigorosos padrões cGMP, nosso pó de TUDCA, na dosagem de 500mg, é um testemunho de nossa dedicação à qualidade. Você pode confiar na consistência e excelência do nosso produto, lote após lote.
1. Suporte ao Fígado: O TUDCA é conhecido por suas propriedades que ajudam a proteger e desintoxicar o fígado, promovendo uma função hepática saudável.
2. Melhora na Digestão: Este suplemento pode auxiliar na digestão de gorduras, contribuindo para um sistema digestivo mais eficiente.
3. Aumento da Energia: Ao promover a saúde do fígado, o TUDCA pode ajudar a aumentar os níveis de energia, permitindo que você enfrente o dia com mais disposição.
4. Fácil Integração na Dieta: A forma em pó permite que você adicione facilmente o TUDCA a diversas bebidas e alimentos, tornando a suplementação prática e acessível.
5. Qualidade Garantida: Com produção em instalações que seguem rigorosos padrões de qualidade, você pode ter certeza de que está consumindo um produto seguro e eficaz.
Para obter os melhores resultados com o BulkSupplements.com TUDCA Powder, recomenda-se misturar uma porção de 500mg (aproximadamente uma colher medida) em 200ml de água, suco ou smoothie. Consuma uma vez ao dia, preferencialmente pela manhã, para maximizar a absorção e os benefícios ao longo do dia. É importante seguir as orientações de uso e consultar um profissional de saúde antes de iniciar qualquer regime de suplementação.
Anonymous_One –
How do you really know if its working? But I mix with my Magnesium and Potassium drink in the AM. Taste horrible but liver health and maintenance is key…
Von –
Other reviews have said it but this is the worst and it sticks to your tongue. Get pills as this is absolutely unbearable.
Tame –
First the good. It IS crazy bitter like TUDCA is supposed to be. I didn’t do a starch test to see if common fillers, like rice, were added. However, despite not smelling pungent like Sulphuric items do, it probably isn’t mixed with starch given then weight issue. It comes in a beefy package that stays standing when you pop it open to scoop, though I tapped mine onto an electronic gram scale. (It’s accurately calibrated & I’d used it to weigh another supplement powder from Bulk Supplements then cleaned it thoroughly before this weigh in.) Now the rest. It took nearly 1/2 tsp to equal 500 mg when there was between 1/4 – 1/3 C MAX. I didn’t pour it all out to measure because it clings to glass & metal, and I didn’t want to waste any given the new trippled price point. After watching my scale sit idle until quite a bit of powder was on it (it’s fluffy like powered sugar), I decided to weigh the entire package, which was 61g. Ladies & gentlemen, that pouch is far too dense to weigh only 11 grams. Additionally, if we generously say it is 1/3 C, that equals only16 teaspoons. I measured 500 g to be just under 1/2 tsp. If we are generous & say it is 1/3 tsp, that would be 48 servings total. So, to get 100 servings at 500 mg each, you will need to purchase 2 – 3 bags and price your cost accordingly. I was in the healthcare biz as a pracitioner recommending supplements to clients, not someone who sold supplements, but the following is neither an endorsement or recommendation, just helping inform people looking for honest & helpful tools like me. For my next purchase, I will get Nutricost’s Tudca, which I’d not tried before as Bulk Supplement was my 1st purchase. A fellow reviewer weighted the Tudca powder finding it accurate plus tested for starches & found there were not starch fillers added. At least I will be able to compare how each performed for me as well as feel better about honest packaging & pricing.
Chris L. –
Tastes as disgusting as it should. The only issue I noticed is possibly some impurities. Some hard crystalline bits throughout the powder… could just be caused by moisture though. Currently the best price though hands down for what at first appearances seems to be legitimate TUDCA.
Monika –
Had to buy capsules and special spoons to measure this out. I wish bulk supplments included scoops with these items and i have a few powders from this company and they always fail to provide the measurement scoop which would aid in supplementation. Other than that. These are great products and a quality brand im a loyal customer of.
W –
This is the cheapest source of TUDCA I’ve found. I’ve tried many compounds from this company and they’re always high quality. TUDCA is the best supplement you can take to protect and heal your liver. NAC and milk thistle are great as well but if I could only take one it would be TUDCA. When it comes to taking pure powders I usually hold a sip of a pleasant tasting drink in my mouth (something that can mask tastes) then I dump my measured dose of powder (either from a measuring spoon or a piece of folded paper which I’d just used as a weighing device on a scale) directly in my mouth and immediately swallow it. If I swallow quickly enough I can usually avoid tasting much of anything besides the drink. TUDCA however is one of the most disgusting powders I’ve ever tasted. It’s reminiscent of stomach bile which makes sense considering how this substance is produced organically. Thankfully this is synthetic TUDCA which didn’t require killing or torturing bears to be produced. But it still tastes awful even when I swallow immediately after it hits the drink I’m holding in my mouth. After cleansing my palate with a few more sips of a sweet drink the taste is gone. But it’s still unpleasant enough that I decided to buy more TUDCA capsules which are about twice as much from the cheapest brand I know of, but it’s worth it for the convenience. I’m sure there are ways I can avoid tasting this TUDCA at all, besides the obvious of capsuling it myself. So I don’t regret buying 100g of this TUDCA because I know it will be used up eventually. The benefits of this substance far outweigh the 10 seconds of nasty taste in my mouth.
Iryna P. –
I love that that this supplement is clean and pure. However!!! It is tooooooooo bitter. OMG!!!! I have no idea how to take it and do not feel sick. If producer has suggestions, I would listen.
Amazon Customer –
Happy bulk supp finally came through with tudca. Nutricoast became extremely greedy and price nearly doubled in the past year. I buy the 100 servings bulk sup for just a little more than nutricoast and use the nutricoat container. Nearly fills it up! I mix it with the strawberry flavored amini energy from costco. Best thing I found to mask the bitter flavor I have come to like. Love it to start my day with.
Elizabeth Waddell –
An easy product to use – seems to have some effect
G Silva –
The product is good, I like the face it’s pure there’s nothing ele se mixed with it (as far as it’s is showing in the package), but it’s not much of it, very a little product for lots of cash.