Descrição do Produto: Starwest Botanicals Organic Wheatgrass Powder, 1 Pound
O pó de trigo verde orgânico da Starwest Botanicals é um superalimento altamente nutritivo, proveniente de grãos de trigo cultivados organicamente. Com um peso de 1 libra, este produto é ideal para quem busca incorporar uma fonte rica de vitaminas, minerais e antioxidantes na dieta diária. O pó é feito a partir de folhas jovens de trigo, que são colhidas no auge de seu valor nutricional e desidratadas a baixas temperaturas para preservar suas propriedades benéficas. Com um sabor suave e levemente adocicado, o pó de trigo verde pode ser facilmente adicionado a smoothies, sucos, sopas e até mesmo receitas de panificação, proporcionando um impulso saudável e natural.
1. Rico em Nutrientes: Contém uma alta concentração de vitaminas A, C, E e K, além de minerais como ferro, cálcio e magnésio, essenciais para a saúde geral.
2. Apoio ao Sistema Imunológico: Os antioxidantes presentes no pó de trigo verde ajudam a fortalecer o sistema imunológico, protegendo o corpo contra doenças.
3. Desintoxicação Natural: Auxilia na eliminação de toxinas do organismo, promovendo uma limpeza interna e melhorando a saúde digestiva.
4. Aumento de Energia: O consumo regular pode proporcionar um aumento natural de energia, ajudando a combater a fadiga e melhorando o desempenho físico.
5. Facilidade de Uso: Versátil e prático, pode ser incorporado em diversas receitas, facilitando a inclusão de nutrientes na dieta diária sem complicações.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do pó de trigo verde orgânico da Starwest Botanicals, recomenda-se adicionar 1 a 2 colheres de sopa do produto em smoothies, sucos ou iogurtes. Também pode ser misturado em sopas ou utilizado em receitas de panificação, como pães e bolos, para enriquecer o valor nutricional. Para uma desintoxicação eficaz, considere consumir diariamente em jejum, diluindo em água morna ou suco. É importante armazenar o pó em um local fresco e seco, longe da luz direta, para preservar suas propriedades.
denise olden –
I purchased this product thinking that Starwest Botanicals was a quality company. The product was advertised as organic so I believed that it was safe. On the label(which I did not read)in small print is a warning as to where the product is produced-China and a warning that the product could expose you to lead which cause birth defects and other reproductive harm. I know lead also is linked to cancer. I had just opened this product as I read to small print—I was shocked. I would never have purchased any health supplement containing lead. I requested my money back but was denied. I called Starwest Botanicals and because I purchased the item from Amazon, they told me Amazon handles their own purchases. I am so disappointed with the integrity of this transaction. I purchased this product in good faith and I feel very mislead and schocked.
Adrienne L –
I’m always happy with products from this company. Will purchase again.
TresChic –
Great product! Highly recommended!!! Use it with a cup shaker — blends easily! Thank you! 🙂
Noel –
It’s really nice wheatgrass powder for the price. It’s a big bag that lasts a long time. I can’t complain. I definitely suggest transferring it to a different container. Some reviews talked about a warning for cancer-causing chemicals, but I didn’t see anything like that on my bag.
Amazon Customer –
It is just as it shows in the pic. The quality is great and I am very happy with this product.
Jean Victor S. –
It says “US Organic Certified” but its label warns that it contains substance(s) that can cause “birth defects or other reproductive harm”. The label also mentions that the product comes from China: I won’t be surprised the the poisonous substances are heavy metals since it is well known that the use of sewage is widespread in China’s agriculture.
I use the product twice; I did not like the smell or the taste and it gave me stomach cramps and diarrhea.
I can’t return the product since I opened it and tried it.) I’ll end up in the trash.
I am surprise that Amazon lists the product as a “Prime” product.” Please Amazon drop it.(I don’t know why Amazon dropped the Sevenhills Wheatgrass Powder I used regularly and was a far superior product.)
Lotus54 –
It was my own mistake; I am fairly new to using wheatgrass juice powder. I recently ordered a very expensive and very small package of it and while it was expensive, it was impressive. It was a deep, rich and fine green powder. When I went to reorder I checked around and saw this ‘wheatgrass powder’ and thought it was the same thing. So I ordered thinking it was a great deal and then was disappointed to see it was pale, coarse and gritty, at least as compared to the wheatgrass JUICE powder I had previously been using. So I did a little reading and learned the difference, which in very basic terms is this: Wheatgrass powder (this product) is made from drying and using the entire plant, pulp and all, so it’s better for a bulk fiber. Wheatgrass Juice Powder on the other hand, is made by juicing the plant and then that juice is dried, so the result is a much more nutrient dense product and much finer in texture.
So this seems like a perfectly fine product, and I’ve used other products by this brand and have always been happy with them. I’ll go ahead and finish this and maybe even buy it going forward for the fiber value. But I’ll have to look elsewhere for the wheatgrass juice powder, which is really what I wanted for the dense nutritional value it offers.
Ashley –
Great product. Even better bang for our bucks
Incitatus –
Tastes like wheatgrass, this bag isn’t even half empty and it’s lasted me about 7 months or so. Insane value.
Saw people freaking out about the Prop 65 warning on the front label. I’ll explain it, and no I don’t work for them, I just had some time to burn and did 3 minutes of research. And this isn’t me trying to convince anyone of anything, it’s just to inform anyone curious. I’m not here to debate anything.
1. The chemical referred to in the warning is lead. There’s lead in any soil, whether it’s China or America. There are levels of lead in your organic produce at the store. The California Prop 65 law threshold for all chemicals including lead is something like 0.00005%, this isn’t an exact number, but understand that it’s a very low number (look it up). They’re about one decimal point higher than that in their wheatgrass product which essentially has no effect, and probably less of an effect compared to organic produce that has dirt on it that you need to wash off. If you eat vegetables, you’re taking in small amounts of lead that the body gets rid of eventually. I hope I didn’t inadvertently convince you to go on a strict carnivore regimen. Which, by the way, tuna has trace levels of mercury in it. Chemicals are present in both plants and animals.
2. On their website, look up Starwest Botanicals, at the quality testing page, they specifically say they regularly inspect their products for quality and purity to make sure there’s no bad stuff in it. And it is in the interest of the company to test their stuff so they’re not poisoning their customers.
3. The reason why they’re putting that label is so they are up front and honest with their customers. Other companies might leave it out because it’s bad for sales.
K.Larson –
I purchased this product and I have no bad things to say about it so far. I experienced no unwanted side effects from this particular brand of wheatgrass and the taste is comparable to other brands that I have had.
I haven’t used wheatgrass in awhile though so when shopping for it online and in stores I did notice that most of the brands where quite expensive. I am willing to spend good money for good quality but when I saw the price on this wheatgrass I decided to give it a try.
It mixes up well with my daily health drink and I noticed that within just a week that my energy went up and my bowel movements seemed to become more regular. It appears (from what I’ve noticed) that it is doing the job that wheatgrass is supposed to do, i.e.- more energy, better digestion, even my blood pressure has went down. By the way, I would never use this as a replacement for blood pressure medication but in a health-maintenance way, along with my exercise routine, I do believe that this wheatgrass will aid in keeping me out of going to the doctor’s officer for anything more than routine check-ups.
I did notice that it comes from China and you know what? I don’t really care. I have plenty of healthy Chinese, Indian and other Southeast Asian friends and I do believe that they know how to make a healthy product or two? At least I would guess that not ALL of their products are crap. The “don’t buy this product because it’s Chinese” is kind of a turn off to that message in general and I tend to stop reading after I see that.
Bad products come from ALL over the globe.
Just research your products, test them out and see for yourself. If you like something, keep using it. If not, toss it. You know better for the next time.
I have used other Starwest Botanical products in the past and in general, they’ve proven themselves to be a good source of healthy products.
I am a satisfied customer. I hope you will be too.