Descrição do Produto: PURE SYNERGY Organic Barley Grass Juice Powder
Descubra o poder revitalizante do PURE SYNERGY Organic Barley Grass Juice Powder, um pó de suco de grama de cevada 100% puro e orgânico, que traz a natureza para o seu dia a dia. Cada frasco de 5,3 onças contém grama de cevada cultivada nos Estados Unidos, colhida no auge de sua densidade nutricional. Este superalimento verde é uma fonte rica em clorofila, proporcionando uma explosão de energia, desintoxicação e suporte à digestão.
- A GRAMA DE CEVADE MAIS PURA: Cada frasco de 5,3 onças contém 100% de pó de suco de grama de cevada orgânica certificada, extraída de cevada cultivada nos EUA e colhida no momento ideal para garantir a máxima nutrição.
- ENERGIZE, DETOX E DIGESTIONE: Enzimas vegetais vibrantes e aminoácidos promovem energia diária; a clorofila e potentes antioxidantes favorecem a desintoxicação saudável do fígado e a limpeza; minerais alcalinizantes apoiam o equilíbrio digestivo.
- SUPERFOOD VERDE SUPERIOR: Extraído a frio dentro de horas após a colheita e desidratado a baixa temperatura para máxima potência bioativa; o pó vibrante mistura-se perfeitamente em smoothies verdes.
- A DIFERENÇA SYNERGY: Com sede em Moab, UT, a The Synergy Company é uma B Corp certificada, comprometida com ingredientes puros e orgânicos que ajudam você a alcançar sua saúde máxima. Todos os produtos são fabricados nos EUA com ingredientes nacionais e importados.
- INGREDIENTES REAIS EM QUE VOCÊ PODE CONFIAR DIARIAMENTE: Certificado Orgânico, Não-OGM, Vegano e Sem Glúten. Uso sugerido: Misture 1,5 colheres de chá em 4-6 onças de água, suco ou smoothie.
1. Aumento de Energia Natural: O pó de suco de grama de cevada fornece um impulso energético sem os picos e quedas associados a estimulantes artificiais.
2. Desintoxicação Eficaz: A clorofila e os antioxidantes presentes ajudam a limpar o fígado e a eliminar toxinas do corpo, promovendo uma saúde geral melhor.
3. Suporte Digestivo: Os minerais alcalinizantes e enzimas vegetais ajudam a equilibrar o sistema digestivo, aliviando desconfortos e promovendo uma digestão saudável.
4. Fácil de Incorporar: O pó se mistura facilmente em bebidas e smoothies, tornando a adoção de hábitos saudáveis simples e prática.
5. Ingredientes de Alta Qualidade: Com certificação orgânica e livre de aditivos, você pode confiar que está consumindo um produto puro e benéfico para a saúde.
Para aproveitar ao máximo os benefícios do PURE SYNERGY Organic Barley Grass Juice Powder, recomenda-se misturar 1,5 colheres de chá do pó em 4-6 onças de água, suco ou smoothie. Esta dosagem permite que você incorpore facilmente o superalimento em sua rotina diária, garantindo que você receba uma dose concentrada de nutrientes essenciais. Ideal para ser consumido pela manhã ou como um lanche saudável ao longo do dia, o pó de grama de cevada é uma adição versátil e nutritiva à sua dieta.
Lissette –
I already purchased around 4 or 5 bottles of this barley grass juice powder, so thank God they are on prime shipping! It is always in stock and I get this delivered in 2 days consistently.
It is definitely high quality barley grass juice, and the powder is a rich dark green (which is the way it should be).
My 7 year old drinks this stuff along with me, and she has NO problem at all with the taste (and she can be picky!). I think the taste is fine since I actually mix one heaping teaspoon of this with blueberries, and I can barely tell it is there. Adding the juice of one lemon may also help, but it is not really necessary.
I understand this helps to move heavy metals out of the body and detoxifies in general, especially when taken with Hawaiian Spirulina. It also helps keep the body more alkaline as well. It is good for those experiencing hypothyroid… so I will update on that later. Gives good natural energy for sure, especially when drinking this on a daily basis.
gracies dad –
This is by far the very best barley grass juice powder that I have used. It is extremely fresh and dissolves very well. Pure Synergy never disappoints and I would highly recommend. Thank you for a wonderfull product at a very affordable price. 5 stars plus!!
Samuel Tomich –
I bought this product instead of a more expense barley grass juice powder in an attempt to economize. I’m sure it’s a good product, but it tastes terrible! It’s very strong and I think the only way I’ll be able to use it is to make smoothies. When I had the other brand I looked forward to taking it in the morning just mixed with water, but I’m avoiding the Pure Synergy brand so I know there’s a problem….
Apple Tech Maestro –
natural Organic ingredient.
Amazing natural taste
Nice packaging
Like the glass bottle and steel cap
Make sure to consult with your health professional to make sure this is safe to consume for your case.
Glass is good for powder but also it can be dangerous so make sure to be careful.
Kept or Returned?
Kept cause it was pretty good quality and amazing organic powder.
Thanks for your time and I hope this review was helpful.
Joe Mama –
Product seems good. Not sure how accurate an analysis of a product like this can be going purely off user experience. To really find out the quality of a supplement a lab test would have to be done. But it has an earthy grassy taste to it like I would expect barley grass juice powder to have. Texture and appearance are what I would expect as well. Did not experience any major energy boost like some reviewers claim. Although I eat pretty healthy in general and did not expect to receive an energy boost from taking this. Taking it just to try to be healthy. My only complaint is that there are not 60 servings per container as listed on the label. I’m on my fourth bottle of this stuff. After my first two I kind of got suspicious of how long the bottle was lasting me. So on my third bottle I kept track of the amount of servings I got out of it. I ended up only getting 40 servings out of the bottle. A far cry from the 60 they claim. Otherwise the product seems good. For right now I’m sticking with it although I’m considering trying a different brand in the future.
Clark J Woodruff –
I’ve been drinking barley powder for about 5 years now, nothing but great things to say about it and I’ve told many people about it who also love it. I used to use “Just Barley” brand but discovered this one a little while back which is a much better value. With either brand, barley powder gives me more energy, clearer thinking, and one of the biggest wins is overall digestive health, to name a few benefits. Within a couple weeks or so of starting the regimen of a tbsp. in the morning and a tbsp. just before bed (start off with less than a tbsp for beginners) you will notice “a cleaning sensation” of your digestive tract, believe me, you will feel great after about a month of this, if you’re overweight the results should be even better!! I typically do this for two months then go back to just once a day for a few months then back to twice a day to get a good clean in. I will likely continue to use barley powder the rest of my life. It’s easier than growing my own wheatgrass or barley and juicing it, plus its likely cheaper in the end, not to mention the time. I know fresh is better but this is certainly a great shortcut to growing your own. As for the mixing of it, I used to use a shaker bottle but have been using a nutribullet for the last year, it foams on the top for a few minutes but it certainly integrates the powder the best in liquids. There’s plenty of documented benefits of chlorophyll and greens in general so get yourself a bottle and enjoy!!
Joey R. Kong –
I’ve been drinking barley grass juice from powder for years, and this is hands down the best quality I’ve found. It has a rich concentrated chlorophyll flavor; as it should. I feel it has a good calming, detoxifying, and stabilizing effect on my system.
If you’re new to barely grass, start off with small quantities, and don’t eat really rich foods before or after. It is highly alkali so dumping a cheese burger and coke on it afterwards can mess with your digestive chemistry. My wife likes to add it to her smoothies, I enjoy it straight from the shaker bottle mixed with water- blending or shaker bottle is a must- it does not dissolve easily in water.